Red Alert 1895

Chapter 138

Chapter 137 – Scholar’S Rebellion Failed For Three Years (Part 2)

“Protest against the Governor’s Mansion for competing with the people for profit!” “Protest against the Government’s heavy taxation on the people!” “Protest against…”

Those scholars rested for a while, and then began to shout, obviously vowing not to give up until they achieve their goals. But at this time, more than a hundred people came from a distance. They were wearing grass-green military uniforms, and they didn’t hold weapons that could kill people like knives or guns, but they were holding a rubber stick with strong elasticity. Then they came to the scholars.

“It’s them, they dare to oppose Governor Wang’s order, hit me!”

Those men in military uniform took rubber sticks and began to beat those hundreds of soldiers fiercely. Although these rubber sticks hit those soldiers, although they would not cause fatal wounds, they were still very painful. Feeling miserable.

“You Qiu Ba, how dare you beat me?” A scholar immediately said angrily.

“Crack!” As soon as the scholar finished speaking, he was hit on the face with a stick, and there was a bright red mark of the stick on his face.

“Help!” “Qiu Ba is beating someone!” “Qiu Ba is beating someone!” “How unreasonable is this group of Qiu Ba beating people?”

These scholars are usually spoiled by the officials of the Qing Dynasty, and all of them look down on the soldiers. They still measure the soldiers in Taiwan by the standards of the Qing Dynasty, so they still think that the soldiers are lowly and cannot be compared with the nobles. compared with readers. But these “Qiu Ba” didn’t intend to let them go at all. Instead, they continued to beat them happily with rubber sticks. The harder they shouted, the worse they were beaten. And this group of scholars were quickly driven away by the soldiers with rubber batons.

“Master Wang, aren’t you afraid of affecting the reputation of scholars by doing this?” Ouyang Xuan still asked worriedly.

But Wang Guorui sneered and said, “Scholarly review? Do I care? I was just a student in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Is it too inappropriate to include me in the Shilin?” Not like those of us who were born in the donated class, but now that I am the governor of Taiwan, they will not regard me as a real scholar. Therefore, since they do not regard me as a scholar, then I and the need to give They save face, what do they pay attention to about scholars? Therefore, those big bosses in the court are usually spoiled by scholars. This is why they have the idea of making troubles. We must not be polite to this kind of guy. What’s more, they don’t represent the interests of the majority of people, they represent only the interests of a small group of them, why should we care? We only need to ensure that 90% of the people in the world support us. Then we can As for these landlords, or those who still want to be landlords, let them go to the garbage dump of history!”

Wang Guorui was not originally from a “good background”. For Manchu officials and scholars, his own body, which was a donated class that spent money to buy officials, was not a good background for them. Of course, spending money to buy an official should not be a reasonable way, but now that Wang Guorui has inherited this body, naturally he has less scruples. He didn’t have to worry about the “scholar’s style review”, and directly slapped those so-called scholars on them. Don’t worry about other people’s scolding.

Anyway, these scholars can scold you, but they can’t do anything to you. Anyway, after I get the world, the history is not written by the victors, and I can completely beat them into stinky **** when the time comes. Even this era is not the era of the past hundreds of years. In the past hundreds of years, scholars have been able to control the power of public opinion, so that they can spoil whoever they want. However, the exchanges between the East and the West in this era made the survival channels for scholars like them narrower and narrower. Even the later Manchu Qing Dynasty abolished the imperial examinations.

Therefore, Wang Guorui would not show mercy to a group that was doomed to decline. After all, they did not have any ability to threaten their own status. Those scholars and the landlord class behind them did not have a good life for many years. I really rely on the industrial and commercial class, and this is a stable class to rely on. And those landlords are not their own reliance, so naturally they are not used. Since he came to make trouble, he would punish them severely. Don’t worry about anything.

Wang Guorui believes that the status of so-called scholars in the past dynasties was too high. The Song Dynasty even said that they shared the world with the scholar-officials, and those scholars in the middle and late Ming Dynasty were once again arrogant. Many emperors who persecuted were helpless. He has not come to the morning court for decades. But in the Qing Dynasty, the strength of these scholar-bureaucrats was suppressed. Because the Manchus were not weak and incompetent guys like the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. Those Manchus were barbarians. If these scholar-bureaucrats did not cooperate, they would be killed. In the end, those scholar-bureaucrats had to cooperate.

Although Wang Guorui did not approve of the massacre of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he did approve of his high-pressure policy against these scholar-bureaucrats. These scholar-bureaucrats are usually landlords and have nothing produced. If it is industry and commerce, there can still be actual production materials, but these scholar-bureaucrats exploit the people through land occupation, sucking blood from countless people for a living, and they have not produced any fruits of labor. There is no need to be polite to such people, not to mention that the era has come to this modern age, so there is no need to be polite to them and directly adopt a high-pressure policy. Forcing them to either change careers to be improper owners, or to be cleaned up into the garbage dump of history.

And after those scholars were dispersed by the army with rubber batons, they gathered again in small groups.

“Brother Liu, it’s really unreasonable. This Wang Guorui dared to order Qiu Ba to beat us. It’s really unreasonable. We must continue to resist, otherwise we will all be hit on the head by those Qiu Ba!” someone said.

But that “Brother Liu” said: “I think it’s better to forget it. This time it seems that Wang Guorui is going to come for real. Haven’t you been beaten enough? Who hasn’t received a few sticks on us today?”

“But, let’s forget it? Doesn’t our family have hundreds of thousands of acres of land, so we just pay 20% of the tax! 20% of the tax, and can’t increase the land rent, then how can we Live!” Someone said immediately.

And they were all silent after that, because they were afraid to continue to gather outside the governor’s mansion to oppose Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui had already told them with the facts that Wang Guorui would dispatch troops to suppress them. This time he only used rubber sticks as a warning, but next time he might use rifles and other weapons. Wang Guorui is not like those officials in the Manchu Qing Dynasty who cared about the scholarly review. Wang Guorui is also a person who bought an official to enter the official career. He cannot be regarded as a scholar, so the scholarly criticizes him. Useless.

And these scholars must be a group of scholars, and it is impossible for them to have the courage to carry out a violent revolution. How many of these old-age literati can have the idea of a violent revolution? So they were beaten up by those soldiers, and they didn’t dare to make trouble anymore. These “noble” scholars don’t want to be beaten by those soldiers any longer. Since they can’t afford to provoke them, they can still afford to hide!

“It’s a pity that those mud-legged farmers don’t listen to our agitation anymore. They all listen to the propaganda team and believe Wang Guorui’s words, so they don’t follow us to oppose Wang Guorui. Only a few hundred of us Personally, everyone sneezes and breaks us up. Hey, if there are not enough people, Wang Guorui will not pay attention at all.”

“So what do we do?” someone asked.

After hearing this, brother Liu immediately said: “We might as well not directly resist, but use non-violent methods. If Wang Guorui wants to rule Taiwan, he will always need the help of us scholars? If there is no such thing as us Scholars, how can they rule Taiwan? So, as long as we mobilize those scholars not to do anything for Wang Guorui, then we can make Wang Guorui no one to use, and finally we can only compromise with us?”

“Yes, brother Liu’s words are correct! As long as we can unite as one and not become an official for Wang, sooner or later Wang Guorui will fall into a situation where no one can use him, then we will surely win.” Another A scholar said.

And this is to adopt the method of non-violence and non-cooperation to deal with it. They hope to use this method to force Wang Guorui to compromise with them, and then cancel the stepped agricultural tax.

Soon, they all discussed together, and planned to mobilize those scholars to oppose Wang Guorui, not to serve as Wang Guorui’s official, and then let Wang Guorui have no one to use. But those scholars don’t know that there is never a shortage of people who sell their friends and seek glory in this world. After they finished discussing, several people immediately reported their plans to Wang Guorui, hoping that Wang Guorui could look after them. Give them some rewards for the sake of selling friends and seeking glory, and it is best to get official positions. So Wang Guorui also understood their plan, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. .

“These ancient scholars are really stupid and naive! Do you think that if you don’t do things for me, you can be regarded as opposing me? You don’t want to serve me, and I don’t want to use you! These old-age literati, if I With you serving me, how can I still reform? It’s best for you to resign and get out, lest you have to say that I’ve crossed the river and demolished the bridge! I don’t believe it, will there still be official positions in China?” Wang Guorui Humph. (To be continued.) xh118

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