Red Alert 1895

Chapter 811

Chapter 813 – Nobel Is No Match For The Ticket (Part 1)

Soon, major European newspapers published that China had conducted a worldwide selection of science and technology awards, and this award was called the Soaring Award. And this take-off award does not distinguish any nationality, skin color, gender, etc., as long as you are a person, as long as you are a natural person, even slaves from China or other countries can participate in the selection. And those who are selected can also get bonuses and some privileges. For example, as long as he is alive, he can become a Chinese citizen, and even a slave can apply for naturalization, and he can directly receive benefits that are much higher than that of a first-class citizen, and the various wages that follow are also very high. .

And this immediately caused a sensation all over the world, because this is not only China spending money on publicity, but also telling everyone that there are many benefits to being selected. With this take-off award, although those European scientists are not too keen on becoming a Chinese citizen, they are also very good at the following benefits. With the medal of the Soaring Award, even if you do not become a Chinese citizen, China will treat you as its own citizen, and you will not even be required to pay the obligation.

With this medal, you can go to any agency sent by the Chinese government to apply for services at any time, and you will get the best service, and it is unconditional, and you will not take the opportunity to ask you to do anything. Moreover, the resulting costs will also be reimbursed by the government, and there will be no payment. In this way, after having this medal, it means that in addition to having the protection of your own motherland, you also have the protection of the Chinese government, and the other party still does not want you to pay any obligations for China, but will help you.

Of course, there is another very attractive one, that is, the application for the research funding of the Ascendas Award. Anyone who has won this take-off award can apply for a research fund from China at any time, and the other party will not ask you to send this research project to China. And this is unconditional funding for research, even if you use this research result to make an enemy of China in the future, they will all recognize it. And how generous and fair this is!

And this also makes many scientists feel good about it. Because many scientists have to give up scientific research projects because of insufficient funds for scientific research. Even if some people provide funds, they still require you to do this and that, and even ask you to give all the research projects to that investor. So merchant money. That’s a bad amount of money. Businessmen and capitalists need to return their investment, so many scientists are also very helpless. After accepting the funding from businessmen, they will inevitably lose their freedom!

So any scientist also knows that receiving funding from businessmen is a double-edged sword. For those who really love science, they are naturally unwilling to be controlled by these businessmen. However, as scientific research requires more and more funds, they are also very headaches. So this scientist feels a lot of pressure, but now someone actually does not put forward any conditions, so they are willing to fund you to carry out scientific research, so any scientist will be tempted.

“The Tengfei Award is selected once a year, and those who have made great contributions to scientific progress in the previous year are selected. Generally no more than three. There are five major disciplines of science, engineering, agronomy, medicine, and physiology. Each discipline has five quotas per year. Special contributions to scientific and technological development may or may not be awarded. If you want, you can leave it blank.”

Anyone can tell at a glance that this award is aimed at the Nobel Prize, and it is specifically to compete with the Nobel Prize for fame. Of course, what makes everyone feel bright is that this award has a wider range of awards than the Nobel Prize, because the Nobel Prize only includes physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and education. But the award of this Nobel Prize is determined according to Nobel’s will. And as a descendant, the will must not be changed, only these disciplines will be rewarded.

In fact, physical chemistry can also be called science, and mathematics can also be called science, so this Nobel Prize abruptly extracts physical chemistry from science. The importance of many other disciplines is ignored. And for those who study mathematics, this makes them feel as if they have been neglected. Although it is said that Nobel’s girlfriend ran away with a mathematician, this is not the case. Nobel ignored the importance of mathematics, and only then did he get the Fields Medal.

As for a great deal of geography, there is also any other geology that has been neglected. Therefore, those who study these two subjects are also very concerned about this take-off award. After all, not only are the bonuses generous, but they can also give them a certain sense of belonging.

Of course, there are a lot of people who are even more surprised. That is, those engineers, those engineers do not study science, but they study engineering. Engineering is the person who transforms the existing scientific knowledge into practical products, and the scope of application of this kind of person is also very wide. However, there are almost no awards for engineering in the world at present, which is a blank. Even in later generations, there is a huge gap in the awards for engineering disciplines. There are far more people studying engineering and using engineering than science. Although science is the foundation, the role of engineering cannot be ignored. Without engineering, the various theories of science cannot be applied, cannot produce economic benefits, and finally feed back to science.

And engineering is ignored by many people, which makes them feel dissatisfied. Now Wang Guorui has set up the Take-off Award, which can be said to give engineering students an award. And although this engineering subject was set up by the Chinese, they all felt that their status had improved and they felt that they were valued. Especially those tens of thousands of engineers all over the world, seeing this bonus worth more than one thousand pounds, poured out their laziness. This is a real ticket! This is real wealth. In this era of the gold standard, currency will not be devalued casually. This is definitely a good thing. No one would dislike having a lot of money. Wealth is always the most important thing that motivates people to make progress.

As for some agronomy, this surprised many people. Because this agronomy has always been a subject that everyone has ignored, because since the West has not entered the industrial age, their research on agriculture has been less. They have a large number of colonies and a large amount of land, so naturally they will not seriously study agronomy? There are too many Western colonies and there is no food crisis for the time being. Naturally, there is not much demand for this agronomy. However, no one knows that in the next few decades, colonies around the world will start a wave of independence. At that time, Western countries also began to study how to use the least amount of land to produce the most agricultural products.

And later generations in China claim to feed a large population with hybrid rice, but how did this hybrid rice come about? In fact, I didn’t take the initiative to study it, but was forced out by the real environment. If there is no reality of lack of food and increasing population pressure, the scientist surnamed Yuan will probably choose other research directions. The reason why the scientist surnamed Yuan can get such a high honor and status, and even all kinds of media are blowing it up, is actually because his contribution to the population is large enough. Without his hybrid rice, the population pressure will increase, so his value is inestimable.

However, the population pressure in the world in this era is not great, and with the subsequent “collective suicide” of the two world wars, the population has been weakened even more. Therefore, only after World War II, when the food crisis gradually broke out, will all countries really pay attention to agronomy. However, the current agriculture is carried out around the industry instead, and it is completely a subsidiary of the industry.

However, Wang Guorui set up this agronomy independently, apparently to let some people who study agriculture have a feeling of “finding an organization” So they saw this award, and they all expressed their enthusiasm for it this award. When they heard that this award does not restrict any nationality or race, even Westerners can get it, so they all went to Chinese embassies and consulates abroad to inquire.

Even, they heard that the corresponding selection work has not been completely completed, so many of them even ran to “recommend themselves”. These represent bills, and each bill represents gold. Who wouldn’t be tempted? In addition to the various benefits behind, no one asks you to become a citizen, nor does they ask you to serve them. This kind of pie in Tianshan, who would not come here!

All kinds of scientists and engineers throughout Europe were also attracted by this ticket. This reward is really too generous. Because this bonus is almost 20 years of their salary income! With this bonus, they don’t have to worry about any livelihood issues for the rest of their lives, and it is enough to eat the bonus at home and provide for the elderly. So this made them all feel that this red note was very valuable, especially those engineers who worked for others, who were extremely jealous. Therefore, all those who think they are of a certain level have also taken the initiative to come and hope to win this take-off award. Therefore, Chinese embassies and consulates in various countries have also received a lot of self-recommendations, but it remains to be seen what their abilities and achievements are. (To be continued.)

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