Red Alert 1895

Chapter 65

Chapter 64 – Annihilate The Guards Division (5)

“Papa papa…”

As the rifles continued to be fired in the trenches, the remaining Japanese soldiers were constantly killed, and then a large number of troops occupied the first Japanese trench. Few of the soldiers in the first trench of the Japanese army were able to escape from being killed by Wang Guorui’s army, because the artillery had already cut off their retreat, and Wang Guorui’s infantry had an absolute superiority in numbers, and their firepower was also great. Countless times more than them, it is impossible for them to be opponents. Under the cover of artillery and grenades, these Japanese soldiers had no ability to resist at all, and the infantry charged to the front pointed their guns at their heads.

Of course, some Japanese soldiers surrendered. The Japanese soldiers in this period were not brainwashed by Bushido spirit like in World War II decades later. The soldiers in this period were far less crazy than they were in World War II, so there were many of them. Surrender. And they were all terrified by Wang Guorui’s beating, because Wang Guorui’s firepower was too fierce, they couldn’t bear it at all, and they had already collapsed mentally, so they couldn’t think of any resistance at all. The reason why they were able to persevere in their resistance was because their family members were in the country. If they were deserters in a foreign country, their family members in the country would be implicated.

“Chief of Staff Hu, we wiped out 5,000 enemies in the first trench, and we can attack the second trench of the Japanese army at any time! The method is almost the same as the current method. It is also covered by artillery, and then the infantry charges, directly using far more firepower than theirs. Come to suppress them and make them unbearable. This is really refreshing, our army will also use its superiority in weapons to bully the enemy one day, hahahaha!” Zhao Xi laughed and said.

Everyone is refreshing in this battle, because the strength of weapons is much higher than that of the enemy. Since 1840, the Chinese army has always been defeated, and there have not been many victories at all. And what everyone said most is that weapons are not as good as the enemy, because the Chinese army often has to rely on flesh and blood to fight the enemy’s foreign guns and cannons, and the price paid is not insignificant. And now they all have weapons that are far superior to the enemy. This makes them really feel elated, and really feel how refreshing it is to bully the weak with advanced weapons.

This feeling is as refreshing as taking a high-end tuba to the novice area to slaughter, and there is a kind of perverted pleasure. And war is like this, anyway, it is to use all means to defeat the enemy, not to mention fair competition, after all, war is not a boxing ring.

“Let the soldiers rest for half an hour, and attack again after half an hour!” Hu Wei said.

“Yes!” Zhao Xi replied.

As for the Japanese army, it was obviously gloomy, because they lost the first line of trench defense in less than an hour and a half. This means that they may not be able to hold on for long, and they have already foreseen that this battle may fail. And they can only calculate how long it can delay and how much casualties it can bring to Wang Guorui. But they didn’t have much confidence, because Wang Guorui’s firepower was too fierce, and they couldn’t raise their heads to fight back.

Originally they had cannons, but now the cannons have been destroyed and all the artillerymen have been killed. The Japanese army did not have cannons to cover and counterattack, so they could only be suppressed. In this era, without artillery, it is simply waiting to die. Without the cover of artillery, the enemy’s artillery can easily blow you out of your wits. With artillery, one infantry can display the strength of more than ten, which is the importance of fire support strike force. As for the Japanese army that lacked fire support and strikes, their combat effectiveness was not as good as one-tenth of their number. In addition, the Japanese army did not have mortars, machine guns, and grenades for trench warfare, so it was destined to be a big pit. In the case of one ebb and another, it is normal to have this result.

“His Royal Highness, Governor Huashan, hurry up and retreat with your troops! I will kill the queen for you!” said the staff officer Akashi.

At this time, Kitashirakawa Palace Nengjiu said “hypocritically”: “Nonsense, what are you talking about? As an imperial family, how could I run away! I want to be loyal to the Emperor and set an example for my people in Japan. “

And the staff officer Akashi saw this scene, and cursed in his heart: “Your grandfather, you who want to be a prostitute and also want to set up an archway, if you are not a royal family, I will care about your life and death!”

Although Akashi’s staff looked down on this old thing who was both a prostitute and a torii, he still took the initiative to find a reason for him and said: “Your Highness, you should retreat quickly, if a close relative of the emperor dies in battle or is captured If you fall into the hands of the Chinese people, then I am afraid that the face of my Great Japanese Empire will be lost. Therefore, for the sake of my Great Japanese Empire’s face, please retreat quickly, this is to keep my Great Japanese Empire’s face!”

And Kitashirakawa Nohhisa said with a “helpless” look: “In this case, for the sake of the empire’s face, I should take a step first and take Taipei to defend, waiting for domestic tactical guidance.”

And that Akashi staff immediately said: “His Royal Highness, my wife and children, please…”

At this time, Kitashirakawa Palace also realized his conscience and said, “I will suggest to the emperor that you can be named a baron, and the title will be inherited by your son! Moreover, I will provide funds to support them so that they can go to the best baron in the empire.” Military academy, ensure your son has a good future.”

And Huashan Jiji also said: “Consultant Akashi, don’t worry, we will take care of your family.”

What these two old scumbags mean is that you don’t worry, I will take care of your family, so you don’t have to worry.

Soon, Kitashirakawa Miyanohisa and Kawayama Suki also left with the Japanese Army’s engineering unit and supply unit, and a brigade of infantry. The number of Japanese troops, which was relatively scarce, was once again reduced by about 5,000. However, less than 15,000 people left their positions to fight against Wang Guorui’s troops, and the Japanese army was basically on par with Wang Guorui’s troops in terms of numbers. However, the firepower of the Japanese army was less than one-fifth of that of Wang Guorui’s army. It is conceivable that the outcome of the remaining Japanese army was already predictable. Of course, Wang Guorui is not very clear about all this. Wang Guorui did not expect that the commander of the Japanese army would be so unscrupulous that he voluntarily left the troops and ran away. This is almost unimaginable when Wang Guorui is used to the die-hard Japanese army in World War II.

“Brothers, kill the pirates and follow me!” Zhao Xi shouted.

“Come on!”

Half an hour later, Wang Guorui’s army charged towards the Japanese second line of defense again. At this time, the resistance of the Japanese army was actually quite different out of thin air, and the Japanese army also began to surrender in batches, which surprised Wang Guorui.

“Why is the Japanese army’s will to fight so bad?” Wang Guorui asked in surprise while holding a telescope.

After the last two hours of fighting, the Japanese army has begun to surrender in batches. The battle will soon be over, and the next step is to count the results and clean up the battlefield.

“Master Wang, we annihilated about 20,000 people this time, and killed 10,000 people and captured 10,000 people. Most of the prisoners have surrendered their guns and are ready to be dealt with. And we have seized more than 10,000 rifles of various kinds. However, all the cannons of the Japanese army were destroyed, so not a single cannon was seized.” Hu Wei said.

But at this time, two soldiers escorted a person over, and then a soldier said: “Master Wang, we caught a big fish!”

Wang Guorui immediately looked over and saw that the Japanese soldier was actually carrying two stars on his shoulders, and Wang Guorui immediately became excited, this is the rank of lieutenant general of the Japanese army! Wang Guorui immediately thought that this person should be Nohisa Kitashirakawa, the head of the Japanese Guards Division. More importantly, he is the prince of the Japanese royal family, and this is the most important thing. And this time, if a Japanese prince can be captured alive, that would be very exciting news. In the past, this guy also died in Taiwan, but at that time, he died of illness due to disacclimation, not by beating to death. UU reading www.

“Master Wang, this guy was about to commit suicide just now. I shot him in the hand, but he didn’t die. I think his clothes are different. Is he a big fish?” The soldier said excitedly, obviously wanting to claim credit Please reward.

But Tanya said very bluntly: “Looking at his appearance, he is not a big shot. Besides, he is only in his thirties. Would the Japanese army have division commanders in their thirties? Besides, he He also doesn’t have the noble aura of the royal family at all, so he is definitely not a royal family, and he will not be a high-ranking commander!”

After hearing Tanya’s words, Wang Guorui immediately knew that he was happy for nothing.

“Where’s your division commander? Where’s your Taiwan governor, General Huashan Ziji?” Tan Ya asked in Japanese.

But the so-called “Lieutenant General” seemed very dismissive, saying: “If you want to kill, kill, I will not tell any news!”

“Forget it, take him down and imprison him properly. Even if he is not the division commander of the Japanese army, he must be a staff officer at the division level. He must know a lot of secrets of the Japanese army. Let’s drag him down and torture him!” Wang Guorui said.

“Commander, I counted the number of Japanese soldiers, and they still have at least 5,000 people. These Japanese soldiers should have run away. If we hurry up, we might be able to catch up!” Tanya said.

And Wang Guorui immediately said: “Okay, since they ran away, we will chase them! The first regiment, follow me to kill them! Most of these Japanese troops are also some logistics troops, and their combat effectiveness is relatively weak. A regiment should That’s enough.”

“Yes!” the orderly shouted immediately.

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