Red Alert 1895

Chapter 175

Chapter 175 – Great Righteousness Kills Relatives (Part 1)


While Wang Guorui was working, a middle-aged woman’s voice came. 【Ferry Search Free Download Novel】When Wang Guorui heard this voice, he couldn’t help but frown, because he didn’t really want to hear this voice. But he had to take it seriously, after all, this was his cheap mother. She is the biological mother of this body, and since Wang Guorui inherited his body, he must take it seriously. In fact, Wang Guorui didn’t want to have such a mother, because he didn’t have much affection for cheap mothers in this world. If those traversers could regard the mother of the main body as their own mother, then Wang Guorui really couldn’t understand. If you have a new mother, you can accept it with peace of mind. Isn’t this a mother with milk?

During this time, Wang Guorui also went to see his so-called mother every half a month, but he didn’t stay for more than five minutes each time, and he mainly went there in a coping manner. If he didn’t go, he might be accused of being unfilial. Even in later generations, officials who are not filial will be criticized, not to mention the ancient times when the country was governed by filial piety, it cannot be ignored.

“Mother, did you come to the Governor’s Mansion to see me?” Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui didn’t arrange this mother to live in the Governor’s Mansion, but built another rather luxurious house for her. After all, Wang Guorui didn’t want to meet this mother for a long time, otherwise she might recognize her as a Xibei of. And this mother obviously knew that Wang Guorui was no longer the old Wang Guorui, so she didn’t take the initiative to come to the Governor’s Mansion to find Wang Guorui. Nor did he offer to move to the Governor’s Mansion to live. And she lived with her cheap brother Wang Guomin and her nephew and niece. Therefore, when this mother came to Wang Guorui’s Governor’s Mansion, she would definitely go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

“Rui’er. I hope you can promise me one thing!” said the mother.

Wang Guorui replied, “Mother, what’s the matter with you!”

“You promise me first and I’ll talk later!” Mother continued.

But Wang Guorui became impatient and said, “Mother, if you don’t say anything, then I can’t agree. If there is nothing important, I have to go to work.”

Wang Guorui’s part contained a bit of an expulsion order, and he inherited this body. It’s okay to help her mother do something to make up for it, but don’t overdo it. If it was too much, Wang Guorui wouldn’t even help. After all, Wang Guorui thought that he didn’t have much affection for this mother.

“Come in!” Mother said to the door.

Soon, a middle-aged man in his thirties came to Wang Guorui with a woman and a child about fourteen or fifteen years old. And Wang Guorui saw that this middle-aged man in his thirties was somewhat similar to himself, so this man should be his brother Wang Guomin. And Wang Guorui saw his brother for the first time. Before, Wang Guomin avoided Wang Guorui. After all, when Tan Ya was saving Wang Guomin and the others, she had made it clear that Wang Guorui didn’t care much about their lives, so this made Wang Guomin a little sad. So Wang Guomin also avoided Wang Guorui afterwards, but this time he actually came to see him, and obviously something happened.

“Guo Rui, I need your help with one thing!” Wang Guomin said.

Wang Guorui frowned. It seemed that his brother had something to do today, so he came to ask him for help.

“Tell me! What is it?”

Wang Guomin said, “Banglin beat someone to death today.”

And Wang Guorui was surprised for a while, he actually heard that his nephew had killed someone? The so-called “Banglin” was his nephew Wang Banglin. And I am the generation of “Guo”, and the next generation is also the generation of “Bang”, so my nephew is called Wang Banglin. But today I heard that my nephew beat someone to death. That’s probably because my brother wants to solve this matter by himself. Wang Guorui was very upset at this moment, this matter is really not small!

You must know that although Wang Guorui is not very enthusiastic about these family members, they are his own family after all, and those other Taiwanese officials must be treated as relatives of the emperor. So if his nephew beat someone to death, it would be like a slap on his face, which obviously made Wang Guorui feel very angry. His nephew killed someone. If it spreads out, I don’t know what it will say? At that time, those folk rumors may be false. That would be miserable.

“If you beat someone to death, you should go to the court. Why did you come to me? I am not in charge of justice here! You should go to the court, and the court will make a judgment according to the law.” Wang Guorui said very coldly.

It has to be said that when Wang Guorui heard that his cheap nephew had beaten someone to death, his first thought was definitely not to protect his nephew, but to use this incident as a way to establish a righteous image for himself. It’s standing up for the law. This is not to blame Wang Guorui for being cruel, but because he has no feelings for his brother and nephew. At that time, he didn’t want to save his brother, nephew and niece. He even hoped that they would die in the hands of Manqing. idea. So now that his nephew killed someone, the first thing he thought of was to be able to accept this matter to bring him political benefits, not to help his nephew avoid punishment.

“Guo Rui, you are the governor of Taiwan, even the courts will listen to you. As long as you say a word, who in Taiwan would dare not listen? By then, won’t the matter of your nephew Banglin be settled?” Wang Guomin Said.

Wang Guorui laughed angrily and said: “Okay! Brother, you have learned the good thing that one person can ascend to heaven! Don’t you think this is the Manchu Qing Dynasty? I can control it casually if I become the governor of Taiwan. Judiciary, can you play with the law casually?”

Although Wang Guorui dared to play with many people, even the British, he never dared to play with the laws in his own territory. After all, the law is the bottom line for maintaining fairness in this society. If the law is played casually by people, I am afraid that this society will become completely without a bottom line. The law is also the ultimate fairness. If the law is played by others, Wang Guorui really can’t believe what the country will become. In the future, the country will be governed by law, not by people. Once I do this at that time, what will my heir think, and he will rule by manipulating the law at will. The mainstream of the future society must be the rule of law and constitutionalism, and it will definitely not be a situation where leaders can manipulate the law at will.

Therefore, Wang Guorui will never agree that his brother can manipulate the law at will. This is a problem of the bottom line of society and must not be ignored. If you don’t abide by the bottom line of society as a ruler, you will definitely hurt yourself in the end.

“Guo Rui, if you can’t even keep your nephew, what will others think of you? At that time, you, the governor of Taiwan, will have no dignity! At that time, many people will laugh at you.” The mother said.

My cheap mother was still from the feudal era, and she thought it was a shame for Wang Guorui to do so.

But Wang Guorui immediately replied: “This era is no longer the feudal era of the past, so many people look at me, if I bend the law for personal gain, it is not to protect my face at all, but to slap myself in the face! So, I can’t help you with this. If you want to solve the problem, you’d better turn yourself in. My nephew is not yet 18 years old, so he should have been given a lighter punishment. So if you can turn yourself in again, you should be sentenced Not more than fifteen years, at least not with the loss of life.”

“What? Fifteen years? This year, Banglin is sixteen years old. When he comes out in fifteen years, what future will he have?” Wang Guomin exclaimed.

Wang Guomin naturally thought it was impossible. After all, if he was sentenced to fifteen years later, he would probably be in his thirties once he was released, and he would have no future at all. Originally, they thought that when they came to Taiwan, they would be able to ascend to heaven alone, and they could benefit from Wang Guorui’s identity. And his son will be able to enter the governor’s mansion to serve in a few years, and then get a good future. This is also an idea in traditional Chinese thinking, which can make the family members rich and honor. But what they didn’t expect was that Wang Guorui was so “ruthless” that not only did he not give them any benefits, but even his nephew, who was about to face a heavy punishment, refused to save him, and instead persuaded them to surrender . This made Wang Guomin completely disappointed, because he knew that his younger brother was already “denied by six relatives” Even he treated his mother very coldly. And my younger brother seemed to be a different person, not the younger brother I was familiar with in the past at all.

“Wang Guorui, when you were a child, who let you go? Didn’t I let you do all the delicious and fun things I had back then? Now this is how you repay your brother, and you are so ungrateful? You are now Now that he has become a high-ranking official, his relatives will not recognize him, this is a bastard!” Wang Min said angrily.

And the mother also said: “Don’t you even listen to your mother’s words? When you were young, you listened to your mother’s words the most!”

“Jingle jingle!”

Wang Guorui rang the bell, and guards came over immediately.

“Send that child to the president of the court, Wang Xiande, and tell him not to worry about my face, and punish him as he should,” Wang Guorui said.

“Wang Guorui, you are so bold, you don’t even give your mother face? You are really unfilial! Why is my life so hard! How did I give birth to such an unfilial son!” The mother began to grieve Said. (to be continued)

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