Red Alert 1895

Chapter 229

Chapter 229 – Never Compromise With The Kidnappers (Part 1)

“Tell me, how can we do it!” Wang Guorui said. {Dagger Dagger Strange Chinese Novel щщшmЁ}

And Chen Liyan immediately said: “Their conditions are too ridiculous, we can’t agree to them at all!”

“Yeah, we promised them, so is there still a need to fight this time?” said Tan Xiao, the commander of the second division.

Everyone thinks that the conditions of these aboriginals are too absurd. To actually ask the Taiwanese army to withdraw from Kalimantan, and then leave them all the weapons, and give them a ransom of tens of millions of taels of silver. This is simply impossible. Call it the lion’s mouth. A hostage of more than 60,000 taels of silver, he thought he was kidnapping the prince! More than a hundred ordinary Chinese are not worth such a value, so everyone does not agree to pay the ransom. After all, this kind of ransom cannot be offered by Taiwan at all, and even if it is available, it is impossible to give it to these aboriginals!

And Wang Guorui also said: “Tanya, this time you go to rescue the hostages! You are very good at this kind of hostage rescue, so it’s good that you are in charge of rescuing the hostages.”

In the current situation, only Tanya can lead the special forces to rescue the hostages, so that only after the hostages are rescued can the war continue, otherwise there will be no need to fight the next war.

Tan Ya said: “What’s the problem with this, I’ll rescue them myself soon? Take a few people and follow my mother to rescue them!”

After Tanya finished speaking, she immediately prepared to pick up her weapon and leave, preparing to rescue the hostages.

“Miss Tan, wait a minute!” Liu Xue said.

And when everyone saw Liu Xue taking the initiative to speak, this surprised everyone. Although Liu Xue and Wang Guorui had established a relationship, they hadn’t been able to officially get married, but they were also one of Wang Guorui’s fiancées. Therefore, if he took the initiative to speak out, everyone would have to give him some face.

“Miss Liu, what do you want to say?” Wang Guorui asked.

Liu Xue said: “Master Wang, you rescued those hostages this time, but what will you do in the future? I am afraid there are still many Chinese living in the entire Kalimantan Island. Do you want Miss Tanya to rescue those Chinese one by one? And .At that time, I am afraid that there will be more and more cases of taking hostages as threats. How will you rescue them? At that time, can Miss Tanya run to rescue the hostages at any time?”

“This. Try your best! It’s really impossible to pay some ransom and send them away. It’s just that these guys are too much this time. We can’t agree to so many conditions.” Wang Guorui said.

But Liu Xue said: “No, it can’t be like this. Look at what the kidnappers need this time. Ten million taels of silver, and weapons for two divisions, and even our withdrawal from Kalimantan Island. This is simply Ridiculous, they have more than a hundred Chinese hostages in their hands, dare to make such absurd request to us, do we have to agree? If we agree, then we are afraid that we will face more and more hostage-taking situations in the future More and more. We Chinese are spread all over the world. When we expand our territory, those local people will also take us Chinese as hostages and force us to withdraw. What should we do? For the lives of a very small number of hostages, just Will it delay our entire Chinese nation from living a happy life?”

And everyone was silent for a while, because they also knew that if they agreed to the kidnapper’s request with money this time, there might be more hostage kidnappings for extortion in the future. You must know that the Chinese are all over the world. If people from all over the world hold the Chinese as hostages, I am afraid that it will really cause a lot of trouble. This time Tanya can be rescued, so next time Tanya can be on call? This is not realistic, so whether it is rescue or compromise, it is not the best way.

“What do you mean?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Let’s attack directly. Don’t pay attention to the hostages! Anyway, we don’t need to pay attention to those hostages, so whether they can survive or not is a matter of life or death.” Liu Xue said.

“What? The hostages will die like this.” Wang Guorui said.

But Liu Xue said: “So what if we die? The big deal is that we can kill a few more natives to take revenge after the incident. You must know that our expansion this time is not for a small number of people, but for our entire Chinese people.” The most important thing to live a happy life. If in order to rescue more than a hundred hostages, then let hundreds of thousands, millions, or even hundreds of millions of people give up the chance to live a happy life, then you say it is fair So, when necessary, we still have to sacrifice the interests of a small number of people to satisfy the vast majority of people. We are different now. We now have to consider issues from the perspective of the entire country and nation, not about those hostages. .If they succeed in blackmailing this time, what will happen next? At that time, all kinds of low-level guys will blackmail us by kidnapping hostages, so what shall we do?”

And Wang Guorui was also silent, because this is indeed a very huge problem. If others follow suit in the future, will I also have to compromise? The reason why kidnappings occur frequently in some countries is not because the superiors often order that the hostages should not be harmed, which restricts the police and the army. If the higher-ups order to annihilate the enemy first, then the second is to rescue the hostages. When there is a problem with the hostage, put all the responsibility on the enemy, and take revenge on the perpetrator after that, so that it can be regarded as a real solution once and for all.

On the contrary, if the scruples about hostages allow the kidnappers to succeed this time, I am afraid that more and more kidnappers will appear in the future, and then kidnap more and more innocent people. Although one hostage was saved in this way, more people were threatened by others, and they all compromised one after another, which brought big problems to the whole society.

What’s more, these indigenous people have political goals. They want the Taiwanese to withdraw from Kalimantan and leave weapons for them. This is the same as those terrorists in later generations. They use kidnapping to blackmail the governments of certain countries and let them achieve certain goals. But this is simply unrealistic. A big country will never give up its established national policies for the sake of a very small number of citizens. Because every country’s national policy is generally for the good of its own people, and it is impossible to give up its own country’s established policies for the sake of a small number of kidnapped citizens.

Therefore, those terrorists who want to kidnap hostages cannot achieve their goals. And the facts have also proved that those evil acts have not been able to make a big country surrender, and this evil act of kidnapping hostages alone cannot force a powerful national regime to compromise. Just like in future generations, even if a small number of guys want to force the Chinese government to give up the country through some horrible actions, is this possible? So this method can only bring greater disasters to those people, and it can only make the governments of those countries more determined to crack down on them.

“My lord, we can’t compromise. If we compromise this time, then this kind of thing will happen more and more in the future, and we can only be exhausted. If we don’t compromise, then those natives and foreigners We will all see our determination to hit them. And when the time comes, we will put this account on their heads, and then desperately attack and retaliate against them, and avenge our sacrificed hostages.” Liu Xue said.

It was only then that Wang Guorui discovered that this Liu Xue also had a ruthless side, and wanted to give up those hostages. But what Liu Xue said is somewhat reasonable. If Taiwan behaves like it doesn’t care about the hostages and never compromises with the kidnappers, then there will be fewer and fewer people who kidnap Chinese people and threaten China in the future. Because if they know that China will not compromise with the kidnappers, then those who want to kidnap Chinese people will also consider whether it is worthwhile to do so. For example, if kidnapping is useless, it will completely anger China and retaliate against them more violently. Will they still choose to kidnap Chinese party members as hostages?

Therefore, instead of rescuing the hostages, it is another kind of protection for the Chinese people. After all, if there is a compromise, it will “encourage” more kidnappers to kidnap Chinese as hostages to blackmail the Chinese government. But if the hostages are not rescued, the kidnappers and the organizations behind him will be dealt with more, and better results will be obtained. In this way, those people or organizations that want to gain benefits by kidnapping Chinese can be almost eliminated in the future, and it can also make them dare not kidnap Chinese, make them more afraid of China, and dare not be presumptuous.

Seeing that Wang Guorui was still hesitant, Liu Xue still said: “Master Wang, you are now the leader of Taiwan, and you may even become the leader of China in the future, so you must give up. If you don’t even have more than a hundred people If it can be discarded, what big event can be achieved? On the battlefield, abandoning some small units to protect the survival of larger units is inevitable in the military. And helping more people to survive better is the real Great benevolence and righteousness, instead of giving up the happy future of the entire country and nation in order to save some ordinary people, this is definitely not worth it.

“Immediately ask someone to bring a letter to Ya Dian and Li Xiaodong, tell them that we in Taiwan will never compromise with the kidnappers. As for later, I allow them to take revenge. Didn’t they say that for every Chinese who dies, a hundred aborigines will be given to them?” Pay for your life? I agree!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, the relevant news was rushed over by Dong Wanlu’s people on fast horses, and then delivered the letter to Ya Dian and Li Xiaodong, the two highest front-line commanders. (To be continued.)

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