Red Alert 1895

Chapter 52

Chapter 51 – The Queen’S Hunt (Part 1)

“Why didn’t the Japanese army attack?” Wang Guorui thought helplessly.

Wang Guorui looked at the Japanese Guards Division as if they had become Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but resisted not attacking. And Wang Guorui knew deeply that although the Japanese army did not continue to attack, he must be brewing bad water! As the saying goes, a dog that bites does not bark. The more inactive the Japanese army was, the more worried Wang Guorui was. Because if the Japanese army clamored to attack, and even sent some troops to attack from time to time, then maybe Wang Guorui would feel relieved. But the Japanese army was so able to “forbear” that Wang Guorui was not at ease. The longer the Japanese army brews, the stronger the brewing bad water will be, and it will be even more dangerous to make a move at that time.

“Commander, are you in trouble? Shall I go find the bad luck of the Japanese army and force them to take the initiative to attack?” Tanya asked.

“You go? This is one way! Find out their bad luck, and throw stones to ask for directions!” Wang Guorui said.

Tan Ya took the initiative to say: “Since I’m going to the Japanese barracks to find their bad luck, please give me the bullets! The usual bullets are not enough for my enjoyment!”

“Okay, how much do you want?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Five hundred bullets!” Tanya said.

Wang Guorui almost fainted, this Tan Ya is really ruthless.

Not long after, Wang Guorui felt very speechless looking at Tanya whose whole body was entangled in bullets. You must know that the bullets used by Tanya are all special 12.7mm caliber bullets, and this pistol is also special. Only this special pistol can fire 12.7mm caliber bullets. And the recoil is even stronger, only superheroes like Tanya can use it. But powerful bullets are not small in weight. A bullet weighs a hundred grams, which is two or two. Tanya asked for 500 bullets all at once, which can be said to be a full 100 catties!

Tanya’s body was entangled a lot with bullet chains, like clothes and chain armor. However, wearing a “chain armor” weighing one hundred catties, Tanya didn’t feel the slightest weight, instead she moved very easily.

“Tanya, are you really not dangerous? You wrap bullets around your body, if a bullet hits you, you will become a torch!” Wang Guorui said.

“It doesn’t matter, the bullet that can kill me hasn’t been produced yet in this world! What’s more, I still have a time belt. As long as I am hit, I can activate the time belt, so that I can have an extra life.” Tanya said confidently.

Wang Guorui was also relieved a lot, because Tanya had a time belt in the game. The time belt can bring Tanya back to the effect of a period of time in the past, which can make Tanya equivalent to an extra life, which really makes Wang feel at ease a lot. But this time can only be used once a day, which makes Wang Guorui a little scared, what if Tanya is in danger this time?

Soon, Tanya, who was wearing bullet “chain armor”, quickly came out in the dark, and then he quietly left the mountain, ready to start “hunting” against the Japanese army. This time it was Queen Tanya’s hunt, and it was bound to become a nightmare for those Japanese soldiers in their lives.

On the Japanese mountain, a Japanese team is patrolling the mountain road. Their task is to patrol to see if there are any enemy scouts coming from this mountain road to investigate. If they can be eliminated, try to eliminate them as much as possible, and if they cannot be eliminated, they must give early warning. But they were all obviously a little sleepy, and they sat by the tree to take a rest.

“Hey, I thought it was a very easy task, but I didn’t expect to meet such a powerful opponent. The first regiment was wiped out. I don’t know who it is. And I don’t know what Prince Kitashirakawa Nohisa is thinking. , Since we have encountered such a powerful enemy, why not go to the country to ask for support? If we can have support troops, then maybe we really will not be so difficult.” A Japanese soldier said.

And the other person also said helplessly: “I heard that His Excellency the Prince deliberately did not ask for domestic support in order to ensure his own future.”

“Hmph, these bureaucrats! They don’t even consider the lives of ordinary soldiers.” Someone scolded.

Regardless of the country, many officials don’t care about the lives of ordinary soldiers. Many politicians don’t value the lives of soldiers. In their eyes, the lives of soldiers are just a number, and they don’t feel any heartache when they die. And those high-ranking officials also valued their own future more than thinking about cherishing the lives of soldiers. And as long as it is not a last resort, the top Japanese military officials do not want their affairs to be exposed.

Next, the soldiers at the bottom of the Japanese army were also complaining about those high-levels, obviously very dissatisfied with those high-levels. No matter which country it is, the people at the bottom and the upper echelons of Douyu are obviously dissatisfied. Don’t look at Japan being able to launch a war against the Qing Dynasty now, but it was obtained by exploiting ordinary people. For this war with the Manchu Qing, Japan can be said to have been “reckless” for decades. Their limited wealth was concentrated in the army, and ordinary people did not have much financial resources to improve people’s livelihood. So now Japan’s internal conflicts are also very strong, especially those ordinary soldiers, all come from poor families, so they are also a bit embarrassing to the Japanese high-level.

“Okay, continue to rest, I’m going to take a pee!” said a Japanese soldier.

The Japanese soldier walked into the nearby grass and was about to start peeing. But he didn’t realize that there was already a person in the grass.


The Japanese soldier who was peeing was just about to take off his pants, but he was pulled down immediately, and then he felt a sudden severe pain in his neck, and then he lost consciousness.

“Hmph, it’s really useless, it’s so easy to die!” Tan Ya hummed in her heart.


There was a man’s call, and the dozen or so Japanese soldiers reacted immediately, and took the initiative to come to the grass where the Japanese soldier’s neck was broken just now, ready to check the situation.

“Saito-kun, what’s wrong with you?” a Japanese soldier asked.

“Ah, I fell into the pit, come and save me!” A strange voice shouted.

“Huh? Saito-kun, why did your voice change?” Someone asked.

“I broke my throat just now, so hurry up and give me a hand!” Said the so-called Saito.

“Okay, let’s give you a hand! Let’s work together!” said the Japanese team leader.

When everyone was about to squat down and stretch out their hands to pull the so-called “Saito”, suddenly a black shadow brushed towards the necks of a dozen of them, and the dozen or so Japanese soldiers felt a chill on their necks, and then a burst of blood on their necks was also caught. It flew out. And more than a dozen people sprayed a “fountain” from their necks, and then they all began to fall to the ground, twitching continuously.

“Hmph, fifteen! Thirty-nine more!” Tanya thought.

In Tanya’s hand was a dagger that was completely black, and it was obviously extremely sharp. Not only is this dagger not bright silver, but it is pitch black, so that it will not produce any reflections in the dark night. This is one of Tanya’s standard equipment, specially used to kill enemies.

Originally, Tanya in the game didn’t have that much equipment, but in this real world, Tanya’s bullets are very expensive, and it is impossible to have unlimited bullets like in the game. So Tanya also has a dagger as an auxiliary to kill the enemy, which can be used to kill the enemy with cold weapons. And the Japanese army came close to Tanya just now, and Tanya also quickly wiped away at the necks of those Japanese soldiers at one time, and killed more than a dozen Japanese devils with one knife.

“Huh, what a cheapskate, the commander is really stingy. I said I only need 500 bullets, but you really only gave me 500 bullets! I had to save bullets to kill the enemy. The dagger.” Tan Ya said helplessly in a low voice.

Of course, the reason why Tanya didn’t use a gun to kill the enemy at the moment was because he wanted to avoid making gunshots. Once the gunshots were fired, the Japanese army would react quickly and prepare to fight. This time, I have to go in secretly, don’t use So Tan Ya can avoid using firearms, it’s better to avoid using firearms, so that she can sneak into the Japanese barracks safely. As long as they entered the Japanese barracks, everything would be done by Tanya.

“Hmph, is it finally here?” Tanya thought while looking at the Japanese soldiers holding torches in the distance.

The squad of the Japanese army carried out patrols according to different squads. They were divided into four squads, two for training and two for rest. Tanya just killed one squad, and now the other squad has also patrolled here. Tanya also started to prepare, ready to kill the enemy.

“Yoxi, yoxi, half of the enemies were not found on this patrol, and it’s finally our turn to rest. It’s really exhausting to go out to patrol so late. This patrol is over, I want to take a good rest, so that we can Only by being able to sleep until dawn, can we be comfortable.” The squad leader of the Japanese army said.

When the Japanese army came to the side of the path where Tanya was lying in ambush, Tanya took out some silver objects and started aiming at the Japanese army.

“Whoosh whoosh…”

There was a sound of piercing the air, and Tanya flew out sharp bayonets with her hands.


The Japanese soldiers held their backs, chests, and abdomens one after another. They were stabbed with bayonets in these places, and then their chests and abdomens were stabbed, and then they began to fall to the ground. These bayonets were taken from the Murata rifles of the Japanese army just now, and now Tanya used them as throwing knives and flew them out. And Tan Ya didn’t want to use bullets now, after all, not only were the bullets limited, but they would also make loud noises, alarming the Japanese soldiers.

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