Red Alert 1895

Chapter 204

Chapter 204 – Declare War (Below)

“Asshole, this is a conspiracy, an out-and-out conspiracy!”

Inside the Royal Palace of the Netherlands, just after receiving a telegram from China, the Dutch Prime Minister Burgesius shouted furiously. (First published by шщш.щ

The Dutch Prime Minister Burgesius never thought that the Chinese would have the courage to declare war on them at this time. This simply made him feel insulted. In the eyes of their Europeans, the Chinese are all lowly pariahs, but now they dare to take the initiative to declare war on them, which makes him feel very angry. And now Taiwan has not only declared war on them, but is also about to seek their Indonesia.

And this process, fools know that it is a conspiracy of Taiwan. From Taiwan, they asked Man Qing for the position of the Chief Protector of the Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate, and in less than an hour, the Taiwan Office in Beijing announced that the Nanyang Metropolitan Protector Wang Guorui would inspect Nanyang. It’s only been an hour, and the Chief Lan Fang flew here, and the invitation process was so hasty? And all this shows that Taiwan has long been prepared to deal with the conspiracy, and this Taiwan has already planned it. After the establishment of the Nanyang Protectorate in name, Taiwan began to announce that it would patrol Nanyang. At that time, the Dutch must not agree. In this way, the Dutch will inevitably announce that Lanfang has destroyed the country, and Taiwan will follow the trend to declare war on the Dutch.

It took less than two hours from the establishment of the Nanyang Metropolitan Protectorate to the declaration of war against the Dutch. Even at that time, the spokespersons directly declared war together, and there was no process of asking for instructions. It was obvious that they had been prepared and had been authorized to declare war on the Netherlands. This all shows that it is a conspiracy by the Taiwan side, which is enough to show that there is something wrong with it.

“Prime Minister Resus, can the Netherlands still keep Indonesia?” asked a seventeen-year-old girl.

And this girl is the current Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. He is just under seventeen years old this year and has not yet officially come of age. And he became king as early as seven years ago, and was later regent by his mother, Princess Emma, because of his age. Now she is less than seventeen years old, if nothing else, she will officially exercise the power of queen when she comes of age in 1898 AD. However, the motherland, the Netherlands, is already a constitutional monarchy, so it is hard to believe how much power the queen can have.

“Your Majesty, this is all a conspiracy, the conspiracy of those Chinese yellow-skinned monkeys!” Bourgesius said angrily.

Queen Wilhelmina asked again: “Let me ask you, can we, the Netherlands, still keep Indonesia? I have also heard some British nobles discuss that Taiwan is different from the Chinese. They are not weak!”

Now Europe is unanimously treating Taiwan and the mainland separately. After all, Taiwan’s strength is very strong, especially the army strength is very strong, and the navy strength is also very strange. Since the British minister saw Taiwan’s military parade last time, the UK believes that the quality of individual soldiers in Taiwan is no less than that of the Germans in terms of the quality of soldiers. But the only thing Taiwan lacks is weapons. And weapons are brought by resources. Taiwan does not have industry and does not have enough resources, so naturally it cannot be compared with Germany. Coupled with Taiwan’s small population, it is impossible to support a large number of troops. This makes Taiwan’s attention to the countries, but they will not regard him as a complete threat.

“Your Majesty, don’t worry, we in the Netherlands will definitely be able to defeat those Chinese yellow-skinned monkeys. Those yellow-skinned monkeys are more powerful in playing some tricks. If we say that the real war is not our opponent at all, we in the Netherlands will definitely be able to defeat them. Even After we have directly defeated them this time, we will take the opportunity to attack Taiwan. You must know that as early as two hundred years ago, Taiwan was a colony of our Dutch. A colony will always be a colony, and it is only a colony. Never try to turn over!” said Burgesius.

And this Bourgesius still regards the present as more than 200 years ago, when the Dutch still occupied Taiwan, and more than 200 years ago, Taiwan was still a colony of the Dutch. At that time Zheng Chenggong defeated them and recovered Taiwan. But the Dutch have never been reconciled. When Emperor Kangxi of the Manchu Qing Dynasty cooperated with Kangxi to seize Taiwan. At that time, Kangxi didn’t care whether Taiwan belonged to him. They almost gave Taiwan to the Dutch as their reward for eliminating the Zheng regime in Taiwan.

It is conceivable that the Manchu Qing Dynasty was not a regime that had a fancy to Taiwan, and almost gave Taiwan to the Dutch. If it weren’t for the traitor Shi Lang back then, he still had some conscience, saying that Taiwan is the gateway to the four provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Shanghai. And he has a certain understanding of the Dutch, so he knows that if Taiwan is given to the Dutch, the Dutch may make a comeback, and then use Taiwan as a springboard to erode the mainland. He strongly persuaded Kangxi not to give up Taiwan, so this is why Taiwan Not taken by the Dutch.

But now the Dutch still stubbornly believe that Taiwan is still the same as in the past. It’s just a colony under their rule, and it’s impossible to do anything. Even if the British say they are very powerful, those Dutch politicians still think that Taiwan is just their former colony, and it is not an independent organization at all. This is the stubborn inertia of human beings. Human beings stubbornly believe that their first impression is correct, so even if they think that Taiwan is not as weak as it used to be, they still think Taiwan is still as weak as it used to be.

“They defeated the Japanese, can we defeat them?” Queen Wilhelmina still asked worriedly.

But Burgesius still stubbornly said: “Impossible, what are the Japanese? They are not worthy to carry our shoes! When we Dutch dominated the world, they couldn’t even build ocean-going ships, so they A piece of cake.”

Bourgesius, like many Western countries, loves to remember the glory of the past. Although those Western countries may be strong for a while, after their decline, they will all fall into a situation of remembering the glory of their ancestors. Many times after their decline, they are not willing to admit that they have declined at all. They still stubbornly think that they are still strong, look down on those rising stars, and think that they are latecomers, and they are not worthy of being with themselves, an old nobleman.

Just like the British in later generations, they are actually ranked last among the five gangsters of the United Nations. But the British still hold themselves as an old empire and look down on the Chinese. Although China is becoming more and more powerful in later generations, and even ranked second or third among the five gangsters of the United Nations, the British guy who is ranked fifth still stubbornly believes that China is a backward country. In their British impression, China is still a country that can be invaded by themselves at will, and it is still the country that was easily opened by themselves more than a hundred years ago. And the British are immersed in their past dreams until later generations, and they are not willing to accept reality at all, and they are not willing to truly recognize the fact that they have declined.

The same is true of the Dutch. They still think that Taiwan was a colony that they could allow themselves to invade more than 200 years ago. Even if it can rise now, it is still a very weak country. In fact, Western countries are also the same as the Manchus. Even if they decline, they will not be willing to admit that they have declined. In fact, they are all the same as Man Qing, with an ostrich mentality, and they can’t see the rise of others. Like the Manchus, they seemed to be in that powerful era, deceiving themselves and others.

Now the Dutch also look down on the Japanese very much, because although Japan has risen after the Meiji Restoration, it is actually much stronger than the Dutch, but the attitude of the Dutch and the later British towards the Chinese is still the same. Belittle, as if those who came later were just upstarts. But they don’t know that their so-called nobles and nouveau riche are just deceiving themselves and others. As long as they are strong enough, the nouveau riche can completely defeat the nobles like their grandsons. And if the nobility has no strength, then the so-called nobility status is nothing but self-deception. In the final analysis, this world still depends on strength, but these Westerners just can’t understand.

“Your We have a full 120,000 troops in Indonesia, and we are not afraid of Taiwan’s at most 60,000 to 70,000 troops. In addition, we have a good relationship with those indigenous people. Those Indonesian indigenous people are all Those who have a personal enmity with the Chinese, when we rejected the Chinese, they didn’t bully those Chinese with us that time? So, we can completely incite those indigenous people to attack and fight against the Chinese. After all, if the Chinese control Indonesia, I’m afraid they won’t be able to To be able to survive, they have a blood debt with the Chinese!”

And Wilhelmina went on to say: “In this case, if you can capture the Taiwanese Wang Guorui, and then bring us the Netherlands to show me. I am very interested in him, according to what I heard from those British noble relatives Yes, this Wang Guorui has just turned 20 years old, not much older than me, but he has already become the governor of a big empire, the commander of tens of thousands of troops and millions of people. Even all of these are made by himself , is worthy of being a hero! I want to see why he was able to achieve such achievements by himself at the age of twenty.”

And Prime Minister Bourgesius immediately said: “Okay, my queen, we will definitely bring that kingdom to the Netherlands.”

No one knew that Wang Guorui would go to the Netherlands in the future, but not as a captive. Moreover, Wang Guorui went to the Netherlands, and there were some other interesting things. (To be continued.)

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