Red Alert 1895

Chapter 150

Chapter 149 – Land Exchange For Shares (Part 1)

When the reform and reform in the mainland seemed to be in full swing, Wang Guorui was also going to carry out his own reform in Taiwan.

“Everyone, you are all important households in Taiwan, and important land gentry in Taiwan. And more than 70% of our land in Taiwan is in your hands, and you should be doing well recently, right?” Wang Guorui asked.

“TOEFL TOEFL!” said a landowner.

Of course Wang Guorui recognized it, this is Lin Weiyuan, the richest man in Taiwan, and the largest landowner in Taiwan. And he said “TOEFL” in a weird way, obviously very upset. However, Wang Guorui also knew the reason for their displeasure, that was because Wang Guorui had implemented the policy of 375% rent reduction and interest rate reduction, as well as the so-called stepped agricultural tax policy, which made them lose money to their grandma’s house. And those big landlords can still support it temporarily, but the small landlords can only choose to sell their land. After all, not only is too much land not a good thing, but it is a burden. After all, there are a lot of taxes to be paid.

And now Taiwan’s land prices are diving three times a day, and you can hear news of land price drops almost every day. And the wealth of these big landlords has also shrunk by as little as 30% recently, and as much as 50% or 60%. And those ordinary people of course raised their hands in favor of this matter, but they are not in a hurry to buy at this time. Instead, they hope that the land price will continue to drop, and they will buy it when it reaches the lowest point. This is the same as Wang Guorui’s ordinary people in later generations, buying up and not buying down. They all hope to wait until the lowest point before buying, which can save a lot of money.

And those landlords looked at this situation, and they were all heartbroken. Their greatest wealth is the land, but now the land is so cheap, this makes them feel heartbroken! It is of course not happy to watch one’s wealth shrink day by day. They hated Wang Guorui to the core, but they couldn’t do anything about it. In the past, they thought that they mobilized the children in the family not to work for Wang Guorui, thinking that this would force Wang Guorui to compromise. But they didn’t expect that Wang Guorui followed suit and directly accepted their resignation. In this way, Wang Guorui immediately had a large number of foreign students come in to work. In this way, Wang Guorui was not afraid that no one would serve him. Anyway, there are many people in China who want to be officials, and there is no shortage of people from the landlord class. These landlords and themselves are destined to be hostile, so Wang Guorui can exclude their people from the officialdom, that is still a wish.

“Everyone. Now the emperor has issued an order to carry out reforms. As a loyal minister of the court, I will naturally respond immediately. And the emperor proposed to build various factories in Taiwan, as well as various strong troops and other matters. It is already in preparation. As a loyal minister of the Qing Dynasty, I naturally want to share the emperor’s worries. Then I will develop industry.” Wang Guorui said.

And all the landlords slandered in their hearts: “Are you a loyal minister of the court? No rebellious minister is as vicious as you!”

Although everyone said so in their hearts, they dared not say it out loud. After all, Wang Guorui is the “King of Taiwan”, an out-and-out warlord, whoever dares to speak nonsense may be dragged out and shot. But now that Wang Guorui is loyal to the emperor one by one, no one can refute it, after all, there is nothing wrong with being loyal! So they could only silently wait for Wang Guorui’s next words.

“Everyone, the meaning of the emperor is very obvious, that is to establish a country where the tiller has his land, so we must let the tiller have his land. And more than 70% of our land in Taiwan is in your hands, so we want to Let the tillers have their land. Naturally, it is inseparable from your support, so I invite you to come over for a discussion.” Wang Guorui said.

“Did the emperor say that?” Lin Weiyuan cursed in his heart.

Wang Guorui is completely nonsense. Where does Guangxu’s “Dingguo Shizhao” say that the tiller should have the land, and where does it say that the landlord should be overthrown? Landlords were the ruling class in the Qing Dynasty. If Emperor Guangxu said he wanted to overthrow the landlords, wouldn’t he be digging his own grave? Emperor Guangxu obviously didn’t say that, but Wang Guorui actually added it himself here as if “a deaf man can make up words”, and even pretended to be in the name of Emperor Guangxu. People still take it out of context, but Wang Guorui is talking nonsense, talking nonsense with his eyes open. This made those landlords deeply feel Wang Guorui’s extreme shamelessness. It’s as if his skin is thicker than the city wall, and he doesn’t blush when he speaks nonsense.

“Everyone, why are you looking so bad? Are you not satisfied with what the emperor said?” Wang Guorui asked seriously.

“My lord, tell me, what do you want? We must cooperate with the meaning of ‘Emperor’!” Lin Weiyuan said with a wry smile and helplessness.

Lin Weiyuan put an accent on the word “Emperor”, obviously very dissatisfied, but now that he is in Taiwan, he has to bow his head! What’s more, his main asset is land, which he can’t take away at all. So he can only stay in Taiwan. Even if Taiwan has been completely occupied by Wang Guorui, they still have to stay in Taiwan. Their family is here!

And those landlords also expressed their willingness to obey the meaning of the “emperor”, but they knew very well who the meaning was. And Wang Guorui is also very satisfied, this is the role of power, they have military power in their hands, so they dare not resist at all. What’s more, I don’t need their scholars to work for me, and I have a large number of foreign students to work for me, so where do I need to please these rotten scholars of the landlord class to survive? Therefore, Wang Guorui will not only be unable to curry favor with corrupt Confucians, but will instead work hard to develop industries in order to cater to the ideas of those overseas students, and then allow the country to enter the era of capitalism. Wang Guorui’s base class is capitalism, so these landlords are destined to be either their own enemies, or they will take the initiative to transform into capitalists. There is no third choice. As for the enemy, what Wang Guorui adopted was to eliminate them completely.

“Everyone, it’s getting more and more hopeless for those of you who live by renting out land and exploiting the people. You can’t produce any more economic benefits, and you can’t make the country rich and strong, so you Is it interesting to do this? To **** blood from the people who cultivate the land, and then make yourself extremely nourished? This kind of small-scale peasant thinking has no meaning, so under the industrialization of Western powers, it is impossible for you to have a future. So You must change, and your land must be disposed of, and then distributed to those people who do not have land.” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui finally had a showdown with them, that is, those of them who own a lot of land must hand over the land and change themselves. This was an ultimatum from Wang Guorui. If they were still unwilling to hand over the land, then Wang Guorui might be about to make a cruel move. At that time, not only will they not be able to get any compensation, but Wang Guorui will also have their homes ransacked. After all, the large amount of land in their hands represents the old era, so since Wang Guorui wants to break the old era, he has absolutely no intention of letting them go.

“Master Wang, although we have a lot of land, it is all accumulated by our ancestors’ hard work, and there is not much ill-gotten wealth. Although we are willing, it must be reasonable and legal! According to what you said, Mr. Wang , to protect citizens’ legal private property from being violated. If you want us to directly distribute land to ordinary civilians, isn’t your chorus infringing on our legal private property? These lands are all accumulated by us. If you If it is confiscated without committing a crime, it is an infringement of our private property rights. Therefore, Mr. Wang, please think twice before acting.” Lin Weiyuan said.

“Yeah? This old thing has a trick!” Wang Guorui thought in surprise.

This Lin Weiyuan is somewhat familiar with the laws of Taiwan, so he knows how to use the weapon of law to protect himself? If it was the era of the Manchu Qing rule in the past, the government said what they said, they would not be like this at all. But now he has changed, and as a result, these landlords have also learned to use the weapon of law to protect their land. This obviously makes Wang Guorui cry or laugh. After all, at least some people’s legal awareness has improved, but on the other hand, these people are using their own laws to oppose themselves!

“About this Our government will naturally compensate you. We will not let you pay the land for free. If we don’t compensate you, then we must all violate your legal private property. This is definitely not acceptable. Since Taiwan has enacted laws, it must be complied with, and legal private property must not be violated. We did not say that we would not respect the legal private property of your ancestors. We are not Shall we discuss it together? We will give economic compensation, and then compensate you according to the market price of the land, which is very fair to both parties!” Wang Guorui said.

“Compensation? Give money? Does the Taiwanese government have that much money?” Lin Weiyuan asked.

Lin Weiyuan didn’t believe that the Taiwanese government had so much money. After all, this is more than 70% of the land in Taiwan. It is impossible for the Taiwanese government to spend so much money to buy it at one time. And Lin Weiyuan just wanted to procrastinate. If this procrastination continues, things might change.

“Of course, we in Taiwan don’t have that much money. But we have another way, which is to exchange land for shares!” Wang Guorui said.

None of the landlords here understand what it means to exchange land for shares. (To be continued.) xh118

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