Red Alert 1895

Chapter 143

Chapter 142 – Across The 4 Seas Dream

“My lord, according to the information sent by Liu Feng from the General Intelligence Administration, Sa Zhenbing, the representative of the Beiyang Navy, will probably arrive soon. This time they want to watch our warships. If those warships can satisfy them, then It’s not impossible for them to come and serve Lord Wang. And then when the General Intelligence Agency arrived, Liu Feng wanted to ask Lord Wang, have you prepared a warship? When will our warship come?”

Kang Tongwei, who had just become Wang Guorui’s secretary, soon began to enter the role, and then handled some uploading and distribution and some manuscript work for Wang Guorui. And now Liu Feng told Kang Tongwei about the generals of the Beiyang Navy, and Kang Tongwei also told Wang Guorui again. And this is about Sa Zhenbing coming to Taiwan soon, to see if there are any real warships, so that they can come to serve Wang Guorui! If Wang Guorui can get a warship, they will serve for Wang Guorui.

“Okay, I’ll check if the warship has arrived right away?” Wang Guorui said.

This time, Wang Guorui took the military dogs of the Red Police System to form a dog cart, and arrived in Kaohsiung, Tainan very quickly, and then took a boat to the ocean. But this time he didn’t bring Kang Tongwei, but only Tanya. After all, Kang Tongwei is not suitable to know about the Red Police Base. However, Wang Guorui’s behavior of “preferring one to another” made Kang Tongwei a little depressed, because although she was Wang Guorui’s woman, Wang Guorui did not really trust her 100%, and she is not as good as someone who has not married Wang Guorui The real Tanya is favored.

“Now it’s time to start building warships. The food expenses for the Japanese have already been sent, and they have not been used. Before recruiting those talents, they also used mining vehicles to dig holes, and they could get more than 1,200 silver dollars every six hours. , This is enough to support the cost of recruiting talents. Next, the two million taels of silver will be used to manufacture warships, and of course it will be better sooner.” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui soon determined the model of warships to be manufactured. Since he wanted to manufacture, he wanted to manufacture some good warships. Because it is obviously useless to manufacture backward warships. Only the most advanced warships can guarantee that Taiwan’s sea power will not be violated. In this era, the most advanced warship is the British Sovereign-class battleship. This era is the most glorious era of the former dreadnought. So the Sovereign-class battleship can be said to be the best warship, with a displacement of more than 14,000 tons alone, it is the largest ship of this era. With such a large displacement, a Sovereign-class battleship is almost equal to the displacement of half the fleet of the Beiyang Navy at that time. And if a war really starts. This Sovereign-class ship is enough to defeat the entire fleet of the Beiyang Navy. So since there are such good warships, why not use them?

“Build a Sovereign-class battleship and two Centurion-class battleships,” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, the huge docks began to be made with robots, and the steel for making warships also began to be generated out of thin air. Then gradually start assembling the battleship under the control of the manipulator. And this dock can not only be used to manufacture battleships, but also can be used as a dock for maintaining and repairing warships, and they are all automatic. In this way, Wang Guorui’s cost of using the navy in the future will be many times lower than that of other countries. This is an important factor for Wang Guorui to be able to develop both the navy and the army. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to develop the navy and the army at the same time.

The Centurion-class battleship, which is the second class of the Sovereign-class battleship, has a displacement of about 10,500 tons, and this is also a battleship, and there are only two of them among the British. And this Centurion-class battleship is prepared to fight against the Russian fleet in the Far East, so this warship is very targeted. His fleet is the flagship of Britain’s so-called “Chinese Fleet”, a warship designed to contain Russia’s expansion towards the Far East.

One of the reasons why Wang Guorui didn’t build all three of the Sovereign-class ships is because the Sovereign-class is more expensive, and one tonnage requires 30 silver dollars. At present, Wang Guorui is not trying to compete with the British for sea power. He just wants to maintain the safety of his own waters near Taiwan, and be able to dominate the waters of East Asia on the ocean, and contain Japan, Russia, and the Far East fleet of Britain and France. . As for fighting for world sea power, I can’t do it yet. So if this is the case, as long as there is a Sovereign Class as the Dinghaishenzhen, it doesn’t need too many high-end goods. As for future naval battles. In fact, the conventional small-scale public security is dominated by the destroyer frigate detachment, while the medium-scale naval battle is carried out by the cruiser detachment. As for only the largest naval battle, battleships will be allowed to appear. Therefore, Wang Guorui’s current demand is not too great, and naturally he doesn’t need too much monarchy. If you get three Sovereign-class battleships at once. That might irritate the British too much, and then force them to send all their warships to the Far East, so I am afraid that Asia will be completely uneasy.

And in order not to irritate the Westerners, it is enough to produce one Sovereign-class warship and two Centurion-class warships at present. As for any warships that are too high-end. At present, Wang Guorui can’t even make it. And what Wang Guorui hopes to build most is the Dreadnought-class battleship, which is an epoch-making battleship. But at present, Wang Guorui has no relevant technology accumulation, and the British have not been able to manufacture it, so at present, it can only be studied slowly.

A few days later, the three warships were also manufactured. And Wang Guorui invited some sailors from the Beiyang Navy who arrived first, and asked them to visit these warships, and then let them see the warships they would use first. However, at present, only three battleships have been manufactured. As for the next cruisers and auxiliary ships, they will also be manufactured slowly. This process may take seven or eight days to complete. Therefore, it is necessary to show the sailors of the Beiyang Navy the warships they will use in the future, and then let them get used to it first.

“Heroes of the Beiyang Navy, you fought against the Japanese pirates in the Yellow Sea. Although you failed, it was an honorable defeat. This is a non-war crime. But this time you came to our Taiwan, then we will definitely do well. I will use you again, and you will soon be able to return to the warship and drive the warship across the world!” Wang Guorui said.

And those sailors looked at these three warships and felt extremely excited in their hearts. Because these three warships were much larger than Dingyuan and Zhenyuan, the ace warships of their Beiyang Navy at that time, the displacement can be known just by looking at them. And the Sovereign-class battleship had a displacement of more than 14,000 tons, almost twice the size of the two ships in Dingyuan and Zhenyuan at that time. They originally planned to fight on the warship again, and then one day they could go to another naval battle with the Japanese, so that they could avenge their shame and avenge their comrades in arms at that time. However, they didn’t have much idea about how big warships Taiwan could have at the beginning. They thought that Taiwan could not get too big warships. But now the reality is that Taiwan has not only acquired a warship, but also a huge warship, which is currently the largest warship in the world, which is enough to make them extremely excited. This is a real thing that I saw with my own eyes, not something that was only advertised by mouth in the past, but this is something that can be seen and touched.

In this era of giant cannon ships, the size of the ship and the caliber of the artillery are the greatest combat effectiveness, and now Wang Guorui has brought the world’s largest warship, which makes them feel very confident. They are confident that if they Being able to drive these warships will definitely be able to travel across the world, and be able to drive the Japanese combined fleet into the water to feed the bastards.

“Now, I announce that these warships are going to be named according to the method of your original Beiyang Navy. The two smaller warships are named Zhenyuan and Dingyuan, and the largest warship is named Shichang. For a few years, General Deng Shichang was brave and fearless, and dared to drive a warship to the enemy. In the future, there will be five cruisers with a displacement of 5,000 will travel far, come far, and go far , Jingyuan, and Pingyuan. As for that Jiyuan, he fled the battle, so he lost the face of our navy, so he was not allowed to rename it!” Wang Guorui said.

And those sailors who were originally on the Jiyuan also felt a burst of shame when they heard this. At that time, the Jiyuan ship escaped during the battle in the Yellow Sea. This was a shame to the Beiyang Navy. Although even if the Jiyuan did not escape, they might not be able to win. But since there was one who escaped, many people also shifted the responsibility to Fang Boqian of the Jiyuan. And now Fang Boqian has also been beheaded for public display. But Jiyuan is also very bad in everyone’s mind. Now Jiyuan has not been able to be “resurrected”, which makes many people agree. And those sailors on the Jiyuan were also a little helpless. Who let their leader Fang Boqian run away at that time, and ended up like this? This is tantamount to the complete abolition of the establishment of the Jiyuan, and it is impossible to return to the establishment of the navy.

When those sailors from the Beiyang Navy heard that the seven warships were still named after the Beiyang Navy’s “Eight Great Yuans”, they immediately felt a lot more cordial. And now with these warships, it is tantamount to the continuation of those warships in the past, and those warships can be “resurrected”. In the future, they will drive these warships out to guarantee Taiwan’s sea power, and even beat the Japanese combined fleet into the water, so that they can wash away the shame of the Yellow Sea War in the past. (To be continued.) xh118

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