Red Alert 1895

Chapter 165

Chapter 165 – Compound Talent Li Yuanhong

When Wang Guorui returned to the Governor’s Mansion, Wang Guorui took the initiative to ask Zheng Hong: “As for the commander of the Marine Division, do you have any candidates in the Political Department? If it is always so empty, that is not a solution. ↖顶↖↖↖, ..”

Zheng Hong took the initiative: “I already have a candidate, and I’m currently under investigation. And if I pass the inspection, I can let you personally sign the appointment, my husband.”

“Oh? Who is it? What’s his resume?” Wang Guorui asked.

Zheng Hong immediately began to introduce: “He was originally a graduate of the Beiyang Naval Academy. After graduation, he was sent to serve in Guangdong, and then served as the second tube wheel in charge of managing the steam engine. Later, he was incorporated into the Guangjia gunboat of the Guangdong Navy. A few years later, he was sent back to the Guangdong Navy with the Guangjia. Later, during the Sino-Japanese War, he accompanied the warship to support, but was sunk by Japanese artillery shells. He did not die after throwing himself into the sea. died, successfully rescued.”

“And then it was important. He got the attention of some officials of the Qing court, and was sent to Nanyang Liangjiang Governor’s Mansion as an errand to serve as a foreign language translator for the self-improvement army under Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Liangjiang, and supervised the repair of Nanjing Lion Mountain Fort. After the fort was successfully built He was also responsible for serving as an instructor. Later, Zhang Zhidong was transferred to the governor of Huguang, and Li was transferred to the cavalry battalion of the Hubei Guard, and then sent to Japan as a trainee. In 1895, Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Liangjiang, called to Nanjing and went to Japan. The investigation of military affairs and politics was highly valued. In 1896, he returned to Hubei with Zhang Zhidong, served as the supervisor of the fort, served as the leader of the rear battalion of the guard, and participated in the training of the new army.”

After hearing Zheng Hong’s introduction, Wang Guorui couldn’t help sighing: “Talent! It really is a talent, or a compound talent!”

After listening to this guy’s resume, Wang Guorui also felt that this guy is a very experienced talent. Not only is he in charge of managing engines in the navy, but he is also an official who understands technology. He later served in the army and led the cavalry. He worked as an artilleryman, educated military cadets, and went to Japan to investigate politics and military affairs, and even served as an infantry leader when he came back. He has also personally trained a new type of army, which is enough to show that his resume is still very good, and he has also made some achievements. Wang Guorui also knew about Zhang Zhidong. Zhang Zhidong would not promote a mediocre person casually. After all, Zhang Zhidong is an enlightened person. He belongs to the Westernization School and will not promote those who are pedantic in thinking and poor in ability.

“Why did he come here? He was doing well under Zhang Zhidong, why did he come here?” Wang Guorui asked.

“He was sunk by the Japanese army and forced to jump into the sea. He was determined to seek revenge from the Japanese. But he could not see the hope of revenge in Zhang Zhidong. In addition, those sailors and officers who recruited the Beiyang Navy in Taiwan, So he also brought his family here. And I think his resume is pretty good, he has served in many arms, so maybe he is the most suitable person to be the commander of this marine division. So I took the initiative to recommend him I hope my husband can appoint him.”

“Who is he? What’s his name?” Wang Guorui asked.

“His name is Li Yuanhong!” Zheng Hong said.

“What? Li Yuanhong? Did I hear correctly?” Wang Guorui asked again.

“That’s right, his name is Li Yuanhong, his name is Song Qing, and he is from Huangpo, Hubei!” Zheng Hong replied again.

Wang Guorui took a deep breath, he didn’t expect that he would get Li Yuanhong here by mistake. As a later generation, Wang Guorui knows more about Li Yuanhong as the unlucky guy who was temporarily caught from under the bed by those Hubei rebels during the Revolution of 1911 to serve as the leading brother Hubei governor, and later became the third vice president of the Republic of China , two-term president.

But Wang Guorui didn’t know much about Li Yuanhong’s experience before the Revolution of 1911. After all, these are not important in the original history. But I didn’t expect that Li Yuanhong had so many resumes before the Revolution of 1911, and this resume is not bad. And what Wang Guorui didn’t expect was that Li Yuanhong not only used to be a navy. Also participated in the Sino-Japanese War. And although he was sunk, it wasn’t his responsibility, after all, he was just an engineer at that time. However, he has served in both the navy and army, so he knows everything about the navy and army. And this kind of person knows technology and management. He knows the navy and the army, and he has been abroad for investigation, so he has a lot of understanding of foreign countries, so he is not a closed-minded person. Then this is also considered a talent.

“Go and call him!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, an officer in his thirties was notified and came to the governor’s mansion.

“Li Yuanhong, the last general, salute the governor and Director Zheng!” Li Yuanhong said.

Seeing Li Yuanhong’s answer, Wang Guorui also nodded. He thought you called Zheng Hong “Director Zheng” just now, that is to say, he thought that Zheng Hong was the director of the political department, not “Madame”. In fact, a person’s attitude towards others can be seen from many times, and Zheng Hong’s “wife” status comes from Wang Guorui, because she is Wang Guorui’s fiancée. But her identity as “Director Zheng” comes from her military position, that is, the director of the General Political Department.

Although these two titles can both represent Zheng Hong, but which identity you call specifically represents your attitude towards this woman Zheng Hong in your heart. If you call Madam, then there is no problem as a civil servant, but if you call Zheng Hong “Madam” as a military officer, then Wang Guorui will also have to consider that he will be ranked behind when he is promoted. Because as a soldier, you must first be clear about your superiors and subordinates. You should only know military orders, but not the various complicated interpersonal relationships next to you.

If Zheng Hong is called “Madam”, it means that this officer does not have much respect for Zheng Hong, the director of the political department. And Zheng Hong is also a top-ranked person in the Taiwan army, but if his subordinates don’t have much awe of the superiors in the army, it means that his awe comes from Wang Guorui’s power, not from military orders. But calling Zheng Hong “Director” shows that he is in awe of his superiors, and he is in awe of military orders. They are only responsible for carrying out military orders and will not consider the complicated interpersonal relationships in the army. And this kind of people are relatively “simple”, at least they won’t get too involved in politics, won’t worry about those complicated interpersonal relationships, and won’t get too involved in political battles in the army.

Therefore, seeing what is known in a small way, we can also see a lot of things from the names they call Zheng Hong.

“Okay, I plan to appoint you as the commander of the Marine Division. Do you think you are competent?” Wang Guorui asked.

After Li Yuanhong heard this, he didn’t expect it to be so smooth. Although he had already been inspected by the political department represented by Zheng Hong, he never thought that he would be personally interviewed by Wang Guorui. However, Wang Guorui had just met him, so he took the initiative to appoint him, and did not conduct other investigations, which made him feel that things went too smoothly. Even Li Yuanhong felt that things went too smoothly, so he was at a loss for a while.

“Can you do it? If you think you can’t, then I’ll replace you!” Wang Guorui asked.

“Yes! Thank you, Governor, for your cultivation!” Li Yuanhong said.

Li Yuanhong still chose to bear it first, otherwise Wang Guorui would have to change. You must know that he is a division-level officer as a marine division. He used to be a battalion-level officer who managed hundreds of people. Now he can be promoted a lot. What’s more, the army here is completely different from those on the mainland, so on the whole, it is their own profit. Anyway, he didn’t think Wang Guorui would harm him. After all, Wang Guorui had many ways to deal with him, so there was no need to trick him in such a matter.

“Okay, you’ll take up your post tomorrow. You should lead the Marine Division well. The future of the Marine Corps is boundless. It will definitely not be worse than the Army or the Navy, so your future must be very bright!” Wang Guorui said.

“Thank you sir for cultivating it!” Li Yuanhong said.

As for Li Yuanhong in this period, Wang Guorui, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is quite satisfied. Because Li Yuanhong in this period was not the cunning politician Li Yuanhong later, he did not experience too much political career in this period, and naturally he did not experience too many political struggles. He used to be an engineer in the navy, a technical officer, and did not participate in political battles. And later, after the Sino-Japanese War, he became an officer in the army. But from the First Sino-Japanese War to the present, it was only two years, but he had experienced so many tasks. Under the protection of Zhang Zhidong, no one dared to offend Li Yuanhong, and his tasks were still very heavy. Naturally, he didn’t have much time to think about political struggles, which made him very inexperienced in political struggles. Don’t look at him as a man in his thirties, but he is still very “simple”.

So Wang Guorui didn’t want his “simpleness” to disappear, so he planned to reuse him in the army. Maybe he will never have the opportunity to be in politics in the future, and he has always served in the army. There will be one less politician, Li Yuanhong, in this world, but perhaps one more outstanding military officer. This may be another change in Li Yuanhong’s fate.

And Wang Guorui didn’t even think that his first younger brother of a historical celebrity would appear at this time, and he would also be Li Yuanhong, the future president of the Republic of China. However, everything has changed now, history will no longer evolve completely according to the original history, and the Republic of China may never exist. (To be continued..)

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