Red Alert 1895

Chapter 81

Chapter 80 – Unfathomable

When the Japanese army brought the dejected prisoners of war back to the barracks, Sukiki Kawayama and Noku Kitashirakawa were receiving a Japanese lieutenant.

“Consultant Akashi, thanks to you, we were not wiped out by the Chinese people last time. Fortunately, you finally came back alive. But I promised you, I will not break my promise, I will fulfill my request His Majesty the Emperor canonized you as a baron.” Kitashirakawa said.

And this Akashi staff officer, that is, he has been mind-controlled by Wang Guorui with Yuri No. 1. In fact, no one thought that he was Wang Guorui’s person. And Wang Guorui also took advantage of the time when the prisoners of war were exchanged for Taipei’s surname, and put this Akashi Motojiro back, so that Akashi Motojiro could enter the Japanese army as a spy. With Akashi Genjiro as the detective, it would be difficult for the Japanese army to keep any big secrets from Wang Guorui. I am afraid that by then the headquarters of the Japanese army will be an intelligence screener.

“Your Excellency, I have not been able to be loyal to the emperor, and I deserve death. Please also make atonement, Your Excellency!” Akashi Genjiro said.

But Bei Shirakawa shook his head and said: “You are also covered with bruises, obviously tortured by the enemy, and you have not confessed. So you are already a good person, so there is no need to blame yourself. I will recommend you right now Go to Lieutenant General Kawakami, and then you can continue to be a staff officer!”

Soon, Akashi Genjiro was assigned to Kawakami Caoroku’s headquarters.

“Staff Akashi, this is a copy of the battle plan. Take it and copy it, and then distribute it to the division commanders of each unit!” A staff officer said to Akashi Motojiro, but he didn’t notice at all, Akashi Motojiro’s mouth smile.

Less than half an hour later, Wang Guorui immediately called everyone for a meeting.

“Everyone, according to the information I got, the Japanese army plans to fight us for a long time this time. The Japanese army plans to follow the front line of Taipei, and then start a battle with us, and then decide the ownership in one fell swoop. The Japanese army does not seem to be in a hurry to attack us They obviously know our strength. They know that we are not easy to mess with, so they gave up using the quick-fix method. They have already begun to dig trenches near Taipei, and the trenches will form their defense line. In short, this tactic is a war of attrition, by consuming the enemy’s soldiers and various resources, and then we will see who will collapse first.”

“And the strategic thinking of the Japanese army is that although Taiwan has very powerful weapons, they believe that we have purchased these weapons from foreigners. So they think that although we can fight for a while, they cannot last long. Although Japan Domestic finances are also tight, but they think that we in Taiwan should be more nervous, and they think that we are the first to collapse. That’s why they choose this kind of war of attrition, which is not a quick fix. And they are also like us, so they also began to dig Prepare for trench warfare in the trenches. These ghosts are really not stupid, they are really difficult, and they have all begun to learn our tactics! It seems that none of the enemies is stupid. They are much more flexible than we imagined, and they will not We are Chinese, so they discriminate against us and don’t learn our tactics. These ghosts also know the idea of learning from the enemy, so they are not pedantic.”

After hearing Wang Guorui’s words, everyone became silent. Obviously these ghosts are not easy to mess with. They are all so shrewd, they chose Xi Guorui’s tactics to counter it. And there is really no way to solve this kind of tactic. After all, this kind of tactic is completely a war of attrition, consuming the troops and resources and ammunition of both sides. Whoever can’t hold it first will lose. Under this tactic, the ability of any military command has been reduced to a point, and it is impossible to use its military talents, and it is also a state of exhaustion.

And Wang Guorui also had to lament that war really promotes the development of tactics and technology. He had just created this trench warfare, but the Japanese army immediately went away. And they also used trench warfare to counter it. On the other hand, they are also making progress, and the speed of progress is faster than Japan’s original history. Originally, the Japanese army took a big step forward in the Russo-Japanese War, but now because of the war with Wang Guorui, the Japanese army was stimulated to advance ahead of schedule. It will even lead to a change in the military around the world. This is for sure. After all, there are no fools in this world. Those who suffer a loss and don’t think about changing, who else can there be besides those strange things in Manqing? Other countries must soon begin to learn this advanced trench warfare, and then improve their army tactics.

When everyone was thinking about tactics, Chen Liyan, the commander of the second division who had just taken office, immediately asked, “Master Wang, how did you get the strategy of the Japanese army? This should be the top secret of the Japanese army, and you also drew it on the map just now.” After a while, it is obviously the Japanese army’s general defense map. Could it be that, Mr. Wang, you have obtained the Japanese army’s strategic plan and the Japanese army’s defense map?”

It was only then that everyone realized that what Wang Guorui said just now was a secret of the Japanese army, and this kind of strategic decision was probably a super secret in the Japanese army. This kind of strategy can only be known by officers above the division head and a small number of staff officers who make plans in the headquarters, but Wang Guorui actually knew it, which shocked them very much. To achieve this, someone must be Wang Guorui’s inner ghost and then steal the information of the Japanese army. And the person who can know is the division head of the Japanese army, but how can an officer at the level of the division head of the Japanese army be a ghost!

And there is only another way, that is, there are people from Wang Guorui in the staff of the Japanese army headquarters, so that this deployment map and the Japanese army’s strategic thinking can be obtained quickly. But this is also a very terrible result. Wang Guorui was able to place people in the headquarters of the Japanese army. You must know that these Japanese soldiers all came from Japan, how could Wang Guorui put people there? It feels like thinking about it.

And the most frightening thing was Liu Feng, who was in charge of intelligence. He felt that Wang Guorui was scary. He could even place people in the Japanese headquarters. This was simply against the sky. What’s even more frightening is how the inside ghost delivered the news. Because this kind of battle plan cannot be taken away, those staff officers have to leave when they leave, and they cannot take a piece of paper with them. But now Wang Guorui still got it, how did the Japanese army’s battle plan pass to Wang Guorui? This is obviously a frightening result. Then this means that Wang Guorui has another intelligence team, which is the real core of Wang Guorui, and Liu Feng is just a person on the outside.

And Wang Guorui would not say that he has Yuri as a sharp weapon. After all, Yuri can control people’s thoughts, which is actually very scary. If I announce it myself, I am afraid that everyone will be in danger. After all, for a person who can control other people’s thoughts, once others know that you have this ability, other people will definitely attack you. No one wants to be controlled by others, even if it is their own boss, they cannot control their own thoughts. So once Wang Guorui disclosed this situation, I am afraid that these subordinates would choose to rebel even if they knew that they would die. So this kind of thing can’t be made public, and the only ones who know all of this, and no one else knows.

“Okay, let’s talk about how we should deal with these Japanese troops.” Wang Guorui said.

Hu Wei immediately said: “Is there any way to solve it, isn’t it just relying on attrition tactics?”

Hu Wei really has no good solution. This kind of trench warfare is actually a war of attrition in the final analysis. If you can’t break through this situation, then you can only maintain consumption. This kind of trench warfare is very Although both sides really want to break through each other, but the other side’s trench is as hard as a walnut and cannot be broken through at all. No one can break the layer of “walnut shell” to eat the delicious “walnut meat” inside. Even sometimes even if you eat “walnut meat”, you can’t make up for the losses you have suffered. So this kind of trench warfare is something that people can’t stop, it’s very scary.

“I have already started to prepare a new weapon. This weapon is also a weapon to restrain this kind of trench warfare. With this new weapon and our new tactics, it will not be a problem to restrain this kind of trench warfare!” Wang Guorui said .

“Master Wang can still restrain this kind of trench warfare?” Hu Wei asked in shock.

Everyone really felt inscrutable about Wang Guorui, because Wang Guorui actually invented this kind of trench warfare, but immediately thought of a way to restrain trench warfare. This is to invent a newest tactic, but he has thought of another way to restrain this tactic. This is really not easy. A person can think of a very advanced tactic, but immediately think of a way to restrain this tactic, which is very powerful. Generally speaking, it is thought of by the enemy, and it is very difficult for those who invent tactics to decipher their own tactics. This is actually a truth that the authorities are confused by the onlookers. It is difficult for the inventors to carefully analyze the weaknesses of their own tactics, but the enemy can discover them from the perspective of bystanders. But now Wang Guorui has immediately invented a way to restrain trench warfare. This is the most terrifying place. And everyone feels terrible about Wang Guorui, because Wang Guorui’s inscrutability makes them feel that they will never be able to touch Wang Guorui’s trump card. (To be continued.) xh118

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