Rebuilding Science in a Magic World

[Vol.3] Ch.12 Insurrection

After two more days, Zaka finally had enough energy that I started to help him get used to using crutches.  He hasn't headed outside yet with them, but finally giving him some mobility should help him start to recuperate better.  I took the opportunity to thoroughly clean the dining table, and resurface it for good measure.  Zaka has steadily been gaining hp back as well, and he's at a little above half hp now.

Considering his condition has improved this much, he's going to start sleeping in one of the guest rooms, rather than on the table now, and Zeb and I are going to return to normal sleep schedules.  We'll still be doing daily checkups with him to make sure he's still recovering though.  We've also decided that we won't travel far alone, just in case any bad situations arise in the near future.  As such, we're going to be slowly depleting our food supply for the next few weeks until Zaka is healthy enough to return to the goblin village.

On a positive note, all the eagle down is clean and dried now.  I had intended to make a mattress or blanket, but I realized that I don't really have the materials to make a good binding material like cloth, so I set it aside for now.  Later, I'd like to trade the goblins for it, but that'll have to wait until Zaka is ready to return to the village as well.

Since we've started to return to a semi-normal schedule, Zeb and I have started to do some work around the cave.  Although Zeb used a decent amount of the stone from the winter building the watchtower, there is still a lot left.  Without any projects to use it for though, we've decided to just put it in piles outside and leave it there until the need arises.  Having what we had made building the watchtower go much faster, so it can't hurt to keep some good building materials around.

One thing we've thought about building, however, is some outdoor storage warehouses by the path.  Just some basic covered buildings where we can store things.  Right now, we have the very large storage area in the cave, which is great, but expanding it produces a lot of stone that we don't have a use for.  As such, we could use some of that stone to build sturdy covered buildings outside, capable of withstanding the winter, where spare stone could be stored.  With that decided, we started work on the first storage warehouse.

It's been another two days, and Zeb and I have been making decent progress on the warehouse.  We were making good progress today, when suddenly, we heard shouts followed by a spear nearly hitting me.  Zeb and I both looked out down the path, and coming up the path were more than a dozen goblins, and a hobgoblin.

I'd worried this might happen, and I'm surprised they acted this quickly.  I guess with the eagle having been gone for more than a week, they've gotten bold.  Zeb and I were prepared for this, so we hurriedly ran back to the cave where Zaka was minding his own business sitting in a chair.  Zeb quickly explained the situation to Zaka.  Zaka's face became stern, and he grabbed his crutches and made his way to the front door.  As he did so, Zeb and I armed ourselves as well.

By this time, the goblins had started to enter into the cleared area around the cave entrance.  Many had looks of confusion on their faces, others still looked towards Zeb and I with anger.

Zaka began to speak in a steady and strong voice, and as he did, Zeb translated for me quietly, "What brings all of you here today?"

The other hobgoblin spoke, and Zeb informed me that this was Kurg, "We've come to deal with the cursed beings up here!"

Zaka replied, "On who's authority was that decided?"

Kurg responds, and the goblins who were angrily looking at Zeb and I cheer, "On my authority as acting chief!"

Zaka replies to this with a stronger tone, "I didn't realize that I was no longer acting chief, although I'm sure my absence had left many of you worried."  As he finishes this sentence, he looks over to the many goblins who were previously confused.

Kurg retorts, "A chief who goes missing can no longer be chief.  Now stand aside, the village has made its decision as to what to do."

Despite being on his crutches, Zaka stays where he is and replies, "A poorly informed decision for the village will only lead to ruin.  What would the village want if they knew that I was alive, and that these two killed the eagle and saved me?"

Kurg laughs to himself, "Letting these cursed beings live on once again?  I think not.  After they are gone, we can let the village decide what to do.  If you will not move, then I'll make you move."

After Kurg finishes speaking, he picks his spear up, and aims it towards Zaka, Zeb, and myself.  As he does so, about half of the goblins also pick their weapons up.

Zaka says one final thing, and unfortunately, Zeb doesn't have time to translate it for me, as right after, Zaka fires off a fireball towards Kurg.  As he does so, many of the goblins who were confused before pick their weapons up and begin fighting their neighbors.

Kurg dodges out of the way, and begins closing the distance towards us.  The rest of the area has become a frenzied melee as the goblins are fighting one another.   It's quite unlucky that this happened right now.  I'm freshly prestiged, and Zaka is wounded.  As Kurg charges at us, I step in front of Zaka.  He can't move well, so I'll have to act as a shield for him, so that he can continue to fight.  I only have enough max mana for one earth spike, so if I go for one, it needs to hit.

As I step in front, Kurg does two things I didn't expect.  First, he hurls his spear at me, and it flies with extraordinary speed.  I move my buckler up to protect myself, and I get it up just in time.  The buckler, made of lightstone, shatters along with the spear, causing me to flinch.  In those brief seconds, Kurg charged in, and punched me center of mass, sending me flying backwards into Zaka.  As he hits me, he yells something out in the demon language.  A moment later, Zaka and I crash into the building behind us.  With the wind knocked out of me, I watch the fight in front of me unfold.

*Zeb's POV starting moments prior*

I can't believe Kurg is going this far for this.  He was hard headed, sure, but raising his spear against Zaka?

Zaka responds, "Then, to each goblin here, now.  Choose your side.  Do you choose us, or do you choose betrayal?"  As he finishes speaking, Zaka shoots a fireball at Kurg.

I'm not surprised that Kurg dodged the fireball.  He's always been quick.  I watch, like a passenger, as he charges at Zaka.

Zack positions himself in between Kurg and Zaka.  He'll stop him.  He always wins.

I blink, and I see Zack and Zaka flying backwards.  I didn't expect this, and I take a sharp breath.  Many of the goblins in the melee surrounding drop their guard and look in at what just happened.

My instincts kick into high gear, and I release an earth spike on Kurg who is now within reaching distance of me.  A stone spike flies out of the ground, and stabs into one of his legs.

Kurg yells out, "The runt wants some too, huh?!"

He shifts his weight, and throws a punch at me.  I barely get my shield up to block it, and thankfully, it holds, but I'm pushed back a few feet.

As I lower the shield and look out from behind it, I see that Kurg's leg is pierced sideways by the spike, and he's having trouble removing it.  He makes eye contact with me, and I see the hate he feels for me.  He grabs a rock, and angles to throw it at me.  I just saw what that did to Zack, so I lower my stance and wait.

He throws the rock, and just before he lets go, I jump to the side.  The rock flies through where I was a moment before.  I fall on the ground as a consequence of my jump.  I can see Kurg already picking up a second rock.

As he brings it back to throw, I'm only about half way to standing up.

Suddenly, a fireball hits him from the side.

Kurg yells out, "Stay out of this, or I'll end you too!"

He's distracted just long enough for me to get close enough to unleash a second earth spike into his other leg.  With him pinned in place, I run around his side, so he can't accurately throw his rock at me, not for lack of trying however.  From over his shoulder the rock flies out at a ridiculous speed, but misses by a few feet.

From behind I dash up to him, and with my spear, I stab at him.  Over and over and over.

The battle around me has gone quiet.  I look around.  Zaka and Zack have gotten back up.  In front of me Kurg is limp and bent forward, with over a dozen stab wounds in his back from the spear...

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