Red Alert 1895

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 – Rush Into Dongwanlu (Part 1)

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The cruiser’s guns pounded the small Indonesian coastal city of Manpawa, which exploded with sparks. And no one could survive near the explosion point, and most of those people ran away. After all, with human flesh and blood, how could it be the opponent of these cannons? Once these naval guns were shot down, they would be completely destroyed in a radius of tens of meters, so although some people were killed, others immediately ran away knowingly. If you don’t run away, are you waiting to be bombed to death?

“Log in for me!” Li Yuanhong shouted.

The marines landed again, they rowed forward from the sea, and then kept shooting to avoid the enemy’s counterattack. However, the marines’ shooting was obviously a waste of bullets, and the enemy was not able to defend the coast. The soldiers of the Marine Corps soon landed on the Marine Corps from the sea, so that defensive positions can be built on the shore soon. But when they built the defensive position, no enemy came to attack, and no one came to harass or attack halfway until they finished building the defensive position.

“Report to the commander, we have established defensive facilities on land, and the Dutch and natives did not come to attack, as if there is no defense here at all.” Li Yuanhong said.

“Okay, everyone lands!” Wang Guorui said.

Of course Wang Guorui knew that since the enemy did not let go, he had to attack quickly so that the entire army could land together. And once you log in. Then the Marine Corps will wipe out most of the enemies, and then wipe out all those enemies.

Since five days ago, Taiwan occupied the Riau Islands and established the Riau Military Division and the Riau Prefect Yamen. Wang Guorui immediately led the remaining Marine Division troops to Kalimantan Island in Indonesia on a warship, preparing to land from Kalimantan Island. At present, Kalimantan Island is not the Kalimantan provinces of Indonesia in later generations. The current Kalimantan Island is still a large open space, which is obviously very empty. And Wang Guorui chose to land from a place called Manpawa. The reason why he chose this place is because it is relatively close to Dongwanlu, the capital of the original Lanfang Republic, that is, Pontianak. As long as you land from here, the next step is to attack Pontianak. That is, Dongwanlu, the original capital of Lanfang.

As long as Lanfang’s capital Dongwanlu is conquered, then Lanfang can start to restore the country. In this way, Lanfang regained his rule in name. Next, the Taiwan side can start to provide policy “guidance” to Lanfang, making Lanfang a provincial administrative unit under Taiwan’s control. As for Liu Enguan who wants to restore the country or something, it can only be a dream!

“The cruiser detachment has other warships for me to cruise in the offshore to see if there are any enemies. If there are Dutch navy infestation, then I will sink them, you are welcome. Then the marines and I will fight all the way to Lan Dong Wanlu, the capital of Fang, restore the country to Lan Fang!” Wang Guorui shouted.

Soon, the Marine Corps began to march towards Dongwanlu, the capital of Lanfang. But along the way, there are some people who are blocking, but the blocking power is not strong. Although the Dutch have more than 100,000 soldiers in Southeast Asia, at least 100,000 of them are concentrated in Java Island, because Java is the richest part of Indonesia. And these 100,000 soldiers want to come to support, from mobilization to boarding the ship and then landing on Kalimantan Island. It is impossible to complete without more than ten or twenty days. This time Taiwan declared war on the Dutch too suddenly, so that the Dutch had no time to prepare, so their army was still on the island of Java. It didn’t come in time. If they wanted to come from Java Island, they probably wouldn’t be able to come in a dozen or twenty days. These ten or so days are the best time for the Taiwanese army to grab the territory. As long as they can strengthen the territory as soon as possible, it will be considered a victory. After they rush over, the battle will determine the ownership of Nanyang. But with the quality of these Dutch soldiers. Na Wang Guorui didn’t believe how tenacious their fighting power was at all, but thought that they could not be opponents of the Taiwan army at all.

As for the other 20,000 troops. Will be distributed in different places in Nanyang, so they become very scattered. Once they were dispersed, Wang Guorui could easily form a local military advantage, so that every time the Dutch appeared, they were only a platoon of more than 30 people, and a platoon of the Dutch often controlled a large area. If they were suppressing the natives, they could still be competent, but facing Wang Guorui’s tens of thousands of elite marines, they only had a platoon of more than 30 people, how could they be opponents. Many of them encountered Wang Guorui’s army, and either fled or surrendered, and rarely resisted. The resistance is only one platoon.

On the contrary, it was the natives. Because Wang Guorui’s army passed by like locusts, they were very merciless towards those natives, and they often broke through the tribes to kill people, so they resisted desperately. Taiwan’s army does not have a good impression of the aborigines, because the previous propaganda of the Political Department was based on the propaganda that belittled the aborigines, especially those aborigines plundered the wealth of the Chinese, and there were many massacres of the Chinese and violence against the Chinese women. detailed instructions. So those soldiers have a very dislike for the aborigines. As long as the Taiwanese army does not find a reason, as long as the Taiwan army finds a reason, they will kill the aborigines directly. Some even implicate the entire tribe, causing the entire tribe to be attacked and looted.

“These Dutch people are really rats. They didn’t even resist, and most of them started to run away!” Li Yuanhong said.

“This is normal. In fact, they only have one platoon of troops to guard each area, and one platoon is responsible for defending hundreds to thousands of square kilometers of land. The 20,000 Dutch soldiers are scattered over the entire area, so they It is already like a drop of soy sauce falling into a pond. Although the whole pond is theoretically full of soy sauce, it is too sparse. With such a sparse force, they can at most deal with the natives and us who are armed to the teeth It is impossible for the soldiers of the Chinese Marine Division to be opponents. Every time they encounter us, they are only one platoon. How can they beat tens of thousands of us. They will not do such things that they know they will die. , this is a colony, not to mention that these troops are second-rate in the country, even their fighting will is very poor. If their homeland was invaded, they would not be so weak. Because the homeland is their homeland , have their parents, wives, children, relatives and friends, so they will do their best to protect their relatives, children and friends. Even if they are weak people, their closest relatives will do their best when they are in danger.”

“But this colony is different. For those European countries, the colony is also a place that can be plundered at any time. Just like bandits, they often go down the mountain to rob those people’s houses. And those bandits will not take those robbed people at once. All the wealth was robbed, generally 30% was robbed. And when the people who were robbed gradually recovered their vitality, they went to rob again, and then only 30% was robbed. Such plundering day after day, those people seem to be Just like a leek, someone may cut off a section at any time, and then wait for them to grow again and then cut off another section. This continuous cutting of leeks will make them richer and richer.”

“And these western countries regard the colonies as if they were bandits looking at the people who were robbed. They are just trying to steal things from them, not taking away their own homes. It’s like another group of bandits The thieves come to occupy the territory, and then those may fight with another group of bandits, but they will never fight desperately. Bandits will not fight desperately for ordinary people. If they really can’t fight, they will transfer this thing that harvests the wealth of ordinary people. Give it to other bandits, and they won’t work hard for these things.”

“So, these Dutch people didn’t regard these colonies as their homeland and their motherland. UU Reading So once they encounter our attack, most of them will not be too desperate, after all This is not their homeland. They think they can wait for the war to end, just pat their **** and leave. As long as there are national interests and long-term plans, these are too far away for ordinary soldiers. There is no way to protect their homes. Stimulation, the desperate mentality of the soldiers will be much less. And we can make soldiers desperate in Taiwan because they want to surround their homes. But this time we come to open up, so their desperate heart may not be so high. This is also caused by the difference in the battlefield.”

The number of these Dutch people is too small at present, so naturally they dare not fight Wang Guorui. After all, they will not do things that they know will die. What’s more, this is not their motherland. Why do they protect it so desperately? It’s just a place they plundered. So they all have this kind of mentality, so I’m afraid they all don’t have any will to fight. As for the natives, because they want to defend their homeland, their fighting will is much stronger than that of the Dutch. But their weapons were too backward, and it was impossible for them to be opponents of firearms, so their resistance was in vain.

“Report, Governor Wang, thirty miles ahead, which is Dongwanlu, the capital of the original Lanfang Republic!”

Wang Guorui immediately shouted: “Speed up the march, and rush into Dongwanlu before dark!” (To be continued)

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