Red Alert 1895

Chapter 111

Chapter 110 – Parade

Next, after Wang Guorui sent those guys away, he immediately ordered a military parade. The staff represented by Hu Wei soon began to organize military parades, and then gradually mobilized troops to conduct military parades. As for the objects of the military parade to watch, in addition to the Taiwanese people, that is, the British Minister to China Donnelly, Li Hongzhang, and Japanese Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito. This time it is mainly for them to see, mainly to let them know the strength of Taiwan. This time, Wang Guorui was showing off his muscles, specifically to let them see that Taiwan is a force capable of safeguarding their own interests.

This group of guys subconsciously ignored Taiwan. They regarded Taiwan as a fish that could be slaughtered at will. But Wang Guorui just wanted to let them know that even if Taiwan is a fish, it is definitely not a carp to be slaughtered, but a ferocious shark and crocodile. If they want to take over Taiwan, they will inevitably pay a terrible price, and they may not be willing to bear this price by then.

“Hello, soldiers!” Wang Guorui shouted.

“Hello leader!”

“The soldiers have worked hard!” Wang Guorui continued.

“Defend the home and defend the country, sweep the world!”

After preparing for the military parade of the troops to be reviewed, Wang Guorui then returned outside the mansion of the anti-Japanese leader in Tainan, and then waited for the military parade to receive the troops.

“Start, let’s go!”

Then, one by one, these soldiers began to pass outside the mansion of the anti-Japanese leader in Taiwan in neat steps.

“My lords, what do you think of our Taiwanese militia?” Wang Guorui asked.

As politicians of this era, there are very few who do not understand military affairs, and Hirobumi Ito came out of the era of civil strife in Japan, and Li Hongzhang also led troops from the time of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, so they all know military affairs very well. While Ito Hirobumi and Li Hongzhang looked at this military parade, and felt that their eyes were about to fall out.

As experts, they could of course see how elite these soldiers were. Leaving aside weapons, each of them walked very neatly, and more than a thousand people looked like a line, and there was almost no deviation in the pace of each of them raising their legs. Let them military strategists also can’t see it. Such a low error is definitely within one degree. This makes those military strategists very incredible, because such precise steps are simply very difficult to train. Even the phalanx of more than 1,000 people in the entire review unit. Just like a person.

Everyone in this parade of more than a thousand people is very neat. The queue, pace, and arm swing are all like one person. This is already a very elite army. From this point of view, they all feel like one person. This made Ito Hirobumi, Li Hongzhang and Dou Nale seem to have seen a ghost. To be able to train the army to look like a single person is simply unbelievable and outrageous. Even if it is a German, it is impossible to do so!

“Go forward!”

“Papa papa…”

The soldiers walked neatly through the outside of the mansion of the leader of the anti-Japanese war in Taiwan, and then their steps were sonorous and powerful, which was very exciting. Seeing this situation, Li Hongzhang felt a little excited in his heart. This neat goose step, that is the most exciting step, obviously shocked everyone present.

Of course, Wang Guorui didn’t sleep on the reason why these troops were so good. That’s because these troops of more than a thousand people are all composed of Red Police clones, and these Red Police clones almost all use the same memory indoctrination, so that they can take steps in the same way. In fact, these Red Police clones are all one person in essence. They adopted the memory of one person in the initial instilled memory, and then became a different person after a small amount of modification. In this way, their cooperation is the same as that of a person’s left hand and right hand, and there will hardly be any problems. That’s why it was possible to achieve such a neat pace, which made people feel very powerful.

“Our soldiers use the most advanced Mauser rifles, which even the Germans have not been able to deploy in large numbers. And this rifle is one of the most advanced rifles in the world, so this makes us The Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army has sufficient combat effectiveness.”

And everyone saw this Mauser 98 rifle, which made them a little confused. The Mauser 98 rifle was not even installed in large numbers by the Germans. Why is Wang Guorui here, and many people suspect that Wang Guorui has a German background. What they didn’t know was that the Mauser arsenal had already begun to develop it, and Wang Guorui’s Mauser rifle was actually just an unimproved version of the Mauser 98. It is worse than the real Mauser 98 rifle. But that was also the result of the hard work of the Mauser Arsenal, but it was embezzled by Wang Guorui with the red alarm system.

“Next, our machine gun unit started to advance. The machine gun unit is one of our important units, and it is one of the ultimate means of fire suppression for our infantry. Therefore, the machine gun unit also kills a lot of enemies, and many devils died from our machine guns. under.

And when the soldiers of the machine gun unit came to everyone in groups of four carrying Maxine heavy machine guns. And Wang Guorui began to introduce them.

“This Maxine machine gun is a firearm that can continuously fire bullets. As long as the trigger can be pulled continuously, it can fire bullets continuously. It can fire six hundred bullets per minute. And the limit firing speed of a Maxine machine gun is equivalent to a The firing efficiency of a hundred soldiers. And our Maxine machine gun’s continuous fire is enough to break a big tree that two people can hug. If you are interested, you can go and see it later.”

And Ito Hirobumi and Li Hongzhang looked at this weapon, obviously very interested. And Ito Hirobumi also occasionally heard from the Japanese officers and soldiers in front that this Maxine machine gun was one of the culprits in killing the Japanese army. Once within the range of the machine gun, this Maxine machine gun could cut Japanese soldiers like wheat. No matter how much the Japanese army rushed up, they would not be able to pose a threat to Wang Guorui’s soldiers. And the firing speed of this machine gun is a hundred times that of ordinary soldiers, which means that one machine gun is equal to the firepower of a hundred soldiers.

“How many Maxine machine guns do you have? As far as I know, even a division of the Germans has less than twenty.” Donale asked.

And Wang Guorui said casually: “Our infantry battalion has 18 Maxine machine guns, and a division probably has more than 160!”

As soon as these words came out, the three of them almost fainted. The Germans have only twenty-four divisions, but Wang Guorui’s division is five times more powerful than the Germans. The firepower is simply against the sky. And Hirobumi Ito began to estimate that his division only had ten Maxine machine guns, while Wang Guorui’s battalion had eighteen. And if we reason based on the density of firepower, then the machine guns of Wang Guorui’s battalion are equivalent to the firepower of an ordinary infantry regiment, so the Japanese army suffered a big loss.

As for the next step, Wang Guorui once again took out grenades, submachine guns, mortars and other weapons, which made many people amazed. Especially the Sten submachine gun, which has fierce firepower and light weight, and can cover one’s comrades while charging, just like a light machine gun. And this is very helpful for the enemy’s firepower suppression, so everyone is also very interested. As for the light artillery such as grenade mortars, this is also of interest to many people. Especially Hirobumi Ito, he knew that it was not the heavy artillery that killed the soldiers in front, but the light artillery. The heavy artillery is actually the easiest to avoid, because as long as the heavy artillery hides in the trench, it is not afraid of too much. But this kind of light artillery is very tricky, and it is specially fired into the enemy’s trenches, so the loss is very huge.

However, Don Nale did not show much interest, because the perception of cannons in this era is mainly heavy cannons. The United Kingdom represented by Donale did not know much about the role of light artillery. They had not fought against Wang Guorui’s troops, so they did not know that heavy artillery was very ineffective in trench warfare. On the contrary, light artillery was the main force to kill the enemy, and heavy artillery Mainly to undertake the task of suppression.

In this era, if we talk about the tactical system, the most advanced one is Wang Guorui, followed by Japan. Japan has suffered this loss, so they really have to study hard. Japan’s understanding of the most advanced tactics is second only to Wang Guorui’s After all, the “tuition fees” of their several divisions are not in vain.

As for the last, the 155mm caliber heavy artillery regiment appeared, which really shocked the three guys. Because of this 155mm heavy gun, even the British don’t have many, and the price is surprisingly expensive. So when they saw that Wang Guorui was able to pull out such a powerful cannon, they were immediately shocked. With such a powerful cannon, the ground will shake when it hits the cannon!

“No wonder they lost so badly. The defeat in this war was not a crime of war!” Ito Hirobumi said with a wry smile.

This time Taiwan’s army is better and more advanced than Japan’s in terms of personnel training, weapons and equipment, and tactical use. Therefore, Ito Hirobumi also thinks that Taiwan will be difficult to swallow this time, and some special means must be used.

“Now, Lord Wang, please come out and speak!” Hu Wei, the commander-in-chief of the military parade, immediately shouted.

With the support of everyone, Wang Guorui took the initiative to speak out, and he had to express Taiwan’s own attitude on behalf of the people of Taiwan. (To be continued.) xh118

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