Red Alert 1895

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 – Warship Transactions (Part 2)

Soon, with the help of Wang Wenshao, many Manchu officials also approved the purchase of warships from this Hans company. ± Vertex Fiction, after all, the conditions offered by the Hans company are too good, not only the deposit is low, only 20% is enough. The remaining money can be paid after delivery, which reassures the Manchu officials a lot. What’s more, people can also pay in batches instead of taking it all at once, which reduces the financial pressure of the Manchu Qing many times. Moreover, they were able to deliver quickly. They promised to provide warships capable of forming a fleet to the Manchu Qing government within half a year, which was very important for the Manchu Qing government who lacked time. Even, of course, the most important point is that they can provide 20% rebates, so that those corrupt officials in the Qing Dynasty will start to work for this Hans company with all their strength. After all, a warship is at least It costs millions of taels of silver, and this 20% rebate is enough to eat a lot of money.

“Zhang, this is a contract signed between your Chinese government and me. A total of five 7,000-ton cruisers and about 20 other ships are purchased. The transaction volume of this business is about 50 million. Two. But now the Chinese government has only sent a deposit of about 10 million taels of silver, and the remaining funds will be paid in batches after delivery.” That Adolf said humbly in front of Zhang Dekai.

And if the Manchu officials saw this scene, they would be very shocked. Adolf, who is clearly the manager, actually kowtowed to a Chinese deputy manager. This simply baffled many Manchu officials. And Zhang Dekai didn’t care, obviously accepted all this calmly.

Zhang Dekai is actually a member of Taiwan’s General Intelligence Administration. He is a senior intelligence officer of Taiwan’s General Intelligence Administration. And his current identity is the deputy manager of Hans Shipbuilding Company, and this Hans Shipbuilding Company is actually a leather bag company under Wang Guorui. It specializes in selling warships to outsiders. As for the German Adolf, he was just hired by Wang Guorui’s intelligence personnel. You must know that in this era, Westerners can come to the East. Although there are some rich people, most of them are adventurers. These adventurers who came to the East couldn’t stay in the country, and then took the initiative to come to the East to take risks. And some people succeeded. Huge wealth has been earned, but more people are still impoverished. Not every Westerner is very rich. Apart from the so-called higher political status in their lives in the East, most of them are lower than Chinese businessmen. So Wang Guorui just chose a German who came to the East to do business and went bankrupt, and then made him the general manager of the so-called Hans Shipbuilding Company, and Wang Guorui sent a deputy manager to follow him , tantamount to monitoring him.

Moreover, this Hans company is only in charge of sales, not production. They also don’t know where these ships were produced. So even if this Hans company is taken over, they will not be afraid that their warship production will be exposed.

“Okay, with this ten million taels of silver, the financial pressure on our island will be much easier. And the next steady stream of fifty million taels of silver will make a lot of money for our island, and Lord Wang will definitely reward it.” Mine! Maybe I can raise my rank to lieutenant colonel.” Zhang Dekai thought.

Wang Guorui now spends money everywhere in Taiwan, so Wang Guorui’s financial pressure is still very huge. As for many factories in Taiwan, they have not been able to be established. Moreover, there is not much agricultural tax, which is not enough for Taiwan to realize industrialization in the future. After all, Taiwan needs money to build factories. Manufacturing machines cost money, and everything else costs money. Although a large number of people are clones of the Red Police and do not need military expenses, most of them are ordinary workers, and their wages cannot be reduced, so Wang Guorui’s expenses are also very huge. And investment in education must also increase. This also cannot be reduced. Therefore, Wang Guorui had no choice but to find another way. He planned to sell the warship. Wang Guorui produced warships, not only at a very low cost, but only about one-tenth of the market price, and they were sold directly after production. That’s a huge profit! At that time, it will definitely be able to greatly make up for the financial pressure on the island of Taiwan.

“Okay, this Zhang Dekai really did a good job. This time, he can be promoted to a lieutenant colonel military academy.” Wang Guorui said.

And Zheng Hong, who was next to him, saw the draft telegram of the warship transaction contract, and Zheng Hong couldn’t help but said worriedly: “Husband, if you trade warships to the Qing court in this way, will this cause trouble for yourself? If the Qing court After we have a navy, I am afraid that if we want to attack the mainland, it will be a lot of trouble.”

“Hong’er, what are you worried about? We don’t know what the Manchu virtues are? Many experienced sailors and naval officers from the Manchus have come to serve in Taiwan. The Manchus are seriously lacking in qualified Experienced sailors. And then they will spend no less than ten years on training sailors! A century-old navy is not something to talk about casually. Their talents have been poached by us several times, and their proficiency in the West A large number of talents for business affairs have been poached by us in Taiwan, and even if they don’t come, we will not leave them. Therefore, the Qing Dynasty will inevitably face a shortage of naval talents. Don’t look at them having warships, then their combat effectiveness will be good. gone.”

“Besides, the Manchus did not have the ability to produce their own warships. They could only buy from us, and we gave them a 20% rebate, so they would probably be used to buying with us. By then, We can cut off the supply of their warships at any time, and one of their warships will be sunk, so we don’t have to be afraid of them at all. Emphasizing industry, it is impossible for them to have a strong navy.”

Of course Wang Guorui knew that it was impossible for the Manchus to have a powerful navy. This was because the Manchus did not have enough industry, and the fact that the Manchus did not have enough industry was caused by their social system. In the mainland, the landlord class is still in charge at present, and the landlord class in the mainland naturally does not want a large amount of industrial construction. Once a large number of factories in the mainland start operations, there will be no one to cultivate the land of those landlords. A large number of tenants will also go to work in factories, and even the landlords cannot use the competition among tenants to increase the share ratio. Originally, the landlord could rely on the advantage of the oversupply of tenants to increase the share ratio, but once the industry is built and the industry absorbs a lot of surplus labor, the landlord will also be forced to reduce the rent ratio.

At that time, these are the losses of the landlords. In order to protect their own vested interests, the landlords must oppose industrial construction. And once industry becomes the mainstream of society, then these landlords will also lose their ruling power, which is something that landlords are unwilling to live.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Qing Dynasty to have sufficient industrial strength, and naturally it is impossible to have a powerful navy. Although for a short time it seemed that the Manchus also had a group of enlightened people, it did not mean that they were willing to wholeheartedly support the industry. They supported industrial development, but in order to continue their rule, they had to make some compromises and develop proper industries. But once industry affects their ruling power, they will never choose to develop industry.

“Now, the Manchu Qing court has also sent us a lot of wealth, and then let us use the money to complete our infrastructure and develop armaments. The Manchu Qing didn’t even know that they bought our warships. It’s digging a grave for ourselves! As long as we have enough financial resources, we can expand, and then continue to acquire a large amount of land, and finally surround the Qing Dynasty together.”

“We still need to cultivate our internal strength, otherwise we would not have enough strength to complete the transformation of the country and I really envy those rebels hundreds of years ago, they didn’t have to worry so much, with With my strength, I can completely defeat the Beijingers and become the emperor directly. At that time, I can launch reforms directly without worrying about the ideas of Westerners. Who in the world would dare not listen?”

“But it’s my turn to rebel, and I have to be wary of what the Westerners think. I can’t be too presumptuous, otherwise we will all be unlucky if the Westerners attack together. Even though we have enough strength, we can’t directly defeat them. The Manchu Qing expelled the Tartars. After all, this era has changed. It is no longer the era of relying on landlords for a living. Changes must be made. Talents are needed in all aspects, not just the general management officials of the past, regardless of It is the same in many aspects of technology and military, so I have such a headache!”

And Zheng Hong saw Wang Guorui’s self-deprecating words, so she didn’t know what to say. Because she doesn’t quite understand the significance of the changes of this era, she has been living in Taiwan, and she knows little about the Western world, and she only learned more Western knowledge after following Wang Guorui. The reason why Wang Guorui was not able to take the initiative to attack the Manchu Qing court must have his own difficulties. He is obviously strong enough, but he can’t realize his ancestors’ dream of expelling the Tartars. This Zheng Hong is also a little helpless. As for the Qing Dynasty, Wang Guorui could only gradually annex it by encroaching on the territory. If it was swallowed up, there would inevitably be a lot of feudal remnants, so this was Wang Guorui’s headache. (to be continued..)

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