Red Alert 1895

Chapter 195

Chapter 195 – The Road To Expansion

14323055”>();”Everyone, today I called everyone here to announce an important matter. [Ferry Search Free Download Novel] [.Reading] (..) We in Taiwan have reached the point where we can’t do without expansion, and if we continue like this, then we will all starve to death. Therefore, what we can do now is to expand outwards, so I will come here to announce our next plan. ” Wang Guorui said.

The military, political and military officials who came to the meeting were all serious immediately, because they knew that this meeting was related to the future of Taiwan. This meeting is related to the future development of Taiwan. After all, the situation in Taiwan is no longer a secret. The factory has gradually increased layoffs due to rising raw material prices. However, the various resources transported from outside the island of Taiwan are far from being able to meet the needs of the factory, so that the industry cannot be effectively developed, and the price of the factory’s products is rising steadily. The downturn is very unfavorable to the sales of Taiwan’s industrial products, and even factory layoffs have become a foregone conclusion.

Now Taiwan has no redundant jobs to provide, but people from the mainland are still coming in a steady stream. Because the policies given by Taiwan were so good before, they all followed. Moreover, the Manchus did not hope that Taiwan would be brought down by the pressure of a large population, so the Manchus did not prevent the people from emigrating. However, Taiwan no longer has any land to divide, and factories have begun to lay off workers, so a large number of immigrants have lost their jobs. The unemployment rate has been rising steadily, and even according to the latest survey by the General Office of Statistics, it has reached 14%. This figure is too shocking. Fourteen percent of the people in Taiwan have started to lose their jobs, so Taiwan has actually reached the brink of turmoil. This is just the result of Taiwan’s current strength, and Wang Guorui also paid for the minimum living allowance out of his own pocket. However, it is impossible for Wang Guorui to provide the minimum living allowance all the time. It is better to teach people how to fish than to give them a fish. They must find jobs to make a living.

But now Taiwan simply cannot spare jobs for them to participate in work, especially industrial jobs. A large number of workers are unemployed, and this number is still increasing. These are problems caused by resources. At present, Taiwan has to expand like Japan decades later. To not expand is to die. So now that military officials in Taiwan hear about the expansion, not only do they have no objection, but they have to support it. After all, the situation has reached this point, and I am afraid that if we do not expand, we will be doomed.

“Our next plan is to develop Nanyang. And our opponent is the Dutch. Everyone is optimistic about this map. This Nanyang area can be temporarily called Indonesia. And this Indonesia not only has very rich land resources, As long as we occupy this piece of land, we will expand our territory by more than two million square meters. It is equivalent to expanding China’s territory by almost one-fifth. And Indonesia is close to the junction of the earth’s plates, volcanic earthquakes There are many. But although there are many volcanoes and earthquakes, they can also bring great benefits. The land with many volcanoes is often very fertile and rich in various mineral resources. As long as we win Indonesia, we can not only With an area of agricultural development, it can even have the basis for industrial development. Therefore, we must get it in Indonesia.”

“Besides, Indonesia is currently the domain of the Dutch. The Dutch are already in decline, and their current strength will not be our opponent in Taiwan at all. The strength of the army owned by the Dutch is very poor, and the army’s weapons and equipment are not comparable to ours. Than. Even our old opponents, the Japanese, can’t match. Even the combat quality, even the Japanese can’t be an opponent. As for the navy, although the Dutch’s naval strength was still very good in the past, that’s just the past Yes. Now the Dutch are already the sick men of Europe, without any strength. Their fleet in the Far East is much weaker than ours. The total tonnage of their fleet in the Far East is not as good as one of our battleship detachments, so it is conceivable their weakness.”

“Such a piece of fertile land is actually in the hands of the Dutch, so we don’t have to be polite. The foreign devils have robbed us of so many things, so what if we don’t grab some things back? So we must get this piece of Indonesia, Otherwise, we will not be able to obtain the basis for sustainable development.”

While listening to Wang Guorui’s introduction of Indonesia’s resources. The military officials present also began to be shocked. And when they knew that Indonesia has copper mines, coal mines and many other things, their eyes turned green. Especially those admirals, they are all studying abroad, they naturally know the value of these things. When they were studying in the UK, didn’t they all hear that the British developed the navy, and didn’t they just fight for these resources? And now they heard that Indonesia not only has fertile land, but also has abundant resources, which of course makes them feel that they have made a lot of money. With this Indonesia, not only the population pressure is resolved, but Taiwan’s current population is simply not enough to develop Indonesia. On the contrary, they have to continue to immigrate from the mainland!

And the land area of this Indonesia is more than 19 million square kilometers, which is almost 20% of the current territory of China. If one can open up a territory equivalent to 20% of the country, then I am afraid that it will really be famous in history. Since ancient times, it has been the highest honor for a military commander to expand the territory, and even the officials never tire of it. In the ancient people’s thinking, the credit for opening up the frontiers and lands was the greatest kind of credit, and there was a saying in ancient times that only those who could save the country from difficulties, or open up the lands could be crowned kings. It is conceivable that expanding the territory can be said to be the same credit as saving a feudal dynasty, which is very noble in the eyes of the ancients 42050/”Magic Academy: The Last Witch();.

“Master Wang, since Taiwan has reached this point, if it does not expand, it will die, then let’s fight these foreign devils once!” Zhao Xi, the commander of the third division, shouted.

And Chen Liyan also said: “That’s right, **** him once, anyway, he is not British or French, he is a soft persimmon, so why don’t we pinch the soft persimmon? Although we dare not touch the British tiger’s butt, then It is still safe for us to bully this group of Dutchmen.”

“Also, isn’t our Taiwan occupied by the Dutch hundreds of years ago? Now we Taiwanese are going to take revenge, so that we can vent our anger on our ancestors!” Hu Wei said.

Hu Wei’s words were level, which directly drew everyone’s hatred for the Dutch. You must know that the Dutch invaded and occupied Taiwan hundreds of years ago. If Zheng Chenggong hadn’t recovered Taiwan, the Taiwan Sea could not be returned to China. So now Hu Wei uses this reason as an excuse to go to war against the Dutch. Although it is a bit far-fetched internationally, it is still feasible for propaganda. As long as it can arouse the anger of the people in Taiwan against the Dutch occupation of Taiwan, it is not impossible to make the people of Taiwan resent the Dutch.

Of course, although Indonesia is not just Dutch, for everyone, those indigenous peoples are not taken seriously at all. Not only do those indigenous peoples not have any industrial strength, they still maintain the combat methods of the cold weapon era, so it is impossible to count on them to be their opponents. And if they were more honest, then Wang Guorui would have no reason to deal with them. But if they were dishonest, then don’t blame Wang Guorui for being cruel to them. They have too many blood debts to the Chinese and overseas Chinese. If they allow Wang Guorui to seize the reason and opportunity, then Wang Guorui will definitely let the soldiers start to avenge the Chinese and overseas Chinese without hesitation.

“Okay, now I announce that I will order the General Staff to start formulating a combat plan. The plan for combating the Dutch must be formulated within half a month. And, regarding the mobilization of soldiers on Taiwan Island, combat readiness must be in place. Otherwise, we would not be able to fight in a timely manner. The staff department made plans, and the political department began to mobilize, carry out ideological education for soldiers, publicize the suffering of the Dutch for our Taiwan colonization, and make the people resent the Dutch. The Ministry of Logistics began to prepare logistics materials, and all kinds of materials must be purchased as soon as possible. With the consumption of this war, the demand for workers in those factories will definitely increase greatly, so that the employment pressure in Taiwan can be temporarily reduced a lot. “

And soon, the army began to prepare corresponding combat plans, especially the mobilization of soldiers. And Army officials immediately went to work to get the soldiers ready to go to war. Since Taiwan’s army defeated the Japanese, it has been almost a year since they fought, so they must be allowed to fight to maintain their combat effectiveness.

“Next is the We are going to land in the ocean this time, so the navy must guarantee the control of the sea. If the control of the sea cannot be guaranteed, then our army will not be able to land, even if it does land. It is very unfavorable for us to be able to continuously obtain logistical supplies. So, can the navy guarantee the dominance of the sea?” Wang Guorui asked.

Chief of Naval Staff Ye Zugui immediately hesitated and said: “If the Western powers don’t interfere, especially the French and the British, if their fleet in Eastern Asia chooses to support the Dutch, then we will really have some difficulties!”

“Don’t worry about the French. We have already signed a relevant agreement with them. We in Taiwan will acquiesce in their occupation of Vietnam in exchange for their support in maintaining our colonies. Therefore, the French cannot tear up the agreement by themselves, otherwise their Vietnam is also within our envelope. The British, the British, our navy does not have to be afraid of them, the British Far East Fleet is very weak. As long as we have a suitable excuse, they are unlikely to be able to interfere with our affairs Already!” Wang Guorui said.

The reason why Wang Guorui used the Lanfang Republic as an excuse was actually to avoid French and British interference. If there is no such excuse, I am afraid that the French and the British will interfere. Well now, with an excuse, everything is fine. (To be continued.) d();

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