Red Alert 1895

Chapter 785

Chapter 787 – Examination House (Part 2)

After Wang Guorui introduced the power of selection, promotion and appointment of officials of the Examination Yuan, Wang Guorui then announced another aspect of the power of the Examination Yuan. The influence of this power is actually no less than that of officials and officials. The selection of civil servants is even more related to thousands of households in a sense. “,

“And this Examination Institute also has a very important power, that is, it is responsible for various examinations in various societies. Including the elementary examinations for the promotion of elementary schools to middle schools in the future, and the intermediate examinations for upgrading from junior high schools to high schools, and finally It is the promotion of high school to the advanced university examination. It is called the junior high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination for short. These three examinations are also in charge of the examination institute. The examination institute is in charge, which can help eliminate the influence of the local government. And the major schools can only follow the examination The college’s test scores are used as the standard, and then together as the basis for admission.”

Wang Guorui intends to take out the power of various examinations in later generations, and this is actually established by Wang Guorui based on the concept of the five-power constitution of the later generation Sun Dapao. And although Wang Guorui didn’t trust Sun Dapao’s personal character very much, and he was speechless about Sun Dapao’s political naivety. He even has acts of treason, but this does not prevent Wang Guorui from taking its five-power constitution as a reference. Many advocate the separation of the three powers to the state, using legislative power, executive power and judicial power as separation, mutual cooperation and mutual restriction.

However, the same sentence, South Orange and North Trifoliate, there is no absolutely excellent policy, only the most suitable policy. The separation of powers among foreigners may not be able to do much in China. In particular, China’s traditional thinking may not be able to fully adapt to the separation of powers. China’s military power, in particular, is a situation that cannot be ignored. Moreover, the imperial examinations in China for many years have made the imperial examinations a very important situation, and the situation of the Qing Dynasty cannot be completely ignored.

The West even thinks that China’s examination is the fifth greatest invention in China, and it is a major invention that can affect history. The imperial examination itself is innocent. The exam itself is innocent, but the key is in whose hands he is in control. If it is in the hands of those feudal officials and feudal emperors, they will naturally select those who are beneficial to them, and then use it as a tool to deceive the people. And if it is in the hands of enlightened people, it will actually promote social progress.

Exams are the most suitable criteria for selecting and employing people. It is by far the least bad way. Regardless of whether it is an entrance examination, there are also examinations in various aspects, so the examination determines the future of many people in life.

“In our country, exams have a profound historical accumulation, and this exam is the way for almost every bottom-level person to change their destiny. Not only now, even in the future, even in the West. Exams are almost a way for bottom-level talents to go to the top. It is an important channel. Of course, it is different from the imperial examinations in the past, but now it is mainly an entrance examination. Only candidates with good grades can enter excellent schools. If candidates with poor grades, they can only be candidates .”

“Because of this kind of exam, many people will make fuss in it, and they definitely want to cheat in various ways. So I plan to let the exam institute take charge of the exam directly, and eliminate the influence of those local governments, so that they cannot affect this exam. process, so that some talents are selected relatively fairly. Select some outstanding talents so that they can go to a higher level of society.”

Just because this exam determines the future and destiny of too many people, it must be fair. If the local government is directly responsible. I’m afraid there will be many problems in the end. For example, in the later generations of college entrance examinations, there will be extra points for Mathematical Olympiad, sports, and even various extra points for various names. And a large number of powerful people will strive for extra points for their children as much as possible. There are hundreds of extra points for the college entrance examination with various names. And how much water is in it, or how much of the problem is also difficult to completely sort out. And how many of them are certificates in exchange for money. Neither can be fully understood.

So there is a saying in later generations called “naked test”. That is to say, there is no policy of enjoying bonus points, and you can go directly to the exam. And some people have all kinds of bonus points, sports specialties, literature and art specialties. But the review of these projects is actually placed in the local government department, so will their government officials write a certificate deliberately for some benefit? This is not impossible, but very possible. Wang Guorui would never trust those bureaucrats. How many good things have bureaucrats had since ancient times?

Therefore, Wang Guorui would rather separate the power of the examination, rather than hand it over to the education department. If the education department were to be in charge, at that time most of the officials in their education department were floating officials, and they would often move and adjust positions. It’s hard to guarantee that they won’t do something sideways in order to gain benefits, based on the idea that they have the right not to expire and become invalid. And if the education department is responsible for both educational administration policies and the organization of examinations, they will easily be pressured by other government departments under such circumstances.

The central cabinet may be pressured by peers, and the local education department may be pressured by officials from other departments. After all, it is impossible for anyone to work in the education system for a lifetime, and even within the education system, positions are often adjusted. If I refuse the request of other colleagues this time, maybe they will give me small shoes next time after I leave the education system. Such concerns are great. After all, the examination is also a power, even the power that determines the future of countless people, and greatly affects the power of social development and fairness. We have to be cautious!

“So I separated the power of this examination, and then the education department is only responsible for education policy and school management. But it is not responsible for organizing the examination, and the schools under the education department can only passively accept those students who have passed the examination of the examination institute. Enrollment, you can’t just choose by taking an exam. Of course, as a balance, the exam institute only has the power to organize exams, not the power to manage schools.”

According to the principle of division of powers, it is necessary to decentralize powers. If the government’s education department is allowed to manage both schools and exams, there will be a lot of room for maneuver among them. So the power to take the exam is deprived, so that they become a specialized education, without the power to be in charge of the exam, so their operating space will inevitably be reduced a lot.

Of course, there is no such thing as perfect seamlessness. What Wang Guorui can do is to plug the big loopholes as much as possible, and then those small loopholes can be patched up to proceed. So this examination right is a traditional Chinese power, and it is a feature that the West does not have. So the foreign devils’ separation of powers has come here, and they must be improved to a certain extent, and Sun Dapao’s five-power constitution is also a more down-to-earth method, allowing them to take into account the habits of traditional Chinese history.

“In addition, in the future, various technical examinations, as well as various professional title examinations, and various evaluations will also be organized by the examination institute to organize the examinations and interviews, so as to ensure fairness as much as possible.” Wang Guorui said.

“Well, this concubine will definitely fix this matter!” Liu Xue said.

The power of this examination institute is not small, almost no worse than any other department, and it is even an important pole in Wang Guorui’s plan according to the five powers. The five main powers are legislative power, judicial power, executive power, examination power, and supervisory power. As for military power, according to Wang Guorui’s plan, it will be divided among these five powers. If the army wants to go to war, it must have the consent of the parliament with legislative power, and the military officer must be tried by the court if he breaks the law. moths inside while overseeing the army. In this way, the army is always under the influence of the above five aspects, and they cannot move easily to avoid the emergence of warlords.

And Wang Guorui sits between the five important powers through the surrounding of the five powers. As long as the future emperors don’t consciously intervene everywhere, it will be relatively stable. As long as there is a contradiction between the five powers, then the final referee will be fine. If you don’t intervene everywhere, it will be much more stable.

So this examination house is actually a very important power is quite large, so this may not be lower than other people’s power status. So Liu Xue is quite satisfied, and the actual influence of the Examination Institute is not small, especially those various professional title examinations in society, and various entrance examinations are also a huge power, so no one can Never dare to underestimate them. Wang Guorui let Liu Xue take charge of this matter, giving her a lot of power. Of course, the most important thing is that there is no one behind Liu Xue, and there are not many interest groups behind her waiting to benefit, so it is relatively fair to deal with it, and there will be no partiality.

“Okay, you are going to be responsible for the establishment of the Examination Yuan first. And this Examination Yuan, the staff of the Examination Yuan will not cross positions with the administrative department or other departments in principle. Moreover, the civil servants of the Examination Yuan adopt an appointment system. There will be no so-called establishment. This will allow them to deal with it more fairly, understand?” Wang Guorui said.

“Okay!” Liu Xue said.

At this time, Quan Zhixian received a report from Wang Guorui’s inner secretary who was in charge outside, and then came to convey: “Your Majesty, Mr. Cen has come.”

“Your Majesty, I’m leaving first!” Liu Xue took the initiative to resign! (to be continued.) u

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