Red Alert 1895

Chapter 63

Chapter 62 – Annihilate The Guards Division (3)

In the next two days, the Japanese army continued to rotate troops to attack, and the four Japanese infantry divisions also began to attack in turn. But they paid as many as 3,000 casualties, but they didn’t have any results. Originally, there were still more than 25,000 Japanese troops left, but they were suddenly reduced to more than 21,000. And the blow to morale brought about by huge casualties is even more fatal. From top to bottom, the Japanese army was already desperate for defeating Wang Guorui’s army. They didn’t think they could defeat Wang Guorui with their own strength.

“Governor Huashan, let’s ask for domestic support! It’s over now, we can’t continue to delay. If this continues, I am afraid that the Guards Division will be buried by us. If the Guards Division is buried, then I am afraid that even As a member of the royal family, we may all be shot. If we ask for support now, we may just be dismissed and sent to a court-martial, but we won’t lose our lives. But once all the guards are buried here, we will all die. ” Kitashirakawa said helplessly.

Now even Kitashirakawa Palace Nojiu has the idea of asking for domestic support. After all, they don’t see any hope of breaking through Wang Guorui’s defensive position. On the contrary, if the fight continues like this, the entire Guard Division will be ruined. The Imperial Guard Division is the elite of the Japanese army. If the entire army is annihilated, it will be a great blow to Japan. At that time, even Kitashirakawa Palace Nohisa of the royal family will be executed. As for Huashan Ziji, even if he is in the navy, he will not be able to escape punishment. Who made him just the supreme commander?

“Okay! It’s better to lose your future than to lose your life! Even if someone else takes command, they won’t be able to do better than us. Their weapons are too powerful. As far as I know, even the world’s number one German Army , and they are not that powerful, our non-war crime!” Huashan Ziji said with a wry smile.

“It’s not good, it’s not good, the Chinese army has started to advance!” the Akashi staff officer shouted.

“What?” Suki Kawayama and Noku Kitashirakawa exclaimed.

On the other side, Hu Wei also began to organize troops, and then prepared to charge. The war is about to begin, and Wang Guorui’s army is also preparing for the war.

“Hmph, who stipulated that we can only defend and not take the initiative to annihilate you? Now you are almost collapsed. If we don’t quickly defeat you now, then what use will I keep you? If nothing happens now, I’m afraid You are ready to ask for support. Before your reinforcements come, you must be wiped out, at least most of you must be wiped out, and you will be forced to retreat to Taipei.” Wang Guorui said in the Red Police Base.

Now Wang Guorui is in charge of observing the battle situation in the Red Police base, while Hu Wei is in charge of commanding on the front line. With Wang Guorui’s super-viewing bug in the red police base, all the dispatches of the Japanese army can’t be hidden from his eyes, so it is the best monitoring and command method in the red police base.

“Fire ready!” Hu Wei said.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery shells bombarded the Japanese positions as if they didn’t want money, and this time under the command of the coordinates provided by Wang Guorui, the Japanese positions began to be violently bombed. However, since most of the Japanese troops had already hid in the trenches, the suppression of artillery fire preparations was not very good, and the Japanese casualties were not too many. This group of Japanese soldiers learned Wang Guorui’s tactics and hid in the trenches without coming out. Even if the artillery bombarded them directly, unless they fell right into the trenches, the lethality would be very low. Moreover, the Japanese army also learned Wang Guorui’s jagged trench method through investigation. Even if the cannon was directly bombed, the casualties would not be too large, avoiding a large number of casualties. So Wang Guorui had to find out very sadly that he was making progress, but his enemies were also making progress.

Wang Guorui had no doubts at all. If the Japanese army was driven away this time, the Japanese army would definitely learn a lesson after returning to China, and immediately equip them with machine guns, barbed wire, and grenades. Wang Guorui didn’t have a good solution for this, after all, he couldn’t ask the Japanese army for tuition fees! War is actually nothing more than a process of learning from each other, learning from each other’s strengths and complementing each other’s weaknesses. If an army is complacent and unwilling to learn from the enemy’s strengths, then this army is destined to be short-lived, and even the Japanese understand this truth.

“The artillery fire of the Chinese people is too fierce, where is our artillery? The artillery fire back quickly!” Someone shouted immediately.

But the artillery commander of the Japanese army immediately scolded: “What’s the hurry? If we fight back now, won’t that expose our coordinates? Even if we fight back, we are not opponents. Their artillery is twice as many as ours! So many artillery were blown up by the Chinese for the first time, and our artillery is already at a disadvantage. Please be patient first, and when the Chinese attack on a large scale, we will carry out shelling again, so as to achieve the greatest effect. Now you are hiding in the trenches, and the casualties will be less Not many.”

The Japanese army also began to prepare for the large-scale charge of Wang Guorui’s army, so that Wang Guorui’s artillery could not effectively support the soldiers on his side. At that time, the Japanese army could use artillery to bomb and achieve the best results. Now the Japanese army has finally realized the danger of insufficient artillery. The less artillery there is, the less they dare to fire. Once the enemy finds the coordinates of firing, they will die. Even if the guns were fired, the enemy could not be suppressed. Now Wang Guorui has twice as many cannons as the opponent, beating them is like beating his grandson.

“The third regiment, take advantage of the artillery fire and advance slowly to cover the advance of the engineers!” Hu Wei said.

“The third regiment, move forward!” Zhao Xi said.

Zhao Xi led the third regiment’s troops out of the trench, but they didn’t charge directly. They just walked slowly for about 400 meters under the cover of artillery fire in front. And when they reached 400 meters, they stopped. After stopping, they all mounted machine guns, and grenadiers also began to cover at any time.

“Engineers, hurry up and dig trenches and build fortifications!”

Wang Guorui’s engineering soldiers immediately took out their multifunctional engineering shovels and began to dig trenches. These trenches are trenches ready for battle. Wang Guorui’s advance with such fanfare this time is not to charge, but to push the position forward, about 400 meters forward. This is the basic tactic of trench warfare, by digging trenches on the front line and then advancing continuously. And if the first line falls, that is, you can retreat to the second line to continue defending. Trench warfare is the constant digging of trenches and the constant defense of trenches.

“Don’t stop the artillery fire. You can’t make the Japanese army look up. If the Japanese army kills our people, then I only ask you!” Hu Wei said to Chen Liyan.

Chen Liyan immediately said: “Give me a shot. You don’t need to save shells. We’ll go to Mr. Wang for reimbursement after firing the shells!”

With Chen Liyan’s guarantee, the artillery fired even more joyfully. In less than twenty minutes, forty shells were fired from each of the cannons, and the front positions of the Japanese army were shot into scorched earth. And anyone with a discerning eye could see that the soil in this open space had been loosened, and the moisture in the land had been evaporated to dryness under such fierce bombardment. But the Japanese army was suppressed by such fierce artillery fire and couldn’t hold their heads up anymore. They could only hide in the trenches and endure it silently. At most, they drew circles in the trenches and cursed Wang Guorui and the others.

After about an hour and a half, the trench was quickly dug. Of course, this is just a very crude semi-finished product, not perfect. However, the engineering soldiers have already built the barbed wire fence, so that building a defense system can be done well. Of course, if you wanted to dig such a trench in the past, you would have to spend seven or eight hours. But now with this multifunctional engineer shovel, he can do what he could only do in the past seven or eight hours in one and a half hours. After all, the engineering shovel has already assembled multiple tools together, which has reduced the time for them to change tools a lot. This speed is more than doubled!

“The infantry began to advance and then went to the trench in front!” Hu Wei said.

“Kill!” shouted Wang Guorui’s soldiers, and began to sprint hundreds of meters ahead.

The infantry of the first and second regiments also began to charge, and then went to ambush in the trench ahead. This is what they discussed in advance. After the trenches were dug in front, the infantry behind immediately followed. And those soldiers who entered the trench were immediately divided into two groups, one group was responsible for defending against the Japanese attack at any time, and the other group began to continue to improve and repair the semi-finished trench under the guidance of the engineers. These trenches cannot be completed by engineers alone, because the engineers have insufficient manpower. However, the engineers dug a semi-finished product, and then the troops in the rear can continue to come, and then let the soldiers of the first and second regiments continue to complete the trench, which is considered to have completed the task.

“The artillery fire is ready, and the artillery advances three hundred meters!” Hu Wei said.

“Advance three hundred meters!” Chen Liyan said.

Soon, the cannons were also put on the dog chains by the artillerymen, and the powerful dogs also began to pull the cannons to move forward, and then prepared to advance forward.

After the artillery advanced 300 meters, Wang Guorui’s advance was considered complete this time, and Wang Guorui’s position successfully advanced 300 meters. This time the position was pushed forward, which meant that Wang Guorui’s cannons could completely cover the front positions of the Japanese army, so that they could have cover when they charged. And this is very unfavorable for the Japanese army. The artillery was already insufficient, but it was still covered by Wang Guorui’s artillery fire. I am afraid that it will be very tragic. Their position may fall at any time.

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