Red Alert 1895

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 – Arrogant Guangxu

19388071”>(); And everyone in Taiwan knows that the Governor-General is going to get married, and all this makes many people very happy. After all, the Governor-General is going to get married, isn’t it a great celebration? And then maybe you can take advantage of the opportunity to flatter, and then get promoted and get rich! And everyone wants to take advantage of Wang Guorui’s wedding to please Wang Guorui, and then gain a certain degree of attention.(^o^) /|经@式*小#说|More|New|Most|Faster|(^o^)/Qiushu.qiushu. However, when everyone is busy When she was about to get married, someone came to make things difficult for Wang Guorui.

“Eunuch Li, you are a capable person next to the Queen Mother. Why did you come to Taiwan, a place where the poor and the poor are poor? Could it be that you heard that I was going to get married, so you came here to ask for a wedding drink?” Wang Guorui asked. .

This person is Li Lianying, who is the head of the empress dowager Cixi, but he came to Taiwan from a long distance, which surprised Wang Guorui. Because Li Lianying represents the old witch, Empress Dowager Cixi, she really cannot be underestimated. In China, even the emperor can ignore it, but this old witch Cixi cannot be ignored. Even if Wang Guorui respects himself, he is still very careful about this old witch. If it wasn’t for the strength in his hands, then I’m afraid it wouldn’t be the Song Qingshu of Rebirth played by this old hag in terms of tactics.

“Oh, Governor Wang, our family will stop talking nonsense. The queen mother asked me to ask you, what do you really want?” Li Lianying asked.

Wang Guorui immediately asked: “What’s the matter, what’s the queen mother asking you to do with me?”

“I’ll make it clear to you!” Li Lianying said.

The time returned to more than twenty days ago. The city of Beijing at that time.

“My majesty, many students have also raised the flag outside the palace to depose the demon queen and follow the example of Japan. Let the emperor return the great government.” Kang Youwei said.

When Guangxu heard the news in his heart, he immediately started laughing in his heart, because those students outside were also hinted by Guangxu to persecute them. And this is actually to force the Empress Dowager Cixi to hand over power, and then allow herself to truly be an emperor. Guangxu can’t wait anymore, he hopes to seize power as soon as possible, and then really enjoy the taste of being an emperor, he is not willing to continue to be Cixi’s puppet. So he chose to let the students force Cixi to give up his power.

And outside the palace. Kang Youwei’s apprentice Liang Qichao began to shout: “Students, the reason why our Qing Dynasty has such a result. It is because the demon queen ruled the government in the morning, and we must abolish the demon queen, and then return my Qing Dynasty to a bright future. .”

“Depose the Demon Empress, give me back the Qing Dynasty!” “Depose the Demon Empress. Give me back the Qing Dynasty!”…

“Students, our reform and reform has the support of my Taiwan Governor Wang Guorui, and we will be able to complete it smoothly. Therefore, students, you must have confidence that our reform and reform in the Qing Dynasty will be completed. The governor of Taiwan, Wang Guorui, is a member of the imperial court who supports the emperor’s reform, and it won’t be long before the governor of Taiwan, Wang Guorui, will lead troops in to expel the demon queen! Students, we must have confidence. We must firmly believe that the emperor will be able to preside The great cause of reform and reform.” Liang Qichao shouted.

“Reform and reform!” “Reform and reform!” “Reform and reform!”

And those students also followed Liang Qichao and shouted there, but this shout made the old witch Cixi in the Summer Palace tremble with fear.

“Xiao Lizi, those students are so bold. They want to dethrone Aijia, it’s really unreasonable! Aijia has worked hard for the Qing Dynasty, but these students not only don’t care about Aijia’s good, but also repay Aijia like this , What a bastard.” Cixi said tremblingly with anger.

Li Lianying immediately comforted and said: “Queen Mother, those are a group of ignorant students who are making trouble. None of those students know the difficulties of the court. Not only can they not share the worries of the court, but they continue to cause troubles for the court. They don’t know how to govern a big country at all. Such as the principle of cooking small fish. They are all thinking of gaining benefits for themselves, why have they considered it for my Qing Dynasty? If there is no Queen Mother, I am afraid that I will be torn apart early in the morning. At that time, my Qing Dynasty really wanted to The country is extinct!”

“Yes! If there was no Aijia, the Qing Dynasty would have been torn apart decades ago!” Cixi also said.

Cixi suddenly recalled the critical juncture decades ago. The Taiping Rebellion was put down decades ago, but the Han governor gradually rose. Almost all the world is in the hands of the Han governors, and these governors have military power, financial power, and even the feudal officials who control the land. And these big officials in frontiers are like a country within a country. At that time, the imperial court ordered that they could not come out of Beijing city for a while, and once they left Beijing, the effect was almost zero. At that time, the Empress Dowager Cixi had just become the empress dowager, and the emperor was still young, and the world was in the hands of the governor of the Han people, and the country would split if he was not careful.

But for so many years, Cixi has worked hard to solve the problem of these big officials in Xinjiang. After decades of political struggle, although the problem of big officials in Xinjiang has not been completely solved, at least the country will not have the risk of splitting. But in the past few decades, Cixi has lived like walking on eggshells! And what Cixi was most proud of in her life was that she was able to keep the country from being divided, and was able to forcefully extend the life of the Qing Dynasty for decades, otherwise the Qing Dynasty would perish as early as after the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. And Li Lianying happened to scratch Cixi’s itch, which made Cixi feel better.

“Xiao Lizi, it seems that the emperor can’t appreciate the painstaking efforts of the Ai family for so many years. He is no longer suitable to be an emperor!” Cixi said viciously.

This time Guangxu really touched Cixi’s bottom line, and Guangxu had already started talking about deposing Cixi, the “demon queen”. The reason why Cixi did not dare to hand over his power was because apart from his desire to have power, it was more because he knew that once he handed over his power, he would be at the mercy of others. Therefore, Cixi would never dare to hand it over, and Guangxu’s blatant desire to seize power seems to have already torn face with Cixi. Therefore, Cixi has decided that Guangxu must not be allowed to go on like this. If Guangxu is allowed to go on like this, then she will be very dangerous. Cixi always likes to act first, judging from the fact that he has launched two coups in the past, he is already planning to act first this time.

“Queen Mother, the emperor and these students are not scary, what is scary is that person over there!” Li Lianying said.

When Cixi heard this, she couldn’t help breathing a sigh of relief, she knew that this group of students were not scary, because the scholar rebelled for three years and failed to become a hero lord latest chapter ();. Even the emperor is not terrible, and he is just someone he can play with casually. The most frightening thing is Wang Guorui from Taiwan. Wang Guorui has not only the army, but also the navy. If necessary, he can attack Tianjin immediately under the cover of the navy. At that time, if he abolishes Guangxu, who knows whether Wang Guorui will attack under the banner of the Qing emperor or the emperor? Although Cixi can be sure that other officials in the frontier will not, Wang Guorui of Taiwan is not under her control. Cixi knew too little about Wang Guorui, and she was not sure what Wang Guorui would do.

And soon, Li Lianying was sent out of Beijing by Cixi, and then came to Taiwan.

“The queen mother wants me to ask you, what exactly do you want?” Li Lianying asked.

Wang Guorui was really speechless about Guangxu, and this Guangxu really had a brain twitch. Do you think that with your own support, you have nothing to worry about? Do you know that Cixi’s behind-the-scenes listening to politics for so many years was done in vain? Their cliques are all over the world, but how many cards can Emperor Guangxu have in his hand? Although the big officials in the mainland did not support Cixi very much, they did not support Guangxu even more. After all, Guangxu wants to reform and reform, this is to dig their foundation. And the reason why those big officials in the frontier have not expressed their opinions until now is because they can’t figure out what Wang Guorui thinks. And those big officials in the borderlands have never done anything by The higher-ups demanded reforms, and they just obeyed and disobeyed below. That is to say, only Emperor Guangxu and those stupid students thought that the whole world would follow the emperor’s order.

The Empress Dowager Cixi could tolerate such an uproar. After all, the Empress Dowager Cixi also hoped that the Manchu Qing could be maintained more. But this Emperor Guangxu actually made an inch and wanted to dethrone him, the “demon queen”, then this Cixi couldn’t tolerate it. This has already touched Cixi’s bottom line, and Cixi has decided to take action against Guangxu. But Cixi was worried about Wang Guorui who went to Taiwan, so he didn’t know what Wang Guorui was thinking. If Wang Guorui rebounded and led his troops directly to Beijing, it would be troublesome. At that time, Wang Guorui came to coerce the emperor to order the princes, and the Qing Dynasty would be over.

And this is not impossible, and Wang Guorui can really do this. If it wasn’t for Wang Guorui who wanted to create a new era and simply wanted to seize the throne, he would definitely do so without hesitation. But Cixi didn’t know Wang Guorui’s thoughts, he just thought that Wang Guorui didn’t come to coerce the emperor to order the princes, so he had his own ideas, so Cixi asked Li Lianying to come over and ask what he wanted. If what Wang Guorui wants is not complicated, then Cixi is not unable to agree. Anyway, Cixi is also determined to abolish Guangxu, but the coup can only be launched after reaching an agreement with Wang Guorui, otherwise once Wang Guorui bombs Mao Na is no fun. (to be continued)

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