Red Alert 1895

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 – Reappearance Of The Moon (Middle)

“Rush, rush! Don’t look back, or you will kill me.”

The Dutch forced the natives to start charging forward, and the natives moved forward dumbfounded, obviously very reluctant, but they were forced to move forward by the Dutch army behind them. And they knew that they had become cannon fodder for the Dutch, anyway, all they could do was to rush forward. If you turn around and run away, you may face Dutch bullets. So they can only move forward, hoping to break through the enemy’s formation. Anyway, they will die anyway, so it’s better to gamble on whether their fate can break through the defense of the Chinese in front. If you rush over, you can still save a life. And the Dutch also said that they can get a big reward after rushing over, so they have the idea of gambling.

“The natives are already three hundred meters away!” the observer shouted.

“The natives are already 250 meters away!”

Li Yuanhong immediately said, “Use a rifle to fight!”

At this time, the most prominent part of the squadron’s arc formation, that is, the ninety-degree angle of the arc, began to fire, and then some rifles fired, and no machine guns or artillery were used. But these rifles accurately killed the Indonesian natives. Because these natives are all next to each other, there are not many gaps. And the squadron keeps an arc angle, so that they can only attack one point at a time, and the exposed area is very huge, so they were hit by the Marine Division’s troops very accurately.

“woo woo woo woo…”

The natives fell like harvested wheat. The Taiwanese army’s rifles hit them with almost every shot, because their exposed area is too large, and it is easy for Chinese marines to aim and hit them. This has something to do with the inexperience of these natives, and it has something to do with the arc formation of the Taiwan army.

“Rush forward, you can’t retreat, whoever dares to retreat, then we will be impolite!” shouted the Dutch soldier.

And those natives just wanted to retreat, but they were frightened by the voice, and they could only continue to move forward. Hope to break through the formation.

“Indonesians have already reached a hundred meters!”

“Machine gun, fire!” Li Yuanhong said.

“Da da da da…”

The machine gun battalion of the Marine division began to fire. The Maxine heavy machine guns of the Marine Division are different from other armies. Their Maxines are relatively small because the heavy machine guns are too heavy and not suitable for fast marching. So it was just a battalion for the Marine division. This also caused the Marine Division to be inferior to the Army in terms of heavy firepower such as machine guns. However, the arc formation of the Taiwan army now allows them to gain the greatest advantage. The machine guns were scattered to different places, and these machine guns seemed to be in an arc formation. They fired in groups of two and two, and the first to fire was the machine gun next to the ninety-degree angle. They form exactly a triangle.

This kind of triangular machine gun installation is much better than machine gun installation directly in front, because their firepower network has almost no dead ends. And can directly attack the flank of the enemy’s charge. Then the fire whips were drawn directly to the enemy’s flanks. However, if it is erected in front of the enemy, the effect will not be so good, and it will be the front row that will kill. And there are blind spots.

“Come to me!”

The Dutch soldiers were still forcing the aborigines to rush forward, but the aborigines were still falling down like harvesting wheat, without any improvement at all. And when they attacked, they were completely attacked by the concentrated firepower of the Taiwan army, and their attack angle was very narrow, so a large number of soldiers from the company were concentrated in a relatively small space. Then they were attacked by soldiers of the Taiwan Marine Division with such concentrated firepower, which made them feel terrible. This situation does not matter how many soldiers are on board. It is also a dead end.

“Commander, there seems to be something wrong with Taiwan’s formation!” said a Dutch staff officer.

And Adenauer frowned as he looked at this formation. And he could tell at a glance that this arc formation was completely through a semi-circular method, and then let the enemy take the initiative to attack, which was very catastrophic. In fact, this method uses the arc to expose the enemy’s small area, so that the attacking side will inevitably concentrate its forces to attack a point, but in this way, the defensive side’s firepower can be very concentrated, and then a large amount of firepower is poured into a small regiment. In this way, the attacking side must suffer heavy losses.

“Your Excellency, Commander, we have more than 100,000 natives rushing forward. I don’t believe that we can’t break through their formation!” said the Dutch staff officer.

Adenauer suddenly shouted: “Not good!”

As Adenauer exclaimed in his life, a rumbling sound suddenly came from the front position.

“Cannon, hit me hard!” Li Yuanhong shouted.


The cannons scattered in various positions have already started firing, and the trajectory of the cannons stretches low, almost in a straight line. And this cannon is a direct-pointing gun, so those artillerymen aimed directly at the enemy, and then started firing. And because these natives were too concentrated, they were quickly aimed directly at the cannon and were blown away.


With a loud noise, more than a hundred aborigines were blown into the sky at once. Originally, this kind of artillery could not have such an effect, but because the indigenous team was too concentrated, it was easy for the cannon artillery to target them and directly fired at their large troops, so the artillery achieved surprisingly good results. One shot directly caused the loss of hundreds of these natives.

And as the artillery fired, many machine guns, mortars, and grenades also began to fire, and the losses of the natives were surprisingly large. The natives began to collapse one after another, and then they ran to the back one after another, because they knew that the front was not something they could resist. So they chose to flee, because the firepower of the soldiers of the Dutch army was much lower than that of the Chinese in front, so they must have chosen to flee.

“Stop, go to me, go to me!”

No matter how the Dutch soldiers forced the natives, even if the natives were killed by the Dutch, they were unwilling to rush to the side of the Taiwan army, because they knew that the Dutch’s firepower density was worse, and the probability of escaping under the Dutch army was lower than that of the Taiwanese army. At the same time, the probability of escaping under the squadron is even greater. It is the lesser of the two to abandon the harm, so these aborigines also chose to break out from the Dutch place.

This turned out to be fatal. In order to prevent the natives from breaking up their formation, the Dutch soldiers were forced to shoot and kill the natives instead. In their eyes, these natives are not their own noble Dutch, so they naturally want to kill them. However, what followed was that the ammunition of the Dutch was consumed.

“Hahahaha, Song Yang, your method is really good. The Dutch wanted to consume our ammunition, but we only consumed less than one-tenth of our ammunition, and these natives collapsed. They turned to attack the Netherlands Human positions, and then the Dutch were forced to fight against them, so we made a lot of money.” Li Yuanhong laughed.

These Dutch people can’t steal chickens, because they want to consume the ammunition of the Taiwanese army, but now the firepower of the Taiwanese army has frightened these natives. They would rather break through from the direction of the Dutch than It will not be willing to break through from the direction of the Taiwan army. And these natives have no loyalty to the Dutch, so they all chose to betray the Dutch and directly attack the Dutch formation.

“General Adenauer, it’s not good, those natives broke out in our direction!” said the Dutch staff officer.

But Adenauer roared: “Don’t bother me, just go and kill them, I’m studying the formation of these Chinese people!”

Adenauer seems to have discovered a very interesting place, that is, the formation of the Taiwan army, which is really interesting. So he didn’t care about the defection of the natives. Anyway, the lives of these natives didn’t know about it, so let the writers destroy them!

“Hit me!” shouted the Dutch army.

“Papa papa…”

The Dutch also started shooting at the natives, because these natives turned their backs. Naturally, they couldn’t let them attack their formation in order to protect themselves. Once the formation is dispersed by these, I am afraid that if the Taiwan army takes the opportunity to attack, then they will really die without a place to bury them. Anyway, these natives are their slaves and untouchables, and if they kill them, they will kill them, and no one will care. So they also chose to kill these natives to maintain their formation, otherwise it would be very dangerous.

“The Dutch didn’t lose money this time. Not only did they not consume our ammunition, but they did consume a lot of their own ammunition. Let’s see how they will fight us then!” Li Yuanhong said.

The Dutch managed to disperse these natives, but they found that there were almost no natives left under them, because those natives had fled from both sides of the battlefield, and it was impossible for the Dutch to catch them one by one. .

“General, the native cannon fodder is gone, and we want to attack the horses ourselves?” the Dutch staff officer asked.

“Assault yourself! The formation of the Chinese is waiting for us to attack, and we won’t have enough soldiers to fill it in!” Adenauer shouted.

Adenauer took the deployment map of the squadron that he had deduced, and deduced it for a while, and finally seemed very helpless, because he found that he could not break this formation at all, this is simply too cheating. (to be continued)

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