Red Alert 1895

Chapter 809

Chapter 811 – Take-Off Award (Part 2)

“But your majesty, isn’t the bonus given by this soaring award too much? Besides, this bonus is still an unconditional bonus. Wouldn’t it be too much of a loss? Why is there no additional condition, for example, the latter can join our Chinese nationality, why not change it?” Cheng must join our Chinese nationality, so that he can get the bonus, what do you think?” Quan Zhixian asked.

But Wang Guorui still shook his head, because he didn’t approve of the conditional bonus. Because Wang Guorui stipulated that the recipients of the Ascension Award would have many benefits. According to Wang Guorui’s regulations, the recipients of the Ascension Award would have a lot of preferential treatment, for example, for domestic citizens. Any citizen in the country who has won the Soaring Award, no matter what class of citizens he was before, even if he is an aboriginal slave, as long as he has won the Soaring Award, he can directly obtain the first-class citizenship, and he can obtain the first-class citizenship that is better than most of the citizens. Citizens have many times higher welfare benefits. This is a very important reward. If it is for those from different ethnic groups, or even some slave workers, if they can get it, it can be said that they can reach the sky in one step. Even those indigenous slave workers can directly ascend to the sky and become first-class citizens in one step, and their descendants A first-class citizen, not degraded with his death.

Also, if a foreigner wins the Soaring Award, he can apply for Chinese nationality at any time, and directly obtain the political treatment of a first-class citizen, and even enjoy much better living and welfare than most first-class citizens. Even if you don’t want to become a Chinese citizen, you can ask for help from any Chinese foreign affairs agency abroad at any time with the medal and certificate of the Soaring Award in hand. The Chinese foreign affairs agency must give priority to reception, even if the other party is not a citizen of your own country. He solves problems.

Even these treatments are secondary. What’s more important is the bonus. Every winner of the Tengfei Award can get a bonus of 10,000 yuan. This 10,000 yuan is really equivalent to 10,000 grams of gold, which is definitely an extremely high wealth in this era. Ten kilograms of gold is enough to blind most people’s eyes. But such a high bonus was given to them unconditionally, which made many people feel unhappy. Because of such a high bonus. If you give it to people in your own country, it’s fine, anyway, the rotten meat is rotten in the pot, and you don’t give it to others. But it is given to foreigners, if the other party is willing to serve China. That is also acceptable. However, Wang Guorui did not join this article, and there was no requirement that after accepting the bonus, he must serve China. This means that even if the other party gets the bonus, they may not be willing to serve China, and may continue to serve other countries.

“Your Majesty, isn’t this in vain? They took the reward you gave and didn’t come to do things for you. Isn’t so much money in vain?” Quan Zhixian said immediately.

Wang Guorui shook his head and said, “Have you heard the story of Qianjin Shigu?”

“I have!” Quan Zhixian replied.

“Then what happened to that story?” Wang Guorui asked.

Jun Ji-hyun replied: “This story is about the ancient king looking for Chollima. It took three years but he couldn’t find it. But an official in charge of palace cleaning helped him find it, and the king gave him a thousand gold. Later, when the official went to find Chollima , but the Chollima was dead. He spent five hundred gold to buy the bones of the Chollima. Later, people all over the world heard that the bones of a Chollima could cost five hundred gold. How much will it cost? So the king got a lot of Maxima!”

Wang Guorui nodded and replied: “That’s right. That’s the reason. I spent the Tengfei Award, first of all, it must be fair, at least relatively fair. Anyone who is selected, that is, they must be given a bonus, so that it can be reflected. Our fairness. It’s not beautiful if there are too many strings attached. And if I can give such a high reward to a scientist who doesn’t work for me, what will other people think? They will really know I attach great importance to science. Even a scientist who does not work for China can get such a reward. What will those scientists who work for me think? They will definitely think that those who do not work for me can get it So much. Then the scientists of our country, the scientists who work for me, can they get more? Can they get more benefits?”

Wang Guorui also intends to use bonuses to stimulate the enthusiasm of those people for scientific research, and Wang Guorui wants to tell everyone. Scientific research can also get money. In the later generations of New China, when many people mention scientists, they also think of them as great figures who don’t care about fame and fortune, and don’t care about money rewards. But in fact, how many such people can there be? There are not many people in this world who can see through fame and fortune, so if it is so publicized. Then it’s definitely not appropriate. In particular, China has not had much soil for scientific research since ancient times, and has despised science for a long time since ancient times. And studying this kind of science will not only fail to gain benefits, but will lead to poverty. Therefore, the investment in scientific research in ancient China was not only the case in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, but also in many dynasties.

And the interests of researchers cannot be guaranteed. There was no patent system in ancient times, so it was easy to be imitated, and the original creators were starved to death. The original creator spent a lot of energy and financial resources on research and development, but there was no patent system in ancient times, and it was easy to be imitated. This has also resulted in a lot of various ancestral crafts, teaching apprentices to starve to death the master, and even the bad habit of keeping a hand.

However, Wang Guorui believes that patents are not enough, and patents alone may not be able to obtain such a big stimulus. Because patents are mainly engineering patents, there are almost no patents in science, or even heard of. And science research consumes a lot of money and energy. If they can’t get enough benefits, it won’t be possible for everyone to pursue science research. Only when those scientists see the real benefits, see the gold and silver, will they have greater enthusiasm for research.

Although some scientists are indifferent to fame and fortune, most scientists are not indifferent to fame and fortune. They are human beings, and they all love fame and fortune. Who doesn’t like fame and fortune? So it is necessary to let scientists know that after they work hard to research and produce results, not only can they gain fame, but they can also gain real benefits. And this benefit, that is, money can best reflect it. The thing that can measure the value most at present is money. Only real money can best measure the value created by a person. Why do people in later generations like those high-income people, and generally envy those high-income people? In fact, in addition to the good life of high income, the main reason is that high income represents the recognition that he has created social benefits and social value. If you don’t create enough value for this society, why do you get high income?

Therefore, looking forward to high income does not necessarily mean being greedy for money. It may also be because you hope to prove that you have created value for this society and can gain honor. If those scientists have been unable to obtain a suitable high income for a long time, how can the common people understand them? How can we measure the value they create for this society?

Money and wealth are the most important manifestation of a person’s creation value, so if scientists cannot earn more income, it means that their contributions to society cannot be recognized. How sad is this? Therefore, Wang Guorui used a lot of money to stimulate those scientists, let them know, let the common people know about scientific research, it created value for the society, created enough value for the whole society, so he was able to get a high income. Otherwise, if scientists are all poor, how can more people join this scientific research?

“In this case, that’s fine. Also, Your Majesty, regarding the last special contribution award for scientific development, according to the report below, I hope you can be the first to receive this special contribution award for scientific development. What do you think?” Quan Zhixian asked.

“Choose me?” Wang Guorui was a little puzzled.

“That’s right, they think that you, the emperor, support the development of science and technology by investing and implementing policies to promote development. You are more qualified to receive this award than any of us. I would like to invite you to receive this award!” Jun Zhixian said.

Wang Guorui then shook his head and said: “There is no need for this award, and there is no need to set it up. In the future, it will even be stipulated that close relatives of the royal family within five generations, as well as government officials, will not be able to receive it.” This special contribution award for scientific development. It is obviously unfair if the royal family and government officials are allowed to receive the award. It is also easy to cause controversy, so we should ban it.”

Wang Guorui was not happy when he heard that he could win the last special contribution award for scientific development. Because this is obviously unfair. If this is the case, wouldn’t future emperors and future government officials be able to win this award by deliberately adjusting their strategies? It’s not good if some officials intentionally misappropriate funds to the science department for this award. Although scientific development is important, Wang Guorui would not agree to give Nuo all other funds for scientific development. Scientific development is indeed important, but it is not the only important thing. If someone uses the funds for improving people’s livelihood as scientific development, it should not be done.

Especially those who have too many government resources, if they mess around to get this reward, that’s not good. Simply stipulate that close relatives of the royal family and those government officials cannot receive this award, so as to prevent them from messing up by losing power. Once it can be influenced by power, the gold content of this award will be worthless, and this award will become without credibility. (To be continued.)

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