Red Alert 1895

Chapter 127

Chapter 126 – Army Reorganization

After the traitors were dealt with, Wang Guorui immediately issued orders, requiring all officers above the battalion level in the army to attend a military meeting. And this meeting is very important, no one can be absent.

“Everyone, our Taiwan army has grown into a world-class army after the anti-Japanese war. We can proudly say that we are not afraid of any country’s army to challenge us!” Wang Guorui said.

“Papa papa…”

Everyone applauded together, because this is also a sincere joy. After all, China has always been losing wars in the past, and even continued to cede territory and pay compensation in exchange for peace. But now they have defeated the enemy, and let the enemy pay compensation indirectly, which makes them feel honor. Even the British Minister to China Zhu Erdian said publicly that Taiwan’s army is definitely the world’s first-class army. In this way, the envoy of the most powerful country in the world has acknowledged this, and everyone feels very happy.

Although it was up to foreigners to admit it, Wang Guorui was a little unhappy about it, but in this era, after all, the foreign country is strong, so the subordinates are more trusting of foreigners. Foreigners say that their fighting power is world-class, so it really is world-class. However, they all knew that without the weapons provided by Wang Guorui, and those Red Police soldiers serving as grassroots non-commissioned officers, they would not be able to exert such a strong combat effectiveness. Now no one in Taiwan’s army is stupid, they know that Wang Guorui’s people are already filling it, and no one can bypass Wang Guorui to control the army.

“These are all thanks to everyone and the result of everyone’s hard work!” Wang Guorui finished speaking, and then began to say seriously: “However, I have one thing to discuss with you next.”

Everyone knows that the show is coming. As a leader, if you flatter everyone first, then there must be something important to say.

“Our Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army used to be formed according to the temporary organization during the war, so we are not very scientific in many aspects. Next, we will make some adjustments to the army organization. So today I call everyone here to announce The new establishment of our army.” Wang Guorui said.

And when everyone heard this, they all began to think seriously, and this was related to everyone’s vital interests. After all, what kind of organization is implemented means that there are different numbers of official positions. And so many official positions. What position you can get in it is the most important thing. Now that the Japanese army has been defeated, it is also a reward for meritorious service, so everyone has begun to think about where they should work and whether these positions can satisfy them. so. Next, everyone also listened carefully to Wang Guorui’s introduction of the new formation of the army.

“I just introduced the high-level. According to my plan, our army is divided into four headquarters at the highest level. The first is the General Staff, which is responsible for formulating combat plans and leading the army in war. It is the head of our army. The core brain. I plan to have Hu Wei as the chief of staff, do you have any opinions?” Wang Guorui asked.

Hu Wei originally performed the functions and powers of the chief of the general staff, but he didn’t have an aboveboard name. But now that Wang Guorui has set up the chief of staff, that is to allow Hu Wei to obtain an aboveboard authority. And now Hu Wei is not surprised to work in Taiwan, because after all, Taiwan is still the land of the so-called Qing Dynasty in name. As long as Wang Guorui did not establish an independent country at all. Then Hu Wei can still cooperate with Wang Guorui. Now Wang Guorui has appointed him as the chief of staff, which means that he is the second in command in the army. But Hu Wei also knew that it was enough for him to be the second in command, and he should never have the idea of threatening Wang Guorui. After all, Wang Guorui’s red police force is full of lower-level troops. If he dares to make any changes, countless people will immediately shoot him black.

“Next, our original Military and Political Department will be split into the General Political Department, the General Joint Logistics Department, and the General Armament Department. My fiancée, Ms. Zheng Hong, will be the director of the General Political Department. I plan to transfer Liu Kelai to the General Political Department. , Liu Ke used to be the deputy commander of the First Division, and he was the one who helped me manage the First Division. So everyone should have no objection to the promotion now, right? And the General Armament Department is supervised by me personally.”

Everyone has no opinion on the four headquarters mentioned by Wang Guorui. After all, even Wang Guorui’s fiancée’s rights were cut, and the military and political department was synthesized from the original military logistics equipment. Now they have been split into three departments, and Wang Guorui’s fiancée, Zheng Hong, controls the Political Department. And although everyone was a little dissatisfied with women’s interference in military affairs, under Wang Guorui’s strong request, they couldn’t say anything, because the Tiandihui represented by Zheng Hong still had considerable strength in the army, so Zheng Hong, as their general representative, also has no problem controlling the political department.

What’s more, politics also needs to pay attention to balance. Wang Guorui appointed an officer from the Green Battalion as the chief of staff, so it is natural to appoint a cronies as the director of the political department. After all, if the military command and military power are all in the hands of the same faction, this is very dangerous. . As for Wang Guorui of the logistics department, he also sent his cronies to control it. This is also understandable. After all, logistics is the place that controls the source of wealth, ammunition, etc. for our army. Naturally, we must be very careful about this.

However, what puzzled everyone the most was why the equipment department was supervised by Wang Guorui himself. If Wang Guorui personally supervised the first division, it was to be able to directly control the troops to restrain other troops, but what is the idea of this equipment department?

And others don’t know at all that the General Armament Department is actually divided into two parts in Wang Guorui’s plan, one part is public, that is, the person who manages the equipment. But for the other part of the production equipment, Wang Guorui planned to focus on the Red Police base, and no natural person would be able to intervene. So just in case, Wang Guorui of the General Armament Department managed it himself. As for the gradual establishment of the national defense industry in the future, it will be able to truly let go gradually.

“The above mentioned the four headquarters, let’s talk about two slightly lesser departments, namely the Taiwan Military Academy. I will be the dean of this, and then the executive vice president will actually be in charge. The other is the Taiwan Intelligence Agency. Liu Feng will be in charge. These two organizations plus the four headquarters above constitute the central organization of our army.”

And everyone heard that Wang Guorui personally served as the dean of this military academy. Anyone with some political savvy understands this very well, and knows that ordinary people cannot hold this position. After all, the deans of this military academy are all the teachers of those military cadets. Such a position is very important. If anyone dares to **** this position, Wang Guorui will definitely doubt your intentions.

“In the end, our combat troops will probably be organized into four infantry divisions. The commanders of the four divisions will basically not change. I will personally supervise the first division, Chen Liyan as the commander of the second division, and Zhao Xi as the third division. , the fourth division is Zhu Yuan. However, we set up a heavy artillery brigade directly under the command of our headquarters as the highest reserve of artillery. The heavy artillery brigade is composed of three additional heavy artillery battalions from the original heavy artillery regiment. Such an artillery The brigade has six heavy artillery battalions. The position of the artillery brigade is that of a deputy division commander, and the brigade commander of the artillery brigade is still the original head of the heavy artillery regiment, Lu Biao.”

“Next, set up a special operations command to be responsible for coordinating and commanding various scouts and soldiers of special operations forces. The director of the specific special operations command can be treated at the deputy division level. Next, you can find and recommend candidates , and hand it over to Ms. Zheng Hong, and finally I will personally sign the appointment. And the current special forces will be composed of infiltration troops trained by Miss Tanya. They will be our sharp knives for breaking the formation, responsible for tearing apart To open a gap in the enemy’s position. Also, the sniper unit will also be incorporated into this special forces command.”

Wang Guorui knew that there would be more and more special operations in the future, so it would be very helpful to establish a command center for special forces as early as possible. Tan Ya is also in charge of the top training instructor of the special However, Wang Guorui also knew that Tanya was good at training soldiers and going to war in person, but it was still beyond his capabilities to let him manage the entire special forces. And Tanya and Natasha will be named in the special forces headquarters in the future, but Wang Guorui must personally approve them to play in the battle.

“Next, some adjustments will be made to the technical arms of our division. According to the previous battle situation, the enemies we will face next are all people with stronger firepower and stronger strength, and the effect of military dogs will be greatly reduced. All the subordinate military dogs have been transformed into military dog transportation battalions, and the military dogs will hardly be responsible for combat in the future, and at most they will be used for internal security issues.”

And soon, the troops below the division also began to adjust, and those technical arms were fine-tuned. After these battles, everyone has gained a lot of experience, and naturally knows which troops need to be retained, which troops need to be canceled and merged, and which ones need to be newly formed. And everyone has a lot of experience, and can tell various reasons. However, Wang Guorui announced the most important news next.

“Now, we need to form a navy. Taiwan is an isolated island. Without a navy, there is no way to expand outside, and we can only be beaten without fighting back. Therefore, we must have a navy.” (To be continued.) xh118

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