Red Alert 1895

Chapter 214

Chapter 214 – Shit Stick

“Lanfang is about to restore the country, and has not yet elected a leader, so a transitional government was specially set up. The chairman of the transitional government is Liu Enguan, the former chief of Lanfang. And a new round of elections will begin immediately, inviting the Qing Governor of Taiwan, the Minister of Nanyang, and the Protector of Nanyang. The governor of the prefecture, Lord Wang Guorui, supervises the country and supervises the Lanfang election…”

The release of this telegram also means that Wang Guorui has begun to control the Lanfang Republic as a state supervisor. And that Liu Enguan temporarily served as the chairman of the interim transitional government, this is just an empty shelf, and it doesn’t mean anything. And this electrification also made Yingmei feel a little shocked. In their plan, they wanted to provoke the relationship between Lan Fang and Wang Guorui, but they failed to do so. Lan Fang still invited Wang Guorui to supervise the country. It doesn’t fit their ideas.

“What’s going on, why did Lan Fang invite Taiwan to supervise the country?”

The British Prime Minister, the Marquess of Salisbury, was extremely shocked. He did not expect that Lanfang would make a decision to invite Taiwan to supervise the country after he sent the telegram. In his heart, he thought that if Britain and France sent corresponding news, then Lanfang would gradually split with Taiwan, and conflicts would arise. Even if they didn’t fall out for a while, they wouldn’t make a decision that would benefit Taiwan. For example, Lanfang Britain will not choose to cooperate with Wang Guorui in the matter of supervising the country. After all, Britain has already voiced its voice and is willing to support Lanfang, so Lanfang Britain chooses a bigger backer, the British, instead of China!

The whole world knows that Britain is the most powerful country in the world. France is next, and Lanfang is willing to choose China rather than Britain and France as his backer, which is incredible. And those officials in Lanfang are so willing to be a puppet. Just so willing to be a puppet without any rights? The Marquis of Salisbury would not believe it at all, because he knew that anyone who became the leader of a country would not choose to submit to those overlords. No one wants to have an overlord on their head, so the British absolutely don’t want to excuse themselves for speaking out in support of Lanfang, and Lanfang would cooperate with such a stupid Chinese.

“Your Excellency, Prime Minister, I think we are all wrong. We all thought that we would voice our support for Lanfang. Then Lanfang should fall out with Taiwan. But what if Lanfang didn’t receive this telegram at all?”

“What do you mean by that?” asked the Marquess of Salisbury.

“Your Excellency Prime Minister, what I mean is actually very simple. That is, Lanfang will never know that we cannot send this telegram. Because the wireless telegraph has only been invented for a few years, and there are only those big countries in the world. Only, but Taiwan will also have it. But what is Lanfang, the country was destroyed more than ten years ago. Even ten years ago, their technology and financial resources were not rich. Their thinking is not advanced enough to be able to The idea of using a wireless telegraph machine. Even if they have not been destroyed, they do not have such a thing as telegraph, let alone radio! We have sent telegraphs in this way. Although all the big countries in the world can know it, a small country like Lanfang does not. Possibly. They don’t have unlimited power at all, so they don’t know we’re supporting people who can deport Taiwan.”

“And all the international news they know is only told to them by the Taiwan side after receiving it through its own wireless telegraph. If we support them and the Taiwan side tells them, they still can’t receive it. But Will the Taiwan side tell them bad news about them? I’m afraid they won’t! So our electricity can be received by the whole world, but Lanfang can’t receive it at all. As long as the Taiwan side doesn’t tell them, then they will also Wouldn’t know we were supporting them!”

“Oh, **** it!” the Marquess of Salisbury said angrily.

After all, this era is an era of backward technology. If the president of the United States farts in the future, it will be known to the whole world through the Internet in less than half an hour. But in this era, wireless telegraphy has just been invented, and only those big countries can have it. And the telegrams published by these wireless telegrams, that is, only those big countries can know. So Britain and France used wireless telegraphy to communicate with each other. Although Wang Guorui could receive it, he deliberately did not tell the news to Lan Fang and those people. In this way, Lanfang and the others did not know that Britain and France had supported them, and they still thought that Taiwan was the only savior. And they didn’t know that Britain and France supported them, so he could only be a puppet! And if they know that Britain and France support them, then they will definitely want to use the pressure of Britain and France to send Wang Guorui away. However, their only international contact channel is controlled by Wang Guorui, so they don’t even know that they have received support from the international community.

“Since this is the case, let’s send people there in person, and then try to make Taiwan feel disgusted, and then let them be forced to withdraw from Nanyang. Lanfang must be politically untenable, so that we can use it as a Interfere with them,” said the Marquess of Salisbury.

Soon, the UK released the electrification again.

“We, the British Empire, don’t want too many unstable factors to happen in this world. We deeply regret the war between Taiwan and the Dutch. Therefore, we are willing to send mediators to mediate the war between the two sides. I hope everyone can help the world Make a contribution to peace!”

And soon, the Dutch received the news, and they were mixed. They hoped that the British could force Wang Guorui to withdraw from Nanyang, but they were also worried about what would happen if the British took the opportunity to speak loudly. Therefore, the Dutch were not at ease. They did not plan to cancel the troops sent to the colonies, and they chose to set off.

However, Taiwan also received this telegram.

“Your grandfather, the British sent a shit-stirring stick, and they actually wanted to make us sick!” Wang Guorui said.

Of course Wang Guorui knew what this so-called mediator was. This guy is here to make himself sick. He came here just to make trouble for himself, to make trouble for himself. If Wang Guorui has something that doesn’t meet the British ideas, this so-called mediator will also make trouble. Then Wang Guorui’s plan could not be perfectly realized. Even, the mediator would take this opportunity to sow discord between Lanfang and Taiwan, so that Lanfang would think that he had the support of the British, and then he would be able to send Taiwan away.

For those Lanfang officials, how far-sighted can they have? There are many short-sighted people in this world, and even many people who claim to be politicians are also short-sighted? They also hope to use Taiwan to restore the country, and then send Taiwan away again, and then they can rule themselves and will not accept Taiwan’s rule. If they were allowed to be Lanfang’s puppets, they would definitely not be willing. So they are also worried that it is easy to invite gods and difficult to send gods away. After inviting Taiwan, they naturally have to think about how to “send gods”. Wang Guorui knew without even thinking about it. Once Liu Enguan knew that the British supported them and that Lanfang could decide his own destiny, they would definitely try to send Taiwan away. At that time, they thought that with the support of the British, it must be very easy to send Taiwan away. After all, the British are the most powerful country in the world, and people like them who live in Nanyang will know it.

He doesn’t care what bad thoughts the British have about them. As long as they know that the British support them, they will be able to send Taiwan away. And they didn’t know that once Taiwan left, that would be the beginning of Lanfang’s demise. At that time, the British would not care about the life and death of a small country like them. They just cared that Taiwan would not put their hands into Nanyang. And once Taiwan is gone, there is no need for them to exist, and the Dutch can easily destroy them by then. But such a simple truth, most people in this world can’t think of it, or don’t want to think about it at all.

At that time, Lanfang will definitely think that he has the support of the British, and they are not willing to think about the specific reasons for this. They just want to send Taiwan away. And human beings like to think in the direction they want so much, so that they can comfort themselves. But as a politician, this kind of self-comfort is very terrible. This situation makes it easy for them to lose sight of the future, who is friendly to them and who is harmful to them. And they never thought about why the British supported them, they just wanted to drive Taiwan away. As for the matter of drinking poison to quench thirst, they couldn’t see it at all. And they are actually a qualified businessman, not a qualified politician. So they don’t see the political problems, they just see some short-term interests. Therefore, once they know that the British support them, it is inevitable that they will fall out with Taiwan.

“Husband, what should we do?” Kang Tongwei asked.

Wang Guorui thought for a while and said, “Go and inform the Nanyang Military Region Intelligence Agency and ask them to set up a leading group to monitor this Lanfang Republic. If they have any contact with Westerners, or if they want to get out of our control The situation must be reported to us.”

Wang Guorui knew that it was necessary to strengthen the monitoring of those people in the Lanfang Republic. Once they got on line with the British, they might also oppose Taiwan’s control, and they would definitely take the opportunity to rebel. So Wang Guorui naturally wanted to guard against them, and had to let them be monitored, so as to minimize the risk. (to be continued)

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