Red Alert 1895

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 – Cruiser Detachment

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With the sound of a siren, the soldiers on the warship at the Keelung Naval Port in Taipei saluted together to pay tribute to the arrival of Taiwan Governor Wang Guorui. |Classic|Classic|Small|Speak|.|And this time Wang Guorui will come to conduct the last patrol before the battle, especially as the next patrol of the main cruiser detachment of the Dutch warship.

“Report to the governor, all 1,535 officers and soldiers of the cruiser detachment are here, please inspect the governor!”

Wang Guorui looked at the more than a thousand soldiers of the cruiser, and then smiled 22209/”Holy();. These naval soldiers have been training very hard during this period. Although they had some bad habits when they were in the Beiyang Navy, after Wang Guorui joined a large number of Red Police soldiers, their training atmosphere gradually improved. Although they originally had some bad habits, under the leadership of a large number of Red Police soldiers, they were able to gradually change, which is considered a good situation. The army is also a group, and human beings are also group creatures. If a group develops in a positive direction, then bad people will also be transformed into good people. But if a group develops in a bad way, I am afraid that the good people will also be forced to join forces. Therefore, under the hard training of a large number of Red Police soldiers, the soldiers of the Beiyang Navy have gradually been improved, so that they can have their own discipline.

“Very good, I am very happy to see you with such a good spirit. With you, I believe that you can defend our country and expand our territory for China!” Wang Guorui said.

“Governor Wang is invited to visit the ship!” Li He, head of the cruiser detachment, said.

At present, the two most important detachments in Taiwan are the battleship detachment and the cruiser detachment. Their detachment leaders were the surviving warship belts of the Beiyang Navy at that time, that is, the captains. Their names are Qiu Baoren and Li He respectively, and Qiu Baoren was the former leader of the Yuanyuan Ship of the Beiyang Navy. After the Yellow Sea War, he was dismissed from his position and then stayed at home. Later, he was recruited by Wang Guorui. Of course, the more important thing is to make them want revenge. And Li He was originally the commander of the Pingyuan ship, but now he has also become the captain of the cruiser detachment.

At present, there are only two of them in the Beiyang Navy who are qualified to be captains, because they have served as captains and participated in actual combat. And Taiwan’s local sailors cannot serve as captains at all. Not to mention the detachment captain of the warship, so they can only be appointed. Moreover, most of the Beiyang Navy was Fujianese. Wang Guorui is also from Fujian, so they naturally feel a little close to each other. However, the current Taiwanese navy is no longer dominated by Fujianese, because Wang Guorui has used many red police sailors. In this way, they are not enough to monopolize the navy. The current navy is a normal navy, not a Fujianese navy.

As for Lan Jianshu, the captain of the Beiyang Navy, he went to the Taiwan Military Academy to serve as the dean of the Naval Branch and was responsible for training naval officers.

“Li He, we are going to fight, and this time your cruiser detachment is the main force. Therefore, whether we can expand our territory this time depends on you,” Wang Guorui said.

Li He immediately said: “Everything is in the plan. We are fighting against the Dutch this time. We are completely killing chickens with a sledgehammer. The Dutch have completely fallen, and they have only a few all-steel warships until now.” .And their all-steel warships are all in Europe, and there are no all-steel warships in Eastern Asia. And they are just a few broken ships with iron ribs in Asia. We can send them into the water to feed **** at any time!”

Of course Li He has this confidence, because the Dutch don’t have much strength in Asia at all, and their all-steel warships are also in the homeland to protect their homeland. Although Indonesia is a colony of the Dutch, it is impossible for the Dutch to give up European protection in order to protect the colony. After all, the local area is also the most important. There are so many Dutch people playing around a large group of giants. Of course, more protection measures are needed. As for Asia, there are no great powers. And Japan has just risen, and Japan has no idea of playing Nanyang.

From the perspective of geographical situation, if Japan wants to expand to Southeast Asia, it must conquer Taiwan. Without Taiwan, it would be impossible for Japan to expand to Southeast Asia. In Taiwan, the Dutch did not have the slightest precautions, because the Dutch still subconsciously despise the Chinese. After all, in the eyes of Europeans, the Chinese can only defend, not attack, and the Chinese will not expand at all. They subconsciously forget that Taiwan has a strong naval power and can be expanded. This is the stubborn understanding of China in European countries. In their eyes, the Chinese can only be passively beaten, and cannot take the initiative to attack outside. And even if China has a strong strength, China can only defend and cannot attack European countries. In their eyes, this is the logic of robbers, thinking that it is reasonable and legal for European countries to attack China, but it is not acceptable for China to attack European countries. And it is precisely because of this bandit logic that they believe that it is impossible for the Chinese to attack the territories of European countries 22208/”Qian Kun Chuan ();

Moreover, even taking a step back, Europeans think that Taiwan will expand, and that is expansion to the mainland. They were all wary of Taiwan’s expansion to the mainland, but they never thought that Taiwan was actually expanding to the south, not to the mainland. Now Taiwan is still unable to single out Western countries on its own, so it must expand southward to accumulate strength.

Wang Guorui boarded the Laiyuan on these cruisers, and then took the initiative to observe these warships.

“My lord, these warships are imitations of the British Orlando-class protected cruisers. They are completely steel-hulled and are currently one of the most advanced cruisers in the world. However, the so-called most advanced is also because of the past ten years. No new type of cruiser has been invented, which makes this cruiser more than ten years ago still the most advanced. If it is to deal with the Japanese, the cruiser detachment is not strong enough, but to deal with the Dutch guys who are not even as good as the Japanese, That can be said to be easy to grasp.” Li He said.

Wang Guorui was also a little helpless, because the red police system can produce weapons that are available in this world, but soldiers cannot produce things that do not exist. That is to say, Wang Guorui can only produce those things that have been produced by other countries, and those things that have not been invented cannot be produced. If Wang Guorui wants to produce, there are only two options, one is to develop it by himself, and then he can produce it. As for the other method, it is to wait for other countries to invent it, and then follow suit. Of course, Wang Guorui actually hopes to develop it himself, so that he can gain the greatest advantage before others.

But now there has been no development of cruisers in the past ten years, and the development of cruisers has entered a period of stagnation, so this model more than ten years ago can still fight on the sea. Next, Wang Guorui has started to set up his own warship design team, which will be composed of those overseas students, and then a small number of senior engineers will help with the design. Wang Guorui’s goal is to be able to design that epoch-making warship, so that Taiwan will not be afraid of being surpassed by the enemy within ten years. And once that epoch-making warship is designed, it may be the assembly number for Taiwan to march to mainland China. However, designing a warship is not so easy, and it is impossible to design it within a few years. What’s more, these foreign students are still starting from scratch and have no real design experience. Therefore, Wang Guorui can only choose to wait and accumulate strength.

“Li He, next we will attack Indonesia, and you will be the main force. The battleship detachment will not act with you, so you must be careful, the pressure is still not small!” Wang Guorui said.

Li He immediately asked: “Since the battleship detachment will not come to participate in our battle this time, where will they go?”

At present, the most powerful force in Taiwan is the battleship detachment, but this time the battleship detachment will not take the initiative to participate in the attack together, UU reading www.uukanshu. com This surprised Li He a little. If the battleship detachment does not participate in the attack, the strength of the Taiwan Navy may be reduced by more than half, so Li He feels that the strength in his hands is somewhat insufficient.

“The battleship detachment, we will have its use. The battleship detachment is used to guard Taiwan, and we are wary of the Japanese. The battleship is the pinnacle of the sea, and we cannot use it casually. If we go south to Indonesia, the Japanese devils suddenly attack , That will be troublesome. We will never trust the morals of the devils, they are very good at sneak attacks. Therefore, we must have enough strength to protect our Taiwan’s security.” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui knew that the integrity of the Japanese devils could not be trusted, but they were famous for their sneak attacks, as can be seen from the later Pearl Harbor. So even if Indonesia is conquered south, the necessary precautions must be taken, otherwise the Japanese will attack Taiwan in trouble.

However, Wang Guorui believes that the strength of the cruiser detachment is enough to deal with the Dutch fleet in Asia, and they can completely defeat them. But if the Dutch want to attack, they have to come from the mainland, and they can’t come to the Far East generation in a few months. So Wang Guorui thinks that when they come, Indonesia has basically been occupied by Wang Guorui, so Wang Guorui can send out a few more warships, and then go to the decisive battle with the Dutch again. (to be continued) d();

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