Red Alert 1895

Chapter 242

Chapter 242 – Gather The Stars And Give Them To People’S Heads (Part 2)

“Guards, hurry up and let the army come over. You must let a large number of soldiers come over as quickly as possible! And, let the whole army start a search, and no one can let it go within a two-kilometer radius. Enemy snipers have sneaked in. What a shame!” That’s unreasonable. Those who are in charge of security should be killed!” Adenauer shouted.

Adenauer immediately ordered a large number of soldiers to come here, and then sent some soldiers to search for those who sneaked in. In fact, Adenauer’s approach cannot be said to be wrong, but it is the best way. Because if a large number of soldiers came here, the figures of those generals would be much less. Once a large number of soldiers protect these generals together, neither Natasha’s sight nor her sniper rifle can be aimed at those generals. Even if they died, they were all ordinary soldiers, not many generals. So this method is good, as long as a large number of ordinary soldiers can be used to cover, the probability of the general surviving is still very high.

As for another order, that is to search for the sniper in a nearby military camp. Of course, this Adenauer also judged according to the range of guns in this era, because the reason why he thought that snipers had sneaked into the barracks was because the rifle had a range of at most one kilometer, and he had already searched for two kilometers. It is very much. However, the hundreds of thousands of Dutch troops camped together. The diameter of the hundreds of thousands of camps stretched to about ten kilometers, and even the radius was five kilometers. Therefore, it is impossible for the enemy’s rifle to shoot in from five kilometers away according to the routine. This is why Adenauer thinks that someone has sneaked in. He thinks that the enemy has already sneaked in, so he can snipe here.


Soon the guards also started to notify a large number of soldiers to come to protect the generals, and to conduct strict searches within a two-kilometer radius of the core of the barracks. Search for those special characters with sniper guns. And inform the soldiers, pay attention to your side, and anyone who finds a face must report it immediately. However, they didn’t know that Natasha was five kilometers away. So no matter how they search, they can’t find it. However, on the other hand, the generals of the Dutch army are still cautious. On the one hand, they hope that the soldiers will come quickly, and on the other hand, they also hope that the sniper will stop shooting.

“Papa papa!”

Following Natasha’s side, three semi-automatic sniper shots fired. In the Netherlands, two major generals and a brigadier general screamed and were killed. However, at this time that Adenauer immediately began to speak.

“Hurry up, everyone, hug the corpse. If you hug the corpse, the sniper won’t be able to see clearly! Hurry up!” Adenauer shouted.

Adenauer’s idea is very simple, that is, he hopes to be able to hug the corpses of those generals who have died in battle, so that Natasha can’t tell whether it is a corpse or a living person. And I have to admit that although Natasha has an infrared thermal imaging sight, it takes a few hours for a human body to completely cool down after death. So now those generals have just died, and their bodies have not yet cooled down. Natasha’s thermal imager cannot accurately judge whether this is a person who has not been killed or a living person.

So if you can hold the corpse at this time. That might be able to effectively confuse Natasha’s eyes, so that after a large number of troops arrive, everyone will be completely safe. So Adenauer immediately asked everyone to hug the corpse. Then prevent Natasha from being able to see that they are a living person. Although Adenauer didn’t know what infrared thermal imaging was, he clearly felt that Natasha, the enemy’s sniper, could vaguely see them. But he was also sure of one thing, that is, Natasha didn’t have too many bullets. The enemy’s snipers seemed to cherish bullets very much. This gave Adenauer an idea, and that was the way to avoid more casualties of generals.

“Hold the corpse?”

Many Dutch generals also hesitated, after all, those corpses were a mass of rotten flesh. The sniper rifle that was approaching Natasha was so powerful that the corpse turned into a mass of rotten flesh once it was shot down. So let them keep the body. Make them very hesitant. And there are not many corpses here, only nine corpses. They couldn’t hold on either.

“Crack, clap, clap!”

Five more shots were fired, and three brigadier generals, one major general, and one lieutenant general of the Dutch army were killed immediately.

“Hurry up, hug the corpse quickly, everyone will be bigger if you hug the corpse or come down. If you don’t want to hug the corpse, then you can become a corpse and let people hug you!” Adenauer shouted.

After hearing this, everyone ignored the nausea of the corpse, and then took the initiative to hug the corpse. And some generals hugged a corpse with two people, so three people hugged a corpse with a lot of residual warmth, which immediately made Natasha a little confused.

“Damn, what’s going on?” Natasha was speechless.

Natasha obviously felt that the “red dots” on some thermal imaging cameras had grown larger. Although he had a thermal imaging camera, he could see a dot even five kilometers away. Now there are some “red dots” “dot” became bigger, which surprised Natasha.

“Who is in charge of these Dutchmen? They are so cunning? Should I fight them?” Natasha thought hesitantly.

Natasha really felt very hesitant, because these larger “red dots” represented that someone was protecting the corpse, but he didn’t know whether he should shoot it or not. If you shoot in the past, maybe you only hit a corpse, and you can’t hit a living person, so the bullets are wasted. Natasha’s bullets are very expensive, if it is wasted, it will be miserable, and Wang Guorui will scold her. So Natasha doesn’t want to waste bullets, but if she shoots at the larger red dot, the success rate is only 50%. Or maybe it hit the dead and missed the living.

“The probability of 50% is too low!” Natasha shook her head and said helplessly.

As a sniper, under normal circumstances, you must have a chance of more than 80% to choose to shoot, so now there is only a 50% chance of hitting, and the probability is indeed a little low. But Natasha saw that about a hundred generals failed to hug the corpse, so he chose to attack those who did not hug the corpse. After all, the vast majority of people did not hug the corpse, so since they all wanted to attack, they still attacked those who did not hug the corpse, so that if they were hit, they would be 100% dead.

“Crack, clap, clap!”

With another five gunshots, five generals of the Dutch died again, but immediately someone came over and seized the opportunity to hug their bodies. As for the Dutch generals who hugged the corpse, they all felt very lucky. Sure enough, as Adenauer expected, the sniper was unwilling to waste bullets, or bullets were very rare, and he was unwilling to attack when the probability was not high. . And hugging the corpse, although the enemy snipers still had a 50% chance to attack, but Natasha didn’t choose to attack, but chose to attack those who didn’t hug the corpse.

“Crack, clap, clap!”

Natasha continued to shoot, and five Dutch generals who did not hug the corpse were killed again. At this time, a large number of ordinary Dutch soldiers also came, and then they rushed into the banquet venue and began to pay attention to those generals.

“Generals, here we come!” said the ordinary Dutch soldier.

“Hurry up, protect us! Don’t stay where you are, walk around and disturb the sight of enemy snipers!” Adenauer shouted.

Following Adenauer’s order, those ordinary soldiers began to wander around in place, disturbing Natasha’s sight.

“Hey, there is no chance. Those ordinary soldiers came to serve as human shields for those generals, so I really have no choice! I can’t use such expensive bullets on ordinary soldiers, can I?” Natasha thought.

After Natasha finished speaking, she immediately packed her guns and prepared to leave. This time her harvest was also very huge. After all, she was able to harvest more than 20 heads at a time, and they were all heads of general-level officers in the Netherlands. This can be said to be quite a harvest. But the Dutch suffered heavy losses this time. Before the battle started, they lost more than 20 generals, which was a huge blow.

“ should we do?” A soldier asked Adenauer.

“Tell the generals, don’t get up in a hurry, maybe that guy hasn’t left yet! Everyone lift up the generals together and send them behind the thick rock!” Adenauer said.

Adenauer’s character has also exploded now, and he can think of so many. It has to be said that actual combat is the best training, and Adenauer didn’t have much anti-sniper ability before, but now when the situation comes to an end, he has also brought out the anti-sniper ability of this special forces. Successfully saved the lives of the remaining generals. Without the explosion of Adenauer’s character, it would not be impossible for Anne and Natasha to annihilate more than eighty generals at once. After all, the gathering of their generals is simply a living target for Natasha. If more than 80 generals were killed in battle, then I am afraid that the Dutch will be defeated this time if they do not fight. However, the death of more than 20 generals this time is enough to hurt them.

The Dutch generals didn’t leave immediately, but stayed behind those thick rocks all night, and they didn’t really move until dawn.

And Adenauer looked at the more than 20 dead comrades-in-arms, and couldn’t help lamenting: “This time is really a feast of blood, but unfortunately it is not our own feast. This feast is the enemy slaughtering us. We all It’s a bunch of food!” (To be continued)

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