Red Alert 1895

Chapter 781

Chapter 783 – Founding Election

After the judiciary, administration, and army joined forces to carry out a land reform movement in the areas governed by chieftains, the first general election for the founding of the country has also entered the process of officially starting. There are currently three parties participating in the founding election. Among them, Shi Maozhou of the National Renaissance Party and Xiao Hongsheng of the Huaxia Renaissance Party also participated in the election. In the end, it was the Conservative Party headed by the remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so all three of them came to participate in this election together.

However, Wang Guorui not only did not stop the remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty from forming the Baath Party, but instead supported it to a certain extent. Because this means that they gave up the practice of armed resistance, chose to surrender and play according to the rules established by Wang Guorui, instead of resorting to violent resistance or secretly dismantling the stage. On the other hand, Wang Guorui actually didn’t want to directly include those remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty into his scope, especially the National Renaissance Party and the Huaxia Renaissance Party. Because the remnant forces of the Manchu Qing Dynasty have all kinds of messy guys, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Such guys are not suitable to directly join their own forces. Wang Guorui attaches great importance to the innocence of those people.

Although many people may think that the innocence of life experience cannot be used as the evaluation standard, in fact, sometimes it is really necessary to look at these. Because without a proper background, without a healthy environment, how many people can you expect to be truly good? Many people are like this. Once they are born, their class is determined, and class determines their position, and position determines your position. There are really very few people who can really get out of the mud without getting stained. And if these remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were directly allowed to join their organization, would it make the inside messy by then?

In particular, Wang Guorui has deeply absorbed the experience of the later generation Sun Dapao’s party, in order to achieve the success of the revolution as soon as possible. He didn’t hesitate to absorb a lot of messy guys, and turned the entire party into a mess. A large number of feudal remnants have also begun to eat away at the inside of that party. Originally, that party was actually a party full of blood and passion, but it turned out like that in the end. On the other hand, our party is very strict about the selection of personnel. This ensures that the vast majority of people are pure, and the vast majority of people are pure. It also naturally guarantees that the organization is pure. Ensuring the purity of the team is the foundation of a team that is not corrupt.

So those remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty formed their own parties, Wang Guorui not only did not oppose it, but even supported it! Let those rascals form their own parties, and don’t harm their own people. If they want to make a fuss, they have to make a fuss. Anyway, they can’t make a lot of fuss internally, and they are all restricted in a circle, and they won’t be able to come out easily to expand their influence.

“Now. The founding election has officially begun. I invite the emperor of the Yanhuang Empire to give a speech!”

Wang Guorui came out first, especially in this founding election, of course he couldn’t miss this speech, otherwise he would not know who is the boss in the future!

“Well, everyone, today is a day that will be recorded in the annals of history forever in our Chinese history. Because today, he will produce the first democratically elected government in our Chinese history, and will thoroughly prove that the first people elected themselves, representing The government that benefited the vast majority of the common people came into being. And it is possible to have today. Not only me, but also the joint efforts of thousands of Chinese people. Maybe they have government officials, officers and soldiers of the army. Maybe even he is a worker , a farmer, maybe even his job is not decent. But they are all working hard for today, so I hope everyone must be cautious today, because you represent the 400 million Chinese people and the wishes of the Chinese people, so Please cast your solemn vote!”

Next, Wang Guorui explained to everyone the important core of the democratically elected government. But this time is the biggest change. In the past, the government focused on ruling the people. The powerful class ruled the people and exploited the state machine composed of the people. And now. This is no longer the case with the current government, which has gone from being an uncompromisingly violent machine of rule. It has become a regime that serves the people to a certain extent. Although the ruling ability still exists, it has been greatly weakened. To a large extent, he represents the needs of the people and what the people think.

Although this election is likely to be manipulated by the emperor Wang Guorui behind the scenes. But in the future, it will be impossible for anyone to do whatever they want again, and it is impossible for anyone to control the state machine and rule the people unscrupulously. From an out-and-out ruling machine to a stage where rule and service coexist, it is already a great progress. It is impossible to expect a one-time progress to a government that thoroughly serves the people. Even the governments of the West are not the state machines used by some big capitalists to rule the people?

But the progress is that he can’t do whatever he wants like the past government, and he can play around with himself. Neither the capitalists nor the nobles and dignitaries in China can ignore the voices of the people and their interests as they did in the past. In this regard, a great deal of compromise had to be made. For example, you can kill if you don’t want to, and even any criminal must go through a court trial before he can be convicted. Although this may be superficial, it is still a lot better than the previous situation where they didn’t even do face-saving projects.

“Next, invite a few candidates to come up and explain their ideas!” Wang Guorui said.

At this time, first of all, Shi Maozhou, the chairman of the National Renaissance Party, first came up and began to explain his political views. He mainly introduced his political ideas, and his political ideas are mainly to revive culture, and advocate the revival of culture to make the country prosperous and strong, and then build a country with a strong nation.

And after he finished speaking, Xiao Hongsheng immediately came to introduce him. Xiao Hongsheng mainly focused on developing the economy. He proposed to focus on the development of industry. At the current stage, the development of industry and people’s livelihood should be the main focus. And it is necessary to carry out the reform of the land and various economic and social systems, and carry out the reform of various social distributions, so that the social system can be reformed, so that a better life can be obtained.

And one of these two is based on economy, and the other is based on culture, and they both expressed their opinions. And then, it was the Conservative Party’s turn to speak, and the chairman of the Conservative Party was Zhang Zhidong, and Zhang Zhidong was quite old. But now he took the initiative to run for the election, and he also knew that it was impossible for him to win the election, so he could let it go.

“Professional escorts are here!” the councilors below said one after another.

According to this parliament, there are a total of 400 members, and roughly according to the population ratio, there is one member of the central parliament for one million people. Of course, constituencies are divided according to population, so the eastern part is densely populated and has more MPs, while the western part has just been recovered, and the population is relatively sparse, so their number of MPs is relatively small. However, in fact, most of these congressmen are those with vested interests of Wang Guorui and others, and they will not do anything that betrays their own interests. They were all arranged by Wang Guorui and the others using various means, so they were actually carried out according to Wang Guorui’s previous plan, so it was completely Wang Guorui’s plan. Wang Guorui discussed with several high-level subordinates in advance, and then told them after getting the decision, and then today, this acting process is generally elected.

“Our Conservative Party advocates slow change. Our Conservative Party does not support reform, but we believe that reform should be conservative and slow, take care of the interests of all classes, and avoid pain in the reform process. Therefore, we Conservative Party also hope that Take a slow-down approach to reform, hopefully…”

Zhang Zhidong was stuck and introduced their plan to everyone. Of course Zhang Zhidong did not dare to say no to reform, because he knew that the current reform has become the general trend. If he dared to say that he opposed then he would Dead. Just like China in later generations, reform is the main trend, and anyone who dares to openly oppose reform will be courting death. Therefore, as reform has become the common idea of the whole society, even some vested interests dare not speak out against reform. After all, if anyone dares to speak out, he will become the target of public criticism.

So they just want to slow down the pace of reform, so that they can also avoid damage to their own interests, so that their interests can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, and the landlord class can avoid too much burden during the reform process. Labor pain, so this is what they thought.

However, this Zhang Zhidong was introduced here, but no one heard anything, obviously he was careless about what Zhang Zhidong said. Everyone knew that Zhang Zhidong came this time to accompany the prince to study, and he came to accompany him professionally. Anyway, it is impossible to successfully run for the prime minister. However, due to the rules of the election, they had to listen to him finish his speech, which made them all feel very bored. Obviously, those congressmen were discussing with the people around them, and then they didn’t listen to Zhang Zhidong’s tirade at all.

“Okay, now the chairmen of each party have begun to read out their governing ideas, please vote! Everyone put your votes into the ballot boxes of the party chairmen.” The host of the parliamentary meeting began to say. (To be continued.)

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