Red Alert 1895

Chapter 167

Chapter 167 – Clan Power

Soon, the Propaganda Department of Taiwan’s Governor-General’s Office also began to let various propaganda forces under it start publicizing, disseminating legal knowledge to many low-level people. Especially the knowledge about the property rights of land and real estate, that is, telling them whose name is written on the title deed, and who owns the land and real estate. And this kind of propaganda is to improve the people’s awareness of rights protection, and to enable them to fight against the main lines of their own families and maintain the safety of their property.

In addition, the Propaganda Office announced a case about a land dispute between the offshoot and the main line of the family, and after hearing about this case, people were beaten to death. This made many offshoots of the clan that received land allocation start to pay attention. Because the case of Zhang Guifang is definitely not a single case, on the contrary, it is a case that exists in all parts of Taiwan. The main line of many clans avoids a large amount of agricultural taxes by allocating land to those other branches. However, after they distributed the land, many main branches of those families naturally wanted to take back the land because of Wang Guorui’s policy of exchanging land for shares. Because they have distributed all the land, there is not much land under their own name, so they naturally need more land in exchange for more shares.

At this time, the conflict between the side branches of the family and the main line broke out completely, because the side branches of the family finally obtained the land, so they were naturally unwilling to be taken back by the main line. And some people who want to make a living from farming also feel uncomfortable, because it is obviously the land under their own name, why should they give a large part of the grain to the main line of the family when the harvest is harvested. Why so! If you have to hand over a large amount of grain to others to obtain land in this way, what is the difference between yourself and the tenants in the past? Doesn’t it mean that you have not given yourself land? This got a lot of people concerned.

“The patriarch. That Zhang Guifang sued you, and he still filed the complaint directly with the governor. Will there be any accidents?” A member of the Zhang family asked.

But the patriarch of the Zhang family said indifferently: “What’s the matter with this? It’s our land in the first place. Is it still a problem for us to take it back? It’s only natural for us to take back our land.”

“Patriarch, but recently a propagandist from the Governor’s Mansion said that the land belongs to anyone. I think there must be a deep meaning in it! Could there be some problem with this?” That The members of the Zhang family immediately continued to ask.

“Hmph, what can the government do? They won’t go to the countryside, this village is our world! I am the patriarch of the family, who dare not listen to me? That Zhang Guifang is really unreasonable. He actually sued me as the patriarch What can I do? It’s obviously the family’s land, but his father actually wants to swallow it, this is really helpless. If you die, you will die, what else can you do?”

“Patriarch, patriarch, it’s not good, the Governor’s Mansion Court sent an arrest warrant, saying that you are suspected of intentional homicide. So we are here to arrest you!” A servant shouted.

“Hmph, let someone drive them away!” said the head of the Zhang family.

“Patriarch, no! They came with the people from the court. There are hundreds of soldiers! Moreover, those soldiers are all armed with live ammunition, definitely not holding fire sticks! If we dare not listen, then they must be wiped out on the spot We are.”

The head of the Zhang family gasped. He didn’t expect that the governor’s mansion would “value” him so much, and he would bring hundreds of soldiers to “invite” him!

Taipei. Governor’s Mansion, Wang Guorui called a meeting.

“Everyone, this time we are going to face the biggest challenge since the Taiwan regime was established. If this challenge passes, then we will get through a huge crisis, and then Taiwan will truly get rid of the feudal shackles of the past and be able to Real free development. And if we can’t make it through, those landlord forces will continue to chase us fiercely, and we will have a lot of difficulties at that time. For this, we must make all preparations. The army, propaganda, administration, all must Be prepared, and there must be no slack.”

“You may not know, or you don’t think there is such a big harm. Since ancient times, in China, the government does not go down to the towns, and the towns are managed by clan landlords one by one, and many of our past officials have to Only with the support of ordinary township clans can we exercise power. And these clans rely on land and blood to maintain, and then continue to gather family members to fight against the government. This is very bad for us, and it is also very detrimental. So we must Clean up these clan forces properly.”

“These clan forces are binding the people, they are like a mountain that is pressing on the people’s heads. And the people want to be free, and the vested interests of those clan forces will not allow the people to be free at all. Because they want to kidnap the people of the entire clan Only when the common people come can they gain benefits. They are tantamount to kidnapping the entire family to fight against our government, and then force us to compromise with them. This kind of management clan model attached to the landlord culture can no longer adapt to the current situation. The needs of the industrial age. Our factories need a large number of workers, and these clans have restricted their family population to the land and towns, preventing them from coming out. This is not only not conducive to industrial development, but also It is conducive to the flow of population and talents, and it is not conducive to the freedom of human beings.”

“And foreigners have said that everyone has their own human rights, and the right to freedom is the most important right. Although this belongs to foreigners, I very much agree with it. If a person does not even have the right to choose his own future path, Then what kind of freedom does he have! And these ordinary people who are attached to the clan power are oppressed by the patriarch of the clan, and the clan has not allowed them to leave this oppressive situation. We must smash this culture and change the common people. Only in this way can our people gain real freedom. Only in this way can we truly embark on the fast track of Taiwan’s development!”

Wang Guorui started to mobilize everyone before the war. This time can be said to be the last declaration of war against feudalism. And although some of those landlords wanted to exchange the land for shares, since the land had already been settled in the hands of those different people, they couldn’t tolerate them wanting to go back. After all, this personal legal property is inviolable, and this is what the law must have. And since they have settled under their names, the government of Taiwan must protect them well, otherwise the government of Taiwan will definitely lose the support of the people. Personal legal property cannot be violated. This is definitely not a casual talk, and the rules must be strictly followed. If it can be trampled on at will, it will definitely be very dangerous for future capital development.

And although the redistribution of land has been carried out locally, the people’s hearts have not been able to change. Many ordinary people are also subconsciously attached to the clan, and this clan is no longer suitable for Taiwan’s future development path, and we must find a way to get rid of it. It is easy to get rid of it economically, but it is not so simple to get rid of it mentally. And this time Zhang Guifang came to sue the patriarch of the Zhang family, which meant that Wang Guorui was given an opportunity to get rid of this outdated clan ideology.

And this case is just a big example, and then it can tell the general public to maintain their own land ownership. As long as everyone learns to maintain their own land ownership, the originally highly cohesive clans will begin to be truly dismembered. The clan is also maintained by the land and the traditional idea of seniority and inferiority. But once this kind of clan has no land, they simply cannot have enough interests to maintain everyone’s unity. And once the younger generation has sufficient conflicts of interest with the elders, such as the conflict of interests in the land, I am afraid they will not be able to respect the elders. After all, respect is one thing, but you must not infringe on your own interests, but once there is a conflict in land ownership, I am afraid that many people in the family will not continue to listen to the elders in the family~www.mtlnovel. com~ After all, in many cases, the blood relationship is not as good as those who have their own interests, and those who disregard their interests for the sake of family affection are, after all, a minority. So there is still such a thing as brothers and sisters who settle accounts clearly, which is enough to show that family relationships are simply vulnerable in the face of sufficient interests.

“Master Wang, Zhang Dongfang, the patriarch of the Zhang family, has been arrested and is now being held in a cell in the court. According to the suggestion of President Wang Xiande, it is hoped that the trial will start in three days, and it will be a public trial. And At that time, people of all classes can come here to watch, which can play a role in educating the people and popularizing the law.” Kang Tongwei said to Wang Guorui.

And Wang Guorui took the initiative to say: “Okay, let them all start the preliminary trial, and then we must hold a public trial so that they can accept punishment according to the law. This time it is not just a legal matter.” , or a process about the struggle of our different classes.”

Taiwan’s current civil servants are mainly foreign students, so they all represent the interests of the capitalist class, so naturally the landlord class cannot be allowed to rebound. If the landlord class is allowed to rebound, I am afraid that it will also be detrimental to the development of capital. This kind of clan ideology has seriously harmed the interests of the capitalist class, so it is natural to clean them up severely, otherwise it will be very detrimental to the reform of the country. (to be continued)

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