Rebuilding Science in a Magic World

[Vol.3] Ch.19 Destruction Part 1

Progress has been somewhat slow going on the sea life filter for the past eight days.  I've added about six inches to the barrier in that time.  The whole thing is honestly producing way more food than I expected, and a lot of the hunting goblins haven't been hunting as actively anymore since there is now an easier source of protein.  I set my goal for the filter to be six feet tall, and given the depth of this whole bay is about 60 feet, it's barely capturing as much as it could at that depth.  Of course, there still needs to be a way for the fish to get in, so that they're trapped, which means I can't cover the whole area in the filter.

Honestly, if I make the filter to six feet, it'll probably overfill the small amount of water that is left, and the fish will start to die again.  If I want to make the filter taller, I think I'd need to tier the bay like the mountain terraces.  That way I could still keep the water relatively shallow and thin so the goblins can easily spear fish.  Of course, right now the whole thing is already producing more food than the goblin village needs.  I'm honestly thankful that Zaka hasn't asked me to build more houses in the village for new goblins to keep up with the new food supply.

Just one day has passed, and we've got a problem.  Rather, we have two problems.  Eagles, again.  This time, a pair of them.  Both look bigger than the eagle I killed before.  It's hard to say for sure, because we've only spotted them flying overhead once each.  Both of the new eagles have darker feathers than the previous eagle, and one is slightly larger than the other, with a slightly different plumage pattern.  None-the-less the village has gone into a lockdown mode.

We're having goblins keep watch 24/7 with the intention of using a steam cannon if we get the opportunity.  I'm a little too nervous to keep the manually powered steam cannon powered at all times, in case it explodes, but I've loaded up the blood cannon with one of our two available blood cartridges that I've made with all the blood Zaka has donated.  That said, once we see either eagle, I fully intend to start the process for getting the other steam cannon charged up as well.  You never know when or if it might be necessary, especially with two eagles in the area.

It's been four days, and we finally had an opportunity arise.  Yesterday, one of the eagles was seen flying up from the other valley with a goblin in its claw, which had us a little worried that both eagles might just be hunting in the other valley, but today, one eagle was directly overhead, circling the village.  We started the fire under the other steam cannon about 20 minutes before it arrived, when the goblin on watch first saw the eagle coming down from the mountain.  Then we just waited for the eagle to decide to come lower to the ground before I would attempt to shoot the steam cannon powered by Zaka's blood.

After an additional ten minutes, it seemed that the eagle was losing patience, as we all were within cover, so it was decided that someone would have to be bait.  A handful of goblins who were on guard with Zeb, Zaka, and myself basically drew straws, and one of them had to make a mad dash from the watchtower out the nearby gate.  Shortly after he was outside the village gate, the eagle started to dive towards him, which made him panic and start running back towards the village.

Thankfully, the eagle didn't give up, and kept diving, right into the crosshairs of cannon.  I unleashed all my mana into tectonic sense into the chamber with the blood, and a mix of steam and fire propelled the large grapeshot towards the eagle.

Unlike last time, I didn't hit either of it's wings.  Given the closer proximity, the grapeshot eviscerated a large portion of the eagle's upper torso and neck, and what was a practiced dive towards prey turned into a freefall towards the ground.  As the eagle fell, it let out a terribly loud screech, before hitting the ground with a loud thud only a few feet from the goblin that was acting as bait.

When other goblins and Zeb went over to inspect the situation, they initially thought that the bait goblin had been killed, but they shortly determined he had merely fallen unconscious, likely from fear.  The eagle, it seems died on impact, it's neck twisted in an unnatural direction.  We later determined the grapeshot had shredded it's breast muscles to the point it couldn't control it's dive, and it crashed headfirst into the ground.

As the goblins were helping their fellow comrade, we heard a screech echoing the eagle coming from the mountain.  The goblin from the watchtower shortly later sounded the alarm that the second eagle was coming down towards the village.  Considering I only had what little mana I had regenerated since firing the first cannon, I wouldn't be able to fire either cannon.  Plus, I'd either need to reload the blood powered cannon, or wait a while yet for the regular steam cannon to get charged up.

The goblins already know how hard it is to take one of these eagles on normally.  With that in mind, I started making a mad dash towards the bathhouse as the other goblins all took cover.  I would need to recharge pretty much all my mana before I can do anything, and that could take up to ten minutes, plus I'd need to make a dash back to the steam cannons at that point potentially exposing myself to the eagle.  As such, I submerged myself as fully as I could within the water, with only some of my head peeking above the surface.

As the second eagle reached the village, it circled for a little while over the dead eagle, before making a descent down towards the body.  After it landed next to the body of the other eagle, it let out a loud screech, similar to the one the previous eagle had made.  It then flourished its wings, and sent a powerful wind gust towards the village.  These winds were horribly powerful compared to the injured eagle I had fought in the forest.  The winds were easily hurricane force if not faster.  Many of the doors in the village, which were made of wood, were thrown from their hinges, window shudders were forcibly opened, two of the gates were ripped clear from their frames, both water wheels ripped free from their supports, and the pavilion's solid stone roof broke free from its few supports, shattering into pieces as it hit the ground.

The situation seemed dire as the eagle let out another screech, and another gust flew through the village.  Another of the village gates was thrown free, and some of the goblins' personal items were blown out of their homes through the newly opened windows and doors.  Throughout the village, shouts and yells could be heard from goblins in response to the gusts.  I hunkered down in the bathhouse.  Until I have full mana again, I don't think we stand any shot against this beast.

The eagle, seemingly full of rage, took flight briefly, only to now land in the village near where some goblins had screamed from inside their house.  The eagle took a high posture, then drove it's beak toward the stone of the roof.  A loud cracking noise was heard first, followed by a second, then screams from the goblin inside as the roof was destroyed by the eagle.  Shortly after, the screams stopped, only to be replaced by the sound of another roof being pecked at.  I peeked my head up a little higher from the water to get an angle at what was happening.  From within this house, a goblin rushed out the front door with a spear.  As he attempted to stab the eagle's talon, the only thing he could reach, he was swiftly kicked by the eagle into the wall.  The force alone turning his body into viscera.

Things continued to escalate as the eagle let out another screech, and took to the skies above the village.  As it flew overhead, it would flap its wings at close range overhead, and cause powerful downbursts of wind.  The water within the bathhouse where I was located was thrown about, reducing the water level within the bath where I was submerged.  The eagle seemed intent on destroying the whole village, along with everyone who was hiding within it.

I still needed a few more minutes before my mana would be full again, and the eagle began another strafing run through the village, attempting to flush out any more hidden goblins.  The goblins, thankfully, seemed to catch on, and remained quiet as more destruction occurred around them.  The eagle then landed back at the gate and wall where the other eagle had died.  With a powerful kick of its talon, a section of the wall broke, then another, and another.

As the eagle broke down parts of the wall, it continued watching into the village, looking for any more targets to take its rage out on.  As the minutes passed while the eagle wreaked destruction on the village walls, I eventually recharged my mana.  The issue now was that there was no way I could make it over to the watchtower, let alone load up the steam cannon with the final blood round we had.  Further, the only person in the village who understands English is Zeb, and I didn't know where he was taking shelter.  I needed a distraction though before I could attempt to make it to the cannon.

I waited, patiently, hoping that something, anything, would distract the eagle as it dismantled more of the village while watching carefully over all the rest of the area.  As the minutes dragged on, I realized I would have to attempt to yell out, and hope that Zeb would hear it, and relay the instructions before I get attacked.  I positioned myself just inside the bathhouse entrance door, and braced myself to run as soon as I needed to.

"I'm going to attempt to shoot the eagle!  I need a distraction!"  I yelled out.  The eagle immediately turned its head to face me as I started yelling.  As it flapped its wings and took flight toward my direction, I could hear Zeb yell out in the demon language from somewhere in the village.

The eagle didn't change its target though, and landed not far from the bathhouse.  I got ready to sprint out the door as the first strike of the beak hit the bathhouse roof.  Cracks formed, and small pebbles fell down inside.  I braced myself ready to run as soon as I needed to.

Suddenly, I heard the eagle screech, and I could see its talons move as the eagle changed direction just outside.  I took the opportunity to begin the sprint toward the watchtower.

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