Red Alert 1895

Chapter 216

Chapter 216 – Battle Of The Java Sea (Part 1)

“Report—according to our eyeliner report on the coast of West Kalimantan Province, the Dutch navy has already crossed the Kentawang coast, and they are already heading towards our East Wanlu!”

As soon as Wang Guorui entered Lanfang, he immediately dispatched scouting teams one by one, and then continued to scout along the coast of the Java Sea in West Kalimantan. If he found a Dutch fleet, he would report back immediately. And now that it is known that the Dutch have arrived at Kentawangan, it means that they will be able to reach the coast of East Wanlu in a short time, so they will definitely face off with Taiwan’s navy, and they will definitely go to war up. Next, the navies of the two sides will fight to determine the dominance of the sea this time.

“What did those scouts see? Are there troop carriers transporting the army in their naval fleet?” Chen Liyan asked.

“Yes, there are many ordinary passenger ships, and they should be filled with Dutch soldiers. Our scouts are estimated to be able to carry more than 100,000 soldiers!”

Chen Liyan immediately began to check the map, and then looked along the Java Sea in Indonesia, and then said: “What are the Dutch doing? Don’t they know that our navy is ready? Their troop carriers and The fleet is moving together, why haven’t they landed yet?”

Chen Liyan couldn’t figure out what the Dutch wanted to do. They didn’t let the army land, so they still let the army and the navy go on board together. You must know that the army can’t exert its combat effectiveness on the ships. Once the army reaches the sea, it will be weak at all. No matter how mighty they are on land, they can’t show it. And the Dutch actually led the army to operate with the navy. Isn’t this brainless? Could it be that there is some conspiracy here?

“Master Chen, I wonder if the Dutch left too hastily and didn’t know that we had already occupied our strength? You must know that we declared war on the Dutch very suddenly. We declared war on them almost in Nanyang. They rushed Preparation, so the intelligence preparation is insufficient for a while, so naturally we don’t know our strength. And you must know that the wireless telegraph has just been invented, and they may not be able to receive the telegram when the navy is marching. The Dutch are relatively poor. It may not be possible for the colonial fleet to use wireless telegraphy They may be able to know that we have declared war. Then they made preparations. However, their few wireless telegraphs are all in the Governor’s Palace, as telegraphs for the entire Indonesia and the Netherlands, and they have not equipped the navy with wireless telegraphs. In this way In this way, their soldiers don’t know the news about our frontline soldiers, and don’t know our combat effectiveness. They may think that as long as they can land in East Wanlu, then they can defeat our army? In West Kalimantan, we don’t know No wireless telegraph was found, so they may not know the real-time battle situation, so it is not impossible to make a wrong decision!” Another deputy chief of staff, Colonel Lin Muqing, said.

And Li He immediately said: “That’s good. If the Dutch army and navy act together, I’m afraid we can annihilate their army together when they annihilate their navy. In this way, the Dutch troops in Indonesia have been cleaned up.” Now, Indonesia is like the fat in our mouths, which can be eaten at any time. And the Dutch want to transfer troops from the country, it is too late to transfer troops. By the time they transfer troops, we have already transferred Indonesia Eat it up.”

Both Li and nature are also dreaming of this dream, because if the Dutch army moves with the navy. Then I’m afraid they will be very happy. After all, the army has no combat effectiveness at sea. Once Taiwan’s navy annihilates the Dutch navy in Indonesia, they can take advantage of the trend to annihilate them and take a boat to the army at sea. At that time, the Taiwan Navy can be said to have wiped out almost all of the Dutch troops in Indonesia by itself, and this combat achievement is great enough. Those Dutch people also came to give away heads, why didn’t Li He accept them?

Chen Liyan looked at the map, and then thought about it. Said: “It’s really possible that the Dutch have received too little information. We are trying to plot against them, and they don’t have time to prepare. In addition, their communication skills are very poor. I’m afraid they have no way to know in a timely manner. The information from the West Kalimantan area, so they made a wrong judgment. They didn’t know that we had already occupied East Wanlu, so they still approached the north of West Kalimantan, hoping to be in Gary as soon as possible. Mandan defends against our attack.”

“Master Chen, since this is the case, our navy should be dispatched quickly! As long as we can annihilate their navy, I’m afraid we can also annihilate their army. In this way, we will accomplish our mission and completely occupy Indonesia! At that time, we can quickly Quickly end this Indonesian pioneering war!” Li He said.

Chen Liyan looked at the situation, and said: “Okay, let the navy set out immediately to intercept the Dutch naval fleet, and then it would be better if we can take advantage of the situation and wipe out their army! In this way, our war can already be said It’s half over.”

But now everyone hopes to take this opportunity to complete their contributions in one battle, and then defeat the Dutch navy and army. This will be of great help to Taiwan’s capture of the entire Indonesia. Once the navy and army of the Dutch have been wiped out by then, the Dutch will not have any troops to deploy to fight Taiwan in the Indonesian generation, which will be very fatal to them in the future. So everyone hopes that this can be the case, and they can take this opportunity to wipe out all the vital forces of the Dutch.

Li He returned to the cruiser detachment, and immediately summoned the officers of all the warships to discuss a battle with the Dutch in the Java Sea. And then, everyone felt very excited, because if the naval cruiser detachment could take the opportunity to destroy not only the Dutch navy, but also the Dutch army, it would be a great achievement. With hundreds of thousands of heads, if such a great achievement falls on his own head, then I am afraid that he will really make a lot of money. At that time, I am afraid that everyone in the entire cruiser detachment may be able to get a promotion by one rank. Isn’t this great? So everyone very much hopes to achieve an army that can annihilate these Dutch people. As long as this can be done, won’t they be able to get promoted and make a fortune next?

“Report, the Dutch Indonesian Governor’s Office issued a telegram, announcing that the Dutch Indonesian colonial army will land on the coast next to Dongwanlu in five days, and then occupy Dongwanlu and eliminate the so-called rebellious Lanfang Republic!” A telegram said the staff officer.

Li He looked at the telegram and immediately said, “Okay, since that’s the case, let’s go!”

Soon, the naval cruiser detachment immediately replenished the coal and began to set off to the south. And they will go to find the Dutch fleet, then destroy the Dutch fleet, and finally wipe out their army together. And everyone doesn’t have any doubts about defeating the Dutch fleet, because the Dutch troops in Southeast Asia are also some so-called iron rib ships, which can’t stand the cruiser’s gun at all. As long as it is hit by a cruiser, it will probably be half disabled. So everyone doesn’t think that the Dutch can play any tricks, even if they play some tricks, the Taiwan side is not afraid of them. At that time, they can be wiped out at any time, because Taiwan has absolute strength, and the strength of the Dutch is much smaller than that of Taiwan, so they are definitely not opponents.

Two days later, the cruiser detachment began to arrive next to Padang Island in the Java Sea.

“We have already arrived at Padang Island. I am afraid that it will not take long before we will encounter the Dutch fleet. At that time, we will fight to determine our sea dominance in the Java Sea. At that time, our five cruisers will Are you afraid of dozens or even hundreds of warships that will meet the Dutch?” Li He asked.

“Captain Li, what do we have to be afraid of? The Dutch are the iron-ribbed warships. Our cannons can completely shoot them one at a time!” A staff officer immediately said rudely.

“Yes, General Li, these Dutch warships are already very outdated. I heard that their naval guns are still the same type of front-loading rifled guns in the past. If we can’t beat this kind of enemy, then we can really We are going to jump into the sea collectively!” A staff officer said unceremoniously But Li He also said: “Well, everyone should pay attention, after all, the lion and the rabbit are also trying their best, so we naturally don’t It is too easy to solve and ignore these. So I hope everyone can prepare well and then face the enemy.”

“Understood!” Everyone said together.

Although everyone said so, the feeling of contempt in the eyes was not too much, because the Dutch navy was too weak. If it was the Dutch local fleet, they might still be afraid, but if it was only in Nanyang Colonial fleet, then they won’t be afraid of anything at all. Anyway, as many as they come, just kill as many as possible. At that time, even the enemy’s navy and army will be wiped out together, and then everyone will be promoted and get rich together.

“Report–a large number of warships were found ahead, with red, white and blue flags hanging on them, which are the flags of the Dutch!” the watchman shouted.

“Okay, since they have already delivered it to the door, let’s have a good fight! Everyone, prepare for me!” Li He shouted.

Soon, the officers and soldiers of the navy also began to grab the food around them and hurry up to eat. (to be continued)

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