Red Alert 1895

Chapter 206

Chapter 206 – Landing On The Riau Islands

The French finally compromised, because instead of going to war for the Dutch and Taiwan, and then defeating Taiwan after heavy losses, this obviously does not conform to the French’s ideas. After all, in their eyes, Taiwan’s strength is not weak. If it caused the decline of France in order to defeat Taiwan, it would definitely not be worth the candle. So they chose to compromise. After all, the Dutch had nothing to do with them, so there was no need to help them so desperately. Therefore, Wang Guorui’s so-called Nanyang Military Region can resupply at Quy Nhon Port in Vietnam, and then march towards Nanyang again.

“Governor Wang, if there is no accident, the Riau Islands are ahead. According to our previous plan, we will occupy the Riau Islands and use them as one of the bases on our supply route. And this Riau Islands are very Yes, it is not only rich in tin mines, but also has a lot of aluminum mines. The industrial potential is good, and there are also agricultural resources such as rubber, casuarinas, pepper, rice, etc., so that after we occupy it, we can obtain a lot of industrial and agricultural materials Supplement.” Chen Liyan said.

“Okay, let the fleet occupy the Riau Islands immediately, and then use it as a springboard to occupy the entire Indonesia step by step.” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, hundreds of huge warships began to sail to the Riau Islands, and the huge fleet began to sail to the edge of their Riau Islands one by one. As for the Marine Corps under Li Yuanhong, some of them also began to prepare to board small boats, ready to land at any time.

“The cruiser detachment is ready, if they fire back. Then our cruiser guns will knock out their artillery immediately.” Chen Liyan said.

“Marines, let me go!” Chen Liyan shouted.

“Papa papa…”

Dozens of small landing craft that could accommodate a dozen people were immediately launched into the water, and the personnel of the Marine Division also climbed onto the landing craft. Then start rowing to prepare for the attack. The only pity is that the steam engine of this era is too large to fit on a small landing craft. Therefore, these landing craft are also very small, unable to be driven by steam engines, and can only be rowed forward by manpower. This is the person who will test the Marine Division, and this will be a test for them.

“Soldiers, this is the first battle of our Marine Division. Don’t let anyone lose the chain. If anyone loses the chain, throw yourself into the sea!” Li Yuanhong, the commander of the Marine Division, shouted.

“Huh huh huh…”

The troops of the Marine Division began to row up, and then landed all the way to the largest island in the Riau Archipelago. Then they were ready to defend against the attack of the enemy’s fort, and at this time the marines had already begun to land.

“What’s the matter, they didn’t start to fight back?” Li Yuanhong was surprised.

Li Yuanhong also felt very speechless, his troops had already started to attack. Why didn’t those Dutchmen fight back?

However, sometimes Cao Cao is said, and Cao Cao will arrive. When Li Yuanhong just said that the enemy will not fight back, the Dutch began to fight back.


A shell was fired, and then started firing at the cruisers of the cruiser detachment.

“Huh? What level are the Dutch people? Why are they so poor at playing with shells?” Chen Liyan was surprised.

Chen Liyan was the commander of the artillery regiment, so he was naturally familiar with artillery, so he saw the Dutchman firing at the cruiser. This is simply speechless. Moreover, he saw that the shells of these Dutchmen were all primitive artillery. These shells were all solid shells, that is, the Napoleon guns from decades ago. The Napoleonic cannon of decades ago. It is a kind of smoothbore gun, and it fires solid iron bullets and primitive flowering bullets. How can such shells cause damage to cruisers?

This kind of shell hit the cruiser, it just tickled the cruiser, and it was useless at all. So Chen Liyan immediately felt that these Dutch people were really “stupid”, and they still did things that they knew had no effect.

“Order the cruiser. Use naval guns to counterattack and blow up these low-end artillery!” Chen Liyan said.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

There was a sound of cannon fire. The naval guns on the cruiser began to fire. And these naval guns fired are only 152 mm caliber naval guns, but these naval guns are already much better than those on the shore. The Napoleon gun is just a front-loading gun, and the ammunition fired is definitely not an opponent of the naval guns of this era. Napoleon guns can explode directly, and those Napoleon guns are not only weak, but also have a very short range. These Napoleon guns cannot attack cruisers at all, because their range is less than half that of cruiser guns, so the range can be imagined up.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The Dutch artillery on the shore was immediately blown up, and their morale was also greatly reduced.

“Commander, the Chinese artillery fire is too fierce. They have naval guns, and they are all naval guns with a caliber of more than 100 mm. We are not opponents!” A Dutch soldier shouted.

And the head of the Dutchman immediately looked at the midship ship in the distance, and immediately shouted: “These shameless Chinese are actually playing tricks on us. They declared war on us very suddenly, and I just knew it less than eight They called in just eight hours of the class. The Governor’s Office in Jakarta asked us to hold on until the reinforcements arrived, what a piece of shit! The Chinese are bombarded by naval guns, how could we hold on until the reinforcements arrive? Arrive, it won’t arrive at all in less than ten days!”

The head of the Dutch team has no hope at all, because the governor’s office of the Dutch is in the city of Jakarta in the Java Islands, and Jakarta is not on the same island as here, but this is Kalimantan Island, which is a sea area away from Jakarta. . Therefore, if the support troops want to come, even if they start gathering and sailing, it will take less than ten days. How can an infantry regiment with outdated equipment be able to defeat those equipped with cruiser guns and elite marines? What about the opponent!

“Tell the naval guns that there is no need to bomb, marines, land for me!” Li Yuanhong shouted.

Those shore guns had been knocked out by the naval guns, and they couldn’t fight back at all. And Li Yuanhong led the marine division to land quickly, and then took advantage of this time that the first batch of marine divisions approached the shore immediately, and then began to form a blocking position to cover the soldiers who landed behind at any time.

According to the landing battle, the first batch of landing soldiers have just landed, and that is the most dangerous time. At this time, the blocking position has not been established, and the enemy can easily take the opportunity to “strike at half-cross”. This method of “strike at half-cross” was also very skillful in ancient times, and there is no reason for foreigners not to do so.

“What’s going on, why didn’t the Dutch come to attack?” Li Yuanhong looked at the distance with a telescope from a slightly larger landing craft in the distance, obviously feeling very strange.

The Dutchman didn’t take advantage of the half-way to attack, so this is simply a chance for the marines to land. And as more and more marines landed, the blocking position became stronger and stronger. As a result, none of the Dutch were able to come to attack. This obviously did not intend to attack.

“In this case, order the soldiers to attack me immediately, you are welcome!” Li Yuanhong shouted.


The soldiers of the Marine Division began to charge, but the Dutch did not make much resistance at all, and apparently many people began to surrender.

“The Dutch have already surrendered, so we don’t need to fight anymore! We can completely occupy the Riau Islands within the next two days.” Li Yuanhong said when he arrived at the Nanyang Military Command of Jingyuan.

“What’s the matter, the Dutchman’s fighting will is so bad?” Chen Liyan asked in surprise.

And Wang Guorui said affirmatively: “First of all, we came suddenly. The Dutch were not prepared at all. It would take more than ten days for their reinforcements to come to support them. And they were completely desperate for the arrival of reinforcements. In addition, The naval guns we just had completely frightened them into stupidity. They have no artillery fire that can resist our naval guns, so naturally they chose to surrender.”

Of course, Wang Guorui knew that many of the soldiers of the great powers in the colonies had outdated weapons. The weapons of the soldiers of the great powers in the colonies are is because their imaginary enemies are the local aborigines. Those aborigines have no industry at all, and they only need to use some ordinary weapons. As a result, the shore artillery of the Dutch still used the Napoleon cannon of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period more than ten years ago, and that Napoleon cannon was not at all the opponent of the cannon of the current era.

As for the poor fighting will of colonial soldiers, this is also normal. Because those troops who came to the colonies from the mainland will not be elite troops. The elite troops will stay in the mainland to protect the country and will not come to the colonies. The colonial army is also a bunch of idiots. After all, the mission of the colonial army is to suppress the resistance of the local indigenous people, and this is their mission. And these natives have no ability to resist at all, and these soldiers still live very comfortably, so they have been raised as pigs in their long-term comfort, and they have no will to fight.

Now that they met Wang Guorui’s Taiwan army, and they were still under such fierce artillery fire, they naturally surrendered easily, without any thought of fighting to the death. They are all dawdling in the colony, and it would be bad luck if they messed up their lives. So the best way is to surrender as soon as possible. Anyway, if you can’t fight, you can still enter the prisoner-of-war camp to have a meal. At that time, this war will have nothing to do with them. The Dutch won and continued to dawdle. If the Dutch lose, they will return home with their own money, which is not bad. (to be continued)

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