Red Alert 1895

Chapter 240

Chapter 240 – Gather The Stars And Give Them To People’S Heads (Part 1)

When the Dutch dug the trenches, the Dutch all began to celebrate enthusiastically, and especially those officers led by Bruce, who was headed by the local soldiers, were very confident in attacking the positions of the Taiwan army, as if disregarding the vice president. Commander Adenauer strongly wants to pay attention to the proposal of the Taiwan army, and then they seem to be just around the corner for victory. In the eyes of their local aristocratic officers, Taiwan will always be their former colony. Even if it is stronger now, it is just stronger than the indigenous people in Indonesia. Even if it is stronger than the Indonesian natives, there is no need to worry too much.

But now, those high-level generals of the Dutch began to organize an open-air banquet for the generals under the organization of Bruce, and then invited the senior generals to come here for a party.

“Everyone, this time our banquet has gathered officers above the rank of deputy division commander here. We have the lowest rank of brigadier general here, and our Dutch army has twenty-six divisions. It can be said that there are a large number of troops. We There are more than 120 officers with the rank of brigadier general or above here. It can be said that there are many generals. Each of us is the elite of our Kingdom of the Netherlands. We will definitely be able to defeat these Taiwanese natives and then retake Taiwan for our Kingdom of the Netherlands. The colony, recover the colony for Her Majesty the Queen! It is unreasonable to dispatch hundreds of generals from the Netherlands for the sake of a Taiwanese native. However, with our hundreds of generals, we will be able to conquer the colony of Taiwan, and then revitalize our The great Kingdom of the Netherlands. Cheers to our great ideals!”

The major general who was in charge of hosting the banquet took the initiative to toast on the stage, and then stood on the stage to toast everyone with a glass of champagne.

“Wow, cheers. For the sake of the Netherlands and for Her Majesty the Queen, we will definitely recover Taiwan!” Someone immediately boasted.

And no one knew that someone was watching all this five and a half kilometers away.

“Hmph. There are still people drinking and celebrating before the start of this big battle. This lady is here to make you happy!” Looking at the situation in the binoculars, Natasha smiled.

Natasha took the initiative to ask Wang Guorui to come out to fight this time, because it was boring for him to stay at the headquarters. After all, Wang Guorui was busy dealing with that Henry during this time, and had no time to fool around with a few women, so Natasha felt very bored. Voluntarily asked to come out to find the Dutchman’s bad luck.

Natasha held the bullets in her hand, and said helplessly: “The commander is really stingy. This time, he gave Tanya so many bullets, and specially equipped a military dog transport team to deliver the bullets to that **** Tanya. There are tens of thousands of bullets. As for me, there are only 800 bullets in such a small amount, and I have to carry it by myself, which is really partial.”

This time, Wang Guorui lost a lot of blood because of these two female generals during the Nanyang campaign. First, 10,000 bullets were used for Tanya. Tanya’s bullets cost five silver dollars a round, but it cost fifty thousand silver dollars. And Natasha’s bullets cost 200 yuan a round, and Wang Guorui only gave Tanya 500 bullets. After all, Natasha is a sniper, and bullets are more valuable. And the effect is also better. And this made Natasha feel a little unfair, because Natasha and Tanya’s bullets looked almost the same caliber, and they both weighed the same. However, there is a huge difference in range between the two. Natasha’s maximum range is more than ten kilometers, while Tanya’s bullets are at most two kilometers, and Tanya may not be able to shoot accurately. After all, she is a woman, and she is more cautious in her heart, so Natasha feels a bit unfair to Wang Guorui for giving Tanya 10,000 bullets, but only giving herself 500 bullets.

“However. Today may be a bumper harvest, since the Dutch actually have a banquet together. Doesn’t this give me a chance?” Natasha thought.

Natasha fixed her eyes on the scope of the sniper rifle, and then the “ten” in the scope began to move around. Then start looking for the target.

At the banquet, everyone was still toasting each other.

“Hahahaha, today we are celebrating in advance, and strive to conquer those Taiwanese natives as soon as possible.” A major general of the Dutch army said proactively.

And another Dutch army commander also started to raise his glass, and then took the initiative to say: “For our great cause, cheers!”

“Cheers!” said the two major generals together.

The two picked up the wine glasses together and drank with their heads up. When they finished drinking, the major general of the Dutch army looked down and saw that the person in front of him had no head.

“Huh? Why do you lose your head?”

“Crack!” The Dutch officer fell down in front of the Dutch major general, and then the blood left in the body began to spurt out in front of the Dutch major general.

“Ah—” the Dutch major general screamed.

He finally understood what was going on. The Dutch major general just lost his head for some reason. And this thing was so weird that he felt a burst of terror.

And the voice of the Dutch major general also attracted everyone, and then everyone came to check it out.

“Oh my god! What’s going on? His head suddenly exploded?” Someone exclaimed.

In fact, the sniper rifles on TV are all too weak. And if it was a real sniper rifle with a caliber of more than 12 mm, a single shot would be able to explode a person’s head, so the Dutch officer didn’t react at all, and his head exploded.

“Major General William, why did his head explode suddenly?” Someone asked with a burst of fear.

“I don’t know! We didn’t hear the sound!” Someone said.

And Adenauer also came here, and then saw the dead Wei Li, and then looked again at William’s position, and finally estimated the situation, and then he came to the pool of blood a few steps away from William. Looking for something in spite of the nausea.

Adenauer picked up a metallic object from within the mess and said, “Slug?”

“Not good! There are snipers, everyone hide!” Adenauer shouted.

However, Adenauer’s yelling was already a bit late, and at this moment, two screams suddenly came out.


With two screams, a big hole was opened in the chest of the two participants, and then they fell to the ground and died on the spot.

“Brigadier General Aussie, Major General John? Are they dead?” Someone immediately screamed.

Adenauer yelled: “There are enemy sharpshooters, get down! Get down!”

And at this time, someone immediately knew that the enemy had a sharpshooter, and immediately some people began to look for cover, and then others quickly got down. At this time, those more than a hundred participants were in a mess, and then some of them found a bunker, and some got down on the spot.

“Don’t look for cover, it’s useless to look for cover, get down!” Adenauer shouted.


There was another shot, and a brigadier general of the Dutch army, who was hiding behind a brick wall, immediately fell to the ground, apparently dead.

In the distance, Natasha smiled and said, “How can such a low-level bunker be able to block my bullets?”

Maybe many people don’t know that in war, most brick walls can’t stop bullets, even if they are only 7mm bullets. Many film and television dramas show that those people can avoid bullets by hiding behind walls, but this situation is extremely wrong. Ordinary walls can’t stop self-loading, and most rifle bullets can penetrate walls, unless it is a load-bearing wall that can have certain bulletproof capabilities. So this guy who hid behind the wall not only failed to save his life, but was directly killed by the bullet piercing through the wall.

And those bunkers of later generations are actually made of special reinforced concrete. High-strength steel bars and special cement are used to block the enemy’s ordinary bullets. Without these two conditions, they will be ineffective.

And this time is the time to test everyone’s military ability and combat quality. In this battle, some people choose to get down, and some people choose to find a bunker. But unfortunately, the probability of being hit is the same behind the bunker and directly on the ground. Since the probability of being hit is the same, why do you need to make more moves? When facing an enemy sniper, the best way is to stay still. After all, even if a sniper has a telescope, his sight It’s not very good either, as long as you can try not to move then the probability of being hit may be much less. But once you move around to find cover, you have a greater chance of being exposed to the sniper’s guns. Therefore, many of those noble officers were reluctantly promoted without having experienced war, so many of them subconsciously believed that bunkers could block bullets, which made them in big trouble.

“Guards, guards, go and put out all the torches!” cried Adenauer.

And the guards soon began to think of ways to extinguish the torches here, and then avoid the exposure of the generals. After all, now that the enemy is in the dark, and you are protected under the light of the torch, it will be fatal. So the wisest thing to do is turn off the lights and don’t expose yourself.

“Guards, you wish for yourselves!” Adenauer suddenly felt ashamed.

Because these guards went to extinguish the torches, it was tantamount to exposing themselves to the snipers’ guns, and they would definitely be the first targets of the snipers. Therefore, I am afraid that these guards will all die. This is very dangerous for everyone.

But what surprised Adenauer was that when these guards went to extinguish the torches, they were not killed by the enemy sniper’s bullets, but instead let them extinguish the torches. This made them all a little surprised, but since the torch can be extinguished, it must be a good thing! (to be continued)

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