Red Alert 1895

Chapter 153

Chapter 153 – Education Investment

Hearing Wang Guorui, the governor-general’s call, Ouyang Xuan, the executive director, and Wei Jintao, the director of the education department, also rushed to meet Wang Guorui. And Wang Guorui’s first sentence was to ask about the development of education, and Wei Jintao, the director of education, immediately began to answer.

“Master Wang, our Department of Education has received strong support from President Ouyang of the Executive Yuan. It invests about half of our financial income in education every year. It is very good. And we will follow Mr. Wang’s opinion and establish a primary school. , middle school, university through-train education system. And our education department is currently strictly grasping primary education, after all Mr. Wang also said that the foundation must be laid firmly before it can develop upwards! If the foundation of a house is not done well, then It’s definitely going to collapse.” Wei Jintao said, and patted Wang Guorui’s flattery.

However, Wang Guorui thought for a while, and then took the initiative to ask Ouyang Xuan, the chief executive, “Why does education only account for half of the fiscal revenue every year?”

Wang Guorui is very dissatisfied with the proportion of investment in education accounting for 5% of fiscal revenue, which is just half of it. After all, all future generations know the importance of education, and the proportion of investment in education should be as little as 20% and as much as 30%. But now I heard that it was only half of the investment, which obviously made Wang Guorui very dissatisfied. In Wang Guorui’s plan, it should be 30%, which is the best ratio. But he didn’t expect Ouyang Xuan to “contempt” education so much, which made Wang Guorui very dissatisfied. But it was agreed. Wang Guorui can’t interfere with the specific administration at will, so he can only ask him to come and ask to see if there is any problem.

“My lord, it’s really impossible! Our Taiwan is actually supported by the army. If there is no army, our Taiwan may not be an opponent of the Japanese army at all. Although our current weapons and equipment in Taiwan are very advanced, they are all needed. Technicians come to maintain it. Moreover, Taiwan is undergoing large-scale construction, and Taiwan has become a construction site, so we have invested a huge amount of money. Every time we just collect taxes, they have been divided up in less than three days, especially for military-related projects. The cost is even greater. There are also the salaries of various engineers. They all need a lot.”

Ouyang Xuan began to complain, because now Taiwan needs the army to protect Taiwan. Especially Wang Guorui has just developed a navy. And Wang Guorui also carried out a business of buying warships through a fake contract, and in this way, Taiwan’s public funds were transferred to Wang Guorui’s own small treasury. Wang Guorui sold the warships and various industrial equipment produced by the Red Police Base to Taiwan at market prices, mainly to avoid everyone’s suspicion. At present, the military expenditure of Taiwan’s army must not be used. After all, Taiwan currently needs the military to protect it. If the army is lost, the Japanese will never let go of this opportunity to invade. The Japanese have been pondering about Taiwan for a long time, and they will never let it go if they have the opportunity.

And there is also a military fee, which is the military salary of the clones. The clones also have military salary, but after they get the military salary, they will come to the base in batches according to Wang Guorui’s order and put these silver dollars into the mine. Rui can also find time to take it back. As for those soldiers who were stationed in different areas and far away from the mine, they also collected those military salaries. Then Wang Guorui sent Tanya and Natasha to take back the military pay at special times.

Of course, at the same time, there are still a large number of engineers and technicians in Taiwan, and these engineers and technicians are also in the red alert system. They are also unpaid. However, they were still given a large amount of wages in the account, because they were personnel hired by Wang Guorui from abroad, so they not only had to be paid, but also paid a high salary, so that the money would flow back into Wang Guorui’s pocket again. in.

Therefore, a large amount of money from Taiwan was brought into Wang Guorui’s own small coffers from public funds. This amount of money is very huge. Because he also earned several times the profit from the private business. It can be said that most of Taiwan’s funds were not really spent, but they were transferred from Taiwan’s public account to Wang Guorui’s own small treasury.

But can this kind of thing be explained clearly? Absolutely not! If Wang Guorui directly said that he made a lot of money from it. I am afraid that Taiwanese people will wonder how these industrial equipment came from. Wang Guorui actually deprived Ouyang Xuan of her financial rights indirectly, because the money was transferred through false transactions. Wang Guorui must not allow anyone to know about this process. This process is completely no different from the so-called money laundering in later generations. That is to say, the public money was transferred to his own small treasury, and the only difference was that Wang Guorui would not use the money for his own enjoyment, but to do things that were inconvenient to tell outsiders, that was for the good of the country . But now Ouyang Xuan couldn’t spend much money on education because of this, which made Wang Guorui a little speechless.

“Since this is the case, in the future, Taiwan’s investment in education must account for 30 percent of the annual fiscal revenue, that is, 30 percent. And this ratio must not be lower, and Taiwan must carry out corresponding legislation and establish laws It is stipulated that the annual fiscal revenue invested in education must not be less than 30%, so as to ensure that education can be used wisely. Only with sufficient funds can we make our education better and better. We can have a steady stream of talents to supplement us.” Wang Guorui said.

Of course, Wang Guorui knew the old saying that no matter how poor you are, you can’t have poor education, so he directly ordered Ouyang Xuan to remake the financial budget, so that education can be rolled out as soon as possible. At present, Taihai University is extremely short of local students and can only recruit from the mainland. And this must cultivate local students as soon as possible, so that I can reduce a lot of costs. After all, native Taiwanese students have a sense of belonging to Taiwan, so only with these talents with a deep sense of belonging can they gradually become stronger. As for after capturing the whole country in the future, it is natural to spend a lot of wealth to invest in it, so that more talents can be continuously obtained. If he couldn’t cultivate his own talents as soon as possible, he might not be able to take over the governments of those continents smoothly, and he would inevitably compromise with those corrupt landlords in the future. This was definitely not the result Wang Guorui wanted to see. Therefore, Wang Guorui must cultivate talents as soon as possible, so that he can have more talents to help him change the society without compromising with those landlords.

“Master Wang, we don’t have that much money! Unless Mr. Wang is willing to slow down the speed of industrial construction, but if we slow down the speed of industrial construction, then we will inevitably face a military successor. Now all our arms must come from Foreigners buy it from their hands, so we have to hand over a lot of profits to foreigners. Therefore, if we want to use money to invest in education, we must reduce military spending or industry, but these two cannot be reduced for a while now. !” Ouyang Xuan said.

In fact, Ouyang Xuan still thinks that the military expenses are earned by foreigners, but Ouyang Xuan has no idea that this “foreigner” is actually the governor himself, Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui invited a foreigner to act, that is, let him pretend The arms were handed over to Taiwan, and the foreigner took the money and then handed it over to Wang Guorui, and every time Wang Guorui just threw two small bones for the so-called foreigner to eat. Therefore, no one in Taiwan suspects that these arms were purchased from foreigners. But Wang Guorui was able to get a lot of wealth because of this. And this wealth is Wang Guorui’s own reserve fund, which is used to give Taiwan money when it is in urgent need. Now that there is a serious shortage of education funds, it is time to spend part of the money to supplement education.

“I have a special fund that can be used to subsidize education. I have paid this fund out of my own pocket, and you can use it to subsidize education. But I hope there is one condition, that is, I will also be the honorary teacher of various middle schools in Taiwan. As for the position of school manager, UU Kanshu is a major high school in Taiwan, and I personally serve as the honorary school manager, but I will not send someone to take the position, and the school is still managed by the principal.” Wang Guorui said.

“In that case, that’s fine!” Ouyang Xuan said.

Ouyang Xuan doesn’t care about anything, as long as he has the corresponding funds for education, that’s all. Wang Guorui did not interfere with his administration, which made him feel very satisfied. Moreover, Wang Guorui still took the initiative to give him the funds, so that he can have enough funds to use, and with these funds, he can govern better.

What Wang Guorui did was actually exactly the same as the past practice of serving as the principal of the military academy in person. In fact, he also personally led the students as a teacher. In this way, those students will be “students of the Son of Heaven” in the future, and I will be their teachers in name. If you can be their teacher, even in name only, it will be very helpful to lead them in the future. And these students rely on the funds provided by Wang Guorui to go to school, so they will also be very grateful to Wang Guorui.

But Ouyang Xuan didn’t know at all that these funds were actually Taiwan’s own funds, and they got them back from Wang Guorui as soon as they handed over. Wang Guorui definitely made a lot of money in this kind of upheaval, and it was definitely a huge profit that outsiders could never imagine. (to be continued)

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