Red Alert 1895

Chapter 225

Chapter 225 – Citizenship Class

Following Wang Guorui’s order, Ya Dian, the commander of the Fifth Division, and Li Xiaodong, the commander of the Sixth Division, immediately started the Westward Expansion Project. Their task is to expand to the west, then clean up those natives, and force those natives to surrender. But now the Dutch army has not yet arrived, so they all took the initiative to take advantage of this time to quickly adapt their army through actual combat, so this is a golden time, and if you miss it, you will not have this opportunity. Then they all have to start working hard.

“Two division commanders, in front of us is a large indigenous town with a population of more than 20,000. Shall we go there and fire first?” a staff officer asked.

“Wait a minute, let’s go and preach our policy first, and let them see if they are willing to voluntarily surrender.” Ya Dian said.

Soon, a liaison staff officer soon came to the indigenous town, and then began to preach to them the policy of the Taiwan army.

“Your Excellency, our Taiwan army has arrived and will rule this land. Then I hope that you natives will submit to our Taiwan rule, and our Taiwan will give you certain preferential treatment!” said the liaison staff officer.

“Oh? What preferential treatment?” The native leader asked with some interest.

In this land, many natives heard that the Chinese of their ancestors were a bunch of idiots, and offered to reward them with many things, and even the treatment of these foreign nationals was much higher than that of their own citizens. So they think that if the preferential treatment given by the Chinese is good, it is not impossible to follow the Chinese. And the Dutch treated them as slaves, or even cannon fodder, which has long made them unbearable. Originally they had no choice, but now that the Chinese are here. Moreover, the Chinese are still a famous big winner in history, so they can simply get some benefits from these Chinese people.

“Our policy in Taiwan is that all tribes willing to voluntarily surrender, their tribal people will be scattered as a family unit to various places under our Taiwan, and then live as second-class citizens. And our citizenship in Taiwan has three levels. etc. The first class is ordinary citizens, the second class is second-class citizens, the third class is third-class meritorious citizens, and the fourth class is fourth-class citizens. And we are different from the citizen class, that is, first-class citizens are for We Chinese people do not have large-scale blood debts, and are born to the parents of Chinese people. The second-class citizens are those who surrendered to our Chinese people under the strong pressure of our Chinese people during the war. Or the nation that has a major blood debt to our Chinese people. However, second-class citizens can be promoted to first-class citizens if they make certain contributions to the country, such as paying taxes in full, or making achievements, having various achievements, etc. As for the third-class citizens in the future, that is People who were defeated and captured by us, and these people can also be promoted to citizenship after certain conditions. As for the last fourth-class citizens, those who broke some laws will be demoted to fourth-class citizens, and Except for a small number of serious crimes, it is only the personal demotion, and the family members will not be involved. Unless it is a particularly serious crime such as rebellion, traitor, etc., the family members will be degraded, but the family members will not be executed together. As for the end. That is to say, slaves, they have no human rights.”

And this liaison staff introduced about Taiwan’s roughly formulated citizen hierarchy, and this citizen hierarchy is a policy for those local indigenous people for the purpose of expanding the territory in the future. Citizens of these different levels will receive different welfare benefits. Apart from being equal before education and the law, citizens of these different levels will receive different welfare benefits and political treatment. For example, Taiwan will implement democratic elections at that time. At that time, Wang Guorui roughly estimated that one vote for a first-class citizen would count as one vote, and one vote for a second-class citizen would count as half of the vote. One vote for a third-class meritorious citizen counts as a quarter of the vote. As for the fourth-class citizens, they do not have the right to vote or to be elected.

Of course, the country will still be dominated by first-class citizens in the future. After all, Chinese still account for the vast majority. And if there aren’t enough first-class citizens to suppress, I’m afraid those guys will all rebel. These are just some policies for those who have been conquered, and when Wang Guorui invades the mainland, those ethnic groups who have a large-scale blood debt to the Han will also be collectively reduced to second-class citizens.

However, Wang Guorui also knew that when belittling them, he must also leave a window for them. For example, at that time, some quotas can be allocated appropriately to give the second and third class citizens the hope of upgrading their ranks. And these can only be promoted by making contributions to the country, and Wang Guorui plans to make some kind of lifelong promotion and hereditary promotion at that time. In this way, when necessary, some indicators can be produced, which is enough to make those second-class citizens want to die. These level-up indicators are just like the establishments that some government agencies in later generations have for those “temporary workers”. I want to die, but I have worked so hard for this method.

But they don’t know that this is actually based on the principle of equal pay for equal work, and these are what they should get. But because of an inexplicable staffing problem, people who do the same job are divided into different levels abruptly. This has to be said to be a kind of sadness. However, Wang Guorui also knew that this inequality existed in fact. There is a reason for its existence, and appropriate inequality can stimulate the momentum of the people as a whole. However, in some important places, for example, the law must be equal, especially in criminal law. Therefore, Wang Guorui treats them equally in terms of law, because the law is the bottom line of social fairness, which cannot be easily crossed. As for education, they can still be a little more equal. After all, Wang Guorui’s goal in the future is to hope that they can all honor the Chinese nation, rather than guarding against them completely as if they were thieves. Therefore, proper and fair education, especially Sinicized education, is still necessary.

The policy proposed by Wang Guorui actually quantifies the inequalities in society to a certain extent. Instead of allowing social inequality, ethnic inequality, and inequality between conquerors and conquered to ferment in the dark, and finally lead to catastrophe, it is better to quantify everything. As long as these things are quantified to a certain extent, those who are discriminated against will also have a direction to work hard and a certain degree of feeling, which can make them feel the direction to work hard. After all, there is no absolute equality in this society, and some only depend on one’s own efforts. This kind of appropriate inequality, as long as the bottom line of fairness of the law can be maintained, there will be no major problems, but it can stimulate the Sinicization process of those conquered to a certain extent. What’s more, in this way, the talents of the conquered people can be used to a certain extent, and the talents of their ethnic groups can be bought over, so as to prevent those talents from taking the lead in rebelling as the leaders of their ethnic groups.

“What do you think? Are you willing to take the initiative to surrender?” asked the liaison officer.

And the faces of those indigenous leaders were dark. They didn’t think that China not only didn’t treat them as super citizens of foreign races, but actually only treated them as second-class citizens. This made them unbearable. In their eyes, the Chinese should be just a winner. They should take the initiative to spend a lot of wealth to please themselves, and then kill them with all their strength, so that they can reluctantly submit to them in name. Anyway, the people of his own tribe are still in his hands, and that is just a name. Moreover, the Chinese management is still relatively loose, which is much better than the Dutch management. That’s why they want the Chinese to manage it, but the reality is that it’s not like this. And the tribal leader almost jumped up.

“Don’t you just become a first-class citizen without breaking up the tribe?” asked the tribe leader.

The liaison staff officer took the initiative to say: “Of course, there is a treatment we call a green card. However, the treatment of the green card is for those who admire our Chinese civilization and are willing to actively integrate into our big family. And among these people, we will have three The five-year test this three to five years, the Chinese must pass the CET-4, which is the minimum standard. And learn the various ways of life of our Han people, and pay enough for the country A certain amount of taxes can only be treated as first-class citizens after being reviewed by the review team. Before passing the exam, we can temporarily give them the treatment of first-class citizens, but they have no political voting rights and no political rights. The right to vote. Moreover, this kind of green card is generally issued to individuals.”

“However, our Lord Wang also said that if some countries admire our Chinese civilization and are willing to merge the whole country, then we welcome it. However, I will also consider immigrating to that land in large numbers, or Break up those tribes or small countries, and then assign them to our different cities to live in. However, the leaders of that country have to be re-evaluated before they can take up their posts. If they fail the assessment, they can only get some money every year. The state rewards are used as pensions.”

Wang Guorui’s last green card policy is to hope that the neighboring small countries can take the initiative to merge, so that it will be much easier for the next rule.

But the tribal leader was still very unhappy, because even the treatment of the last green card was not in line with their ideas. Because what they want is to submit to Taiwan in name, not to hand over the tribal people. Therefore, no matter which plan it is, they are not very acceptable. (to be continued)

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