Red Alert 1895

Chapter 823

Chapter 825 – Xingzhonghui’S New Backer

Wang Guorui did not find Hu Hanmin’s information from the Xingzhonghui agent list given by Akashi Genjiro, but Hu Hanmin has obviously received special agent training, which is very certain. Without special professional training, it would be impossible to deceive the military dogs deployed by Wang Guorui in the palace. Those military dogs could smell the breath of those who were malicious to Wang Guorui, but only those trained senior agents could prevent this smell from spreading. And later generations have studied that if a certain person is hostile to another person at close range, his body will emit a smell, which will make the other person feel uncomfortable. Of course, only a small number of people who have undergone special training can avoid excessive production of this smell.

And this Hu Hanmin has obviously undergone special training, and he still has an internal response in the palace, that is, the newly recruited female official Chen Shuzi. Chen Shuzi deliberately destroyed the metal detectors outside the palace so that Hu Hanmin could come in with some weapons. In addition, Chen Shuzi deliberately sprinkled some pepper on the ground to cover the noses of the military dogs. As a result, Hu Hanmin was able to come in with explosives without being discovered. This thought is really meticulous enough, and most people would never think of such a thing. That Chen Shuzi was able to obtain the most readily available pepper and other seasonings in such a fast time to solve the noses of those military dogs. The person who can react so quickly and make a plan is definitely not an ordinary assassin up.

“It seems that these members of the Xingzhong Society are not just backed by the Japanese? Who else did they get connected to? We must investigate!” Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui came to the secret prison of the State Security Bureau, and then met Hu Hanmin and Chen Shuzi, and they were obviously together. And Wang Guorui could tell that they were actually a “revolutionary couple”, which was really extraordinary! However, Wang Guorui still followed Baihezi, because only Baihezi could protect him on this occasion.

If it was a woman like Tanya, she would not be easy to keep alive. Tanya hit too hard. For many times when it is necessary to keep alive, it is difficult for Tanya to keep alive. This is also the reason why Wang Guorui asked Lily to protect him, because it is not easy to keep alive if Tanya protects him, or he will be killed by Tanya’s bullet. Either those guys committed suicide on the spot. Although Tan Ya also had the experience of catching that Takashi Hibiki, it was probably because Takashi Hibiki didn’t respond in time. Takashi Hibiki didn’t expect that he would be caught suddenly, and that’s why he didn’t commit suicide in time. The duty of Ryokan Linggai is to be an undercover agent, not to assassinate. So he wasn’t prepared. However, if the assassins were given enough time to prepare mentally, they would commit suicide immediately if they failed, and Tan Ya might not even have a chance to survive.

On the contrary, Lily is different. When Lily controls the other party, it can also prevent the other party from committing suicide. In this way, the probability of leaving alive is very high, which is beneficial to the subsequent interrogation and case handling.

“Hu Hanmin, isn’t it good? I’m quite courageous, so I came to see you!” Wang Guorui said.

“Fun Lord, kill if you want. Don’t talk nonsense!” Hu Hanmin shouted.

But Bai Hezi snorted coldly: “In front of me, it would be difficult for you to commit suicide!”

Hu Hanmin looked at Lily, his eyes were full of horror, it was obvious that Lily’s ability had surpassed his imagination.

“Okay, I don’t want to talk nonsense anymore, I have something for you!” Wang Guorui said.

Hu Hanmin immediately said angrily: “Even if I die, I will not betray my revolutionary comrades!”

Wang Guorui shook his head and said, “I don’t want you to betray your comrades-in-arms, I want to ask something else! I want to ask, where did you go for training as an agent, and which country did you go to?”

Hu Hanmin and Chen Shuzi remained silent, obviously non-violent non-cooperation. Wang Guorui saw this gesture of non-violent non-cooperation. They were not angry either. If the other party confessed so easily, he would not be a staunch revolutionary, and Wang Guorui looked down on them instead. Compared with those pseudo-revolutionaries who are fighting for power and profit in the name of revolution. In fact, Wang Guorui prefers those revolutionaries who simply want to save the country. Although maybe their methods are a little extreme, and they even want to assassinate themselves. But compared with the opportunistic bureaucrats mixed in with the revolutionaries, these real revolutionaries are still very cute. Everyone is thinking about helping the country and the nation, hoping that the country will become stronger. But everyone’s methods are different, but their hearts are definitely kind. So to some extent, Wang Guorui prefers those sincere revolutionaries, even if their methods are more extreme than those of pseudo-revolutionaries. But they really are for the good of the country.

“Okay! Actually, I still like you very much. You just used the wrong means and were deceived by some countries with ulterior motives. As long as you change your ways, I will not pursue it too deeply. This time I have already figured it out for you. The crime you committed this time is the crime of intentional murder of a politician and the crime of bombing. However, you are all attempts, and as long as you plead guilty, it can be counted as a confession. Then As a party involved, I am willing to forgive you. I can also help you explain those reporters, so that you can speak and express your willingness to forgive you, so that you can all get a lighter sentence. I have consulted with the judge. After these procedures, the attempted confession plus Everyone is willing to forgive you, it should not exceed ten years, or even seven years! At that time, after you come out, take a good look at this world, it is not as bad as you imagined!” Wang Guorui said.

According to the punishment formulated by Wang Guorui, there is one charge called intentional assassination of political leaders. This crime is relatively serious. If it is an attempt, it will be sentenced to at least ten years in prison. And if it succeeds, then in the case of intentional homicide, a heavy sentence will be imposed, and death is almost certain. Because Wang Guorui does not support the use of such violent and **** means to solve political issues. If such **** means are used to solve political issues, it will definitely make the country turbulent in the end, and assassinations will be rampant. Therefore, the crime of assassinating a politician was listed separately, and the sentence was aggravated. Even if there is a conflict in political opinion, it should be resolved through legitimate means. If all rely on assassination, is there any hope for this country? And Wang Guorui thought that he had given them a way, and didn’t block their way! Even if some non-leaders of the Xingzhong Society are willing to return to China, Wang Guorui is willing to pardon them. Even if they have been charged with crimes before, they can be reduced or exempted, and they are even allowed to form their own party. Wang Guorui thought that he had exhausted all his benevolence and righteousness. If he wanted to use this **** method of assassination to solve the problem, then Wang Guorui really had nothing to say.

“Mr. Hun, I don’t need you to pretend to be a good person!” Hu Hanmin said.

Wang Guorui said again: “Well, if this is the case, I think I know that you may be deceived by some countries. You advocate a republic, but have you thought about it? Those countries that support you, why don’t they build a republic, but support you? A republic? Think about it, isn’t it a monarchy to support your country? But aren’t they also very powerful, and then gradually realized democracy? Why do you have to overthrow me violently, and then you can implement your so-called democracy? !”

“Impossible, they all practice a republican system…” That Chen Shuzi immediately began to correct, but immediately realized that she had said something wrong.

Hu Hanmin looked at Chen Shuzi viciously, they knew they had said something wrong.

Wang Guorui smiled, he knew that his deliberate temptation had worked. What Wang Guorui said just now is a pun. In fact, Wang Guorui deliberately said that supporting their country is a monarchy, but he asked them to build a republic in China. This is hiding evil intentions. And Wang Guorui knew that there were two possibilities for what he said. One was to make the two of them doubt to a certain extent the country behind them that supported them. If they rebel and start a republic, then they may also have some doubts in their hearts. In this way, a seed is planted, and then they will gradually take root and germinate in the future.

But Chen Shuzi didn’t hold back, and directly said that the country that supported them was a republic, which was completely exposed.

You know, this era is not the post-World War II world of later generations. In the 21st century, almost most countries are republics, and monarchy is no longer the mainstream. But in this era, on the contrary, the monarchy is the out-and-out mainstream.

And this Chen Shuzi intentionally or unintentionally exposed that the country supporting the Revival Society is a republican government, so this is a fact, which is tantamount to revealing which country supports them. In the current era, the republican system of government is practiced, that is, those countries. And those who have the courage and ability to calculate China are nothing more than France and the United States. Therefore, a republic also narrows the target to two countries. Wang Guorui and the French don’t have much hatred, and the French don’t have much interest in China.

However, the Americans are different. Wang Guorui and the Americans have a deep hatred! Wang Guorui wiped out more than 100,000 of their troops, and few survived. Although Americans have little interest in China, there is a lot of hatred. Although the Americans may not be able to start a war with China again, it does not prevent them from doing some small tricks behind the scenes, such as making Wang Guorui disgusted, and it is not impossible to support those revolutionary parties to rebel. (To be continued.)

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