Red Alert 1895

Chapter 803

Chapter 805 – Current Situation In Japan

Just as China’s domestic construction has begun and various system reforms have begun, the Japanese side seems very dull. Because since the loss of the main battleship of the United Fleet and the bombing of the Etajima Naval Academy to ruins, the strength of the navy has been greatly reduced. At this time, Japan’s so-called navy has become an “existent” navy, and their so-called navy has only a small number of coastal defensive warships, which cannot reach the situation of the joint fleet expedition in the past. And the ministers of Japan are also preparing to conduct discussions, and then discuss what should be done in the future.

“Everyone, what should our Great Japanese Empire do in the future? My great cause of the Meiji Restoration cannot just end like this. Especially after so many years of hard work, I can’t just be burned like this. So, dear friends, give me an idea , what should we do?” Emperor Meiji shouted.

And the courtiers below were silent, obviously the situation was very unfavorable. Although Japan’s army suffered little losses, its navy was fatal. At present, Japan has no navy. Although it still has an army, it may be surrounded by Wang Guorui’s navy at any time. This must be very unfavorable for them, and all the courtiers don’t know what to do next. And they couldn’t think of a way at all. Japan established a navy back then, but it took decades of accumulation!

“Your Majesty, I don’t think we have a big problem. Although our navy has been destroyed, our shipbuilding equipment and various industrial systems have not suffered serious losses. So as long as His Majesty can spend money, then we can Build ships again. I think we can buy them, even if they can’t be built, we can still buy them. I think those Westerners need us and need us to drag China’s development. Westerners definitely don’t want us to collapse like this, So they will definitely support us and support us to drag China down!” A naval official said immediately.

But immediately someone from the army said, “Huh, even if there are warships, can someone drive them? You don’t expect the warships to kill the enemy by themselves, do you?”

“You—” the admiral immediately burst into anger.

This army is obviously making sarcastic remarks, because it is ironic that their naval talents have had a serious fault. After the destruction of the combined fleet, and then the Etajima Naval Academy was destroyed. A large number of students and files have been wiped out, which is a huge loss for them. Although Japan did not lose much in terms of high-level admirals, there was a serious fault in the middle and low-level naval talents. This kind of fault is fatal. Although their high-level leaders are “high-rise”, they are of no use. Even the best strategy has to be executed by people. If you don’t have strong execution, it’s useless. Although they have enough generals at the top level, there are no talents at the middle and low levels to control these warships.

If you go to a few people at random, maybe even one percent of the performance of this warship will not be able to be brought into play. You thought it was a fishing boat, anyone can play with it! For such a huge battleship, just starting it is a systematic project. If there are not enough talents, it will be a pile of scrap iron. The army doesn’t have this problem. The army’s rifles can be fired even if they are uneducated. The artillery only needs to be trained for a few months. It can be used even if there is no culture. Although they may not be very accurate, they are capable of hurting the enemy. But the navy is different. The navy is a super technology-intensive military branch, which is completely barrel effect! If one link is missing, then this navy is just scrap iron.

Therefore, even if the navy builds warships, Wang Guorui is not afraid. Even if the tonnage of Japanese warships is larger than that of the British, Wang Guorui is not afraid at all. Because the Japanese naval talent system has been seriously faulted, Wang Guorui is not afraid of him at all. No matter how many warships the Japanese have, it is useless. In fact, Wang Guorui’s naval talent system is also lame. But at least much better than the Japanese. Wang Guorui’s naval talent system was lame at best, but the Japanese had broken legs at all and were amputated. The lame leg can recover slowly, but I want to let an amputated leg continue. That was too difficult. Perhaps without 20 years, Japan will not be able to resume the construction of the naval talent system, but will Wang Guorui give them 20 years?

Emperor Meiji obviously also rebuilt the navy, which is obviously not working. And then, he thought about something else.

“Do you think North Korea can be kept?” Emperor Meiji asked.

Everyone heard this. Then they all felt the powerlessness in Emperor Meiji’s heart. Now Emperor Meiji didn’t dare to ask for anything to conquer China. He just hoped to guarantee the interests he had already obtained, that is, he hoped to keep the colony of Korea. But all Army officials also fell into a bitterness, because this is too difficult. Although Wang Guorui has no plans to liberate North Korea immediately, but Wang Guorui has deployed more than 100,000 troops in Northeast China, so needless to say, he is ready to pounce on North Korea at any time.

As for Russia, their Siberian Railway has not been repaired at all, so it is impossible to qualify as a threat to the Northeast. Of course, according to the current situation, Russia will immediately build the Trans-Siberian Railway, and it will be useless. Wang Guorui sent that rocket loli to harass the Trans-Siberian Railway and cut off their logistics. No matter how many troops the Russian old man sent, it would be useless. Therefore, it is impossible for the Russians to get involved in Northeast China without solving the problem of logistical supply routes.

So the hundreds of thousands of troops, needless to say? Who is their imaginary enemy, there is no need to say much about it.

“Akashi, tell me what’s going on in China now? You are in charge of intelligence work, so tell me!” Emperor Meiji asked.

The deputy chief of the intelligence department of the Japanese Army Staff Headquarters, Wang Guorui’s top undercover agent, and the head of China’s intelligence in Japan, Akashi Genjiro, finally came forward.

“Your Majesty, the Chinese people are currently adjusting their theater, and their commander in charge of the Northeast Theater, that is, the theater where the imaginary enemy is us is Tan Xiao, the commander of a new department. His command ability has not yet been fully evaluated, because He has no experience in commanding a theater of war. However, the troops under their command are all elite troops with advanced weapons, which cannot be easily ignored by ordinary people. The military weapons of these Chinese people are really against the sky. And We have no idea where they got them, and we just couldn’t find them in the past.”

“Hey!” Emperor Meiji sighed again.

Isn’t the problem of Wang Guorui’s weapons the biggest headache for Emperor Meiji? If you want to talk about military quality, the problems and gaps are not too big, and Emperor Meiji is not very desperate. But an excellent military quality plus advanced weapons, that’s not one plus one equals two, it’s a geometric multiple increase. The two are mutually reinforcing, so one plus one is definitely greater than two, or even higher.

“Akashi, what happened to the intelligence personnel you arranged in China? What’s the situation?” Emperor Meiji asked.

Akashi Motojiro immediately said: “Your Majesty, I have arranged for no less than 800 people to arrive in China, and then many various intelligence personnel have also been equipped. I have also set up various intelligence stations. Please rest assured, Your Majesty.” .Our intelligence network in mainland China, we have also been very complete.”

“Okay, look at Akashi, look at you? He has done so well, the intelligence network has been restored so quickly, and hidden personnel have been installed. If you have half the ability of Akashi, then I will be happy!” Emperor Meiji said.

And Akashi Motojiro’s aggressive and high-spirited appearance is obviously very proud. And Emperor Meiji never dreamed that Akashi Genjiro had already given Wang Guorui a list of those Japanese intelligence officers and various undercover agents. When the time comes, he will look for an opportunity to arrest him, or use countermeasures, or whatever the situation is. You can also be prepared. Those Japanese intelligence officers were monitored by Wang Guorui at all times. For example, some military dogs, those guys don’t know at all, maybe the military dogs they adopt will actually monitor themselves at all times.

Since Wang Guorui abolished a large number of military dog a large number of military dogs have been given to various civil and military officials as pets. And those civil and military officials are also willing to adopt a “hero” who has been on the battlefield. But they don’t know that these military dogs are actually protecting them on the one hand, and monitoring them on the other. If necessary, Wang Guorui can monitor them through the red alarm system at any time. Even if necessary, they can directly order the military dogs to execute them, so that everyone will just think that the dogs are disobedient, and they will never know that Wang Guorui ordered it.

Some Japanese intelligence personnel were also sent military dogs there for various reasons, so that they could be monitored at any time. The lives of their spies are in Wang Guorui’s hands at any time, and Wang Guorui is not afraid at all.

As for those intelligence stations, it depends on when Wang Guorui will remove them. He could pull them out whenever he wanted, so there was no problem at all. Without Wang Guorui’s cooperation, how could this Japanese intelligence organization arrange it so smoothly? In fact, isn’t it because Wang Guorui deliberately cooperated to accumulate promotion capital for Akashi Motojiro?

As long as Akashi Genjiro can be further promoted, it will be a huge advantage for him to be able to control the Japanese political situation! So it was Wang Guorui’s long-standing plan to support this Akashi Genjiro. It is still useful to keep this Japan. (To be continued.)

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