Red Alert 1895

Chapter 839

Chapter 841 – Traitor For One Day, Ghost For Life (Middle)

Wang Guorui looked at these people and snorted coldly: “Since you are helping the Japanese, don’t blame me for being rude. ~, send them to the court, and deal with them according to the law!”

Hearing this, those traitors also felt their faces turn blue, and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

“Your Majesty, we were also forced!” “Your Majesty, we were also forced, and we were also forced!” “If we hadn’t been threatened by the Japanese, and we had helped them do things during the Puppet Qing Dynasty, we would have It won’t be like this!” “Yes! Your Majesty, we are also here to overthrow the Puppet Qing Dynasty! When we help the Japanese do things, we are also helping to overthrow the Puppet Qing Dynasty!”…

These traitors, one by one, actually said that they helped the Japanese at that time, hoping to help overthrow the Manchu Qing Dynasty. They thought that doing so might save their lives, because Wang Guorui did not recognize the Manchu Qing Dynasty as a legitimate Chinese government and dynasty, which made them seem to have found a reason, that is, they helped the Japanese to do things to overthrow the puppet Qing Dynasty. They seem to think that in this way, they can obtain a reason for “political correctness”. Because they thought that Wang Guorui’s refusal to recognize the Qing Dynasty meant that they could be exonerated.

However, Wang Guorui sneered and said, “Okay, you still have such an excuse? Let me tell you, go talk to those dead Han people and see if they are willing to forgive you?”

Wang Guorui obviously didn’t take this reason seriously. What kind of stupid reason is this? Helping the Japanese defeat the Manchu Qing Dynasty is not only innocent but also creditable? Nonsensical reasons! Although Wang Guorui did not admit in the history books that the so-called Manchu Qing Dynasty was the legal government of China, but in fact this was just a political means, just a so-called political means, a political means of recklessness and a means to improve the nature of justice for himself. In fact, no matter how bad the Manchu Qing Dynasty was, it had ruled China for more than two hundred years, and it was impossible to ignore the past in this way for more than two hundred years. In fact, even Wang Guorui played tricks. But in fact, it is only political, and the common people will not approve it.

People still think that the Manchu Qing Dynasty was actually a dynasty of China, even if Wang Guorui also rewarded those who fought against foreign aggression during the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and built a martyr cemetery for them as appropriate? In fact, this is nothing more than a political means, not to mention that the people do not recognize it. Even Wang Guorui actually regarded the Manchu Qing Dynasty as a historical dynasty. It is impossible to ignore the past for more than two hundred years, so even if the name of a dynasty is destroyed, it is actually a dynasty.

And the Manchu Qing is actually a legal government in the hearts of most Chinese people in this era, so help the Japanese to fight the Manchu Qing? This reason has to be said to be ridiculous, even Wang Guorui can’t make it through! Don’t look at many people who scold the Manchus, but if foreigners come to fight the Manchus, most people still support the Manchus in their hearts. No matter how many angry youths there are in later generations, no matter how much they resent the Manchus, it is from the standpoint of the Manchus to start a war with foreigners. However, the vast majority of them support the Manchu side, and they all tend to sympathize with the Manchu side, even Wang Guorui is no exception.

But these guys are so kind, they actually think that helping the Japanese fight against the Manchus is to overthrow the Manchus regime? This reason is too absurd.

“Okay, okay, do you want to help the Japanese defeat the Manchus, and then allow the Japanese to take over China?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Your Majesty, we too…”

“Okay. Don’t talk about it, take them to the court. I think the evidence is solid and there will be nothing to say.” Wang Guorui said very bluntly.

Looking at these traitors, I also feel disgusted. These traitors betrayed their motherland and compatriots, and used their compatriots’ blood to dye their heads red to make money. But now they are all abandoned by foreign devils. But after the motherland became stronger, they could no longer claim to be Chinese with peace of mind, because the wealth and official titles they had gained by selling the blood of their compatriots had disappeared. But they couldn’t get the forgiveness of their relatives, friends and compatriots again.

“Some people are alive, but he is dead. Some are dead. But he is still alive.” Wang Guorui finally said.

Hu Ling next to him immediately flattered and said: “Your Majesty, this is brilliant!”

“Yes! In a hundred years of life, how can anyone not die? Sima Qian also said that death is more important than Mount Tai, and life is less important than a feather. They are like this, they are alive and they are all dead. However, they actually slandered those For the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the nation, I have no chance of bypassing them!” Wang Guorui said.

Although Wang Guorui does not recognize the Manchu Qing regime, he also gives certain preferential treatment to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the interests of the country and the nation in the current Manchu Qing era, even not only the martyrs of the Han nationality, as long as they died on the battlefield of foreign wars Everything is fine, even the Manchus. But this group of guys actually said that helping the Japanese attack the Manchu Qing was overthrowing the Manchu Qing. This reason is really absurd, and they really took Wang Guorui for a fool. What’s more, if Wang Guorui let them go, wouldn’t he be scolding those martyrs who resisted foreign enemies in the Manchu Qing Dynasty? So these guys must die, and they must not be let go, otherwise those martyrs who died in the Qing Dynasty would not come to Wang Guorui to ask for their lives!

Not recognizing the Manchu regime is one thing, but their martyrs who died in foreign wars must still be recognized. Even those people are eligible to be biographed separately in the “Records of the Qing Dynasty”, and will not be compiled as traitor biographies.

“Your Majesty, what’s the next step? During the Sino-Japanese War, there were many people who were traitors for the Japanese. Now we have no evidence at all! It is difficult for us to find out, especially in Shandong and Liaodong. , At that time, we didn’t have any evidence to find at all! The Japanese are not very clear about this kind of thing, and we can’t investigate it at all. The evidence of this year has been almost destroyed, and it is difficult for us to find suitable evidence. .” Hu Ling said.

Wang Guorui also nodded, there is no way to find out these evidences. Not to mention this era, many cases from the year when Da Song was appointed as a criminal officer to now are unsolved cases! Even after more than a hundred years, there are still more cases that cannot be investigated. It’s really not that easy to investigate a person in this era. The police cannot connect to the Internet, and their communication skills are poor. Often, investigations require visits, which consume countless manpower and material resources, and in the end, the gains outweigh the losses. None of the traitors who worked for the Japanese back then had much evidence to be found. If it is really released to investigate, I am afraid that all the financial funds of the whole country will be used for the investigation, and it may not be possible to investigate clearly.

However, Wang Guorui said: “Immediately ask Jun Zhixian to draft an edict that will last forever, and then send it to the parliament for deliberation. The edict on indefinitely investigating the crimes of traitors who betrayed the interests of the country and the nation, even if amnesty and corruption There can be no amnesty.”

According to the laws related to the edict of the emperor of the Yanhuang Empire, this edict is actually classified. The emperor’s edicts of the Yanhuang Empire are all established with a limited number of years. The short one is a one-time edict, which will be invalidated afterwards. And some are long-term edicts, and these periods range from one year, two years, three years, five years, ten years, etc. to several years. And the longest one is the eternal edict, that is, as long as Wang Guorui’s empire exists for a day, it will inevitably continue to be implemented.

Wang Guorui learned from past experience and lessons. Whenever the system of those dynasties became corrupt, there were many reformers who hoped to carry out reforms and save the country. But often at this time, there is always a group of vested interests who choose to oppose. And the biggest excuse for those objections is that this is the order of the first emperor, which cannot be changed as future emperors. In ancient times, under the supreme imperial power, the emperor’s orders were always followed by the law, so every time an edict was issued, it would be listed as an important later policy reference, and future generations could not change it.

And this is a headache for many emperors and reformers who are determined to reform. This is terrible! Once it is changed, it is unfilial, and it is denying the ancestors, so once the emperor is labeled as unfilial, the throne will not be stable.

Therefore, Wang Guorui also deliberately left the period of the edict. Once the period is reached, it will be invalidated. This can avoid leaving a loophole for the politicians and reformers who want to save the empire. Wang Guorui knew deeply that in fact, many reformers also hoped to save the country, and in the end they could still safeguard the interests of the imperial family. Wang Guorui sees farther than those ancient people. He knows that even the system he set up now will decay one day. There is no permanent system in this world. Once the system is not as good as productivity and, reform will become inevitable. Wang Guorui didn’t want to leave the so-called resistance to his descendants, so that it would be his descendants who would be damaged in the end. If there is no reform for a long time, the empire will eventually perish in decay, and so many dynasties are like this.

Therefore, Wang Guorui does not want to leave a reason for the opposition with vested interests in future generations because of his edict. Anyway, if reforms can be made in time, the worst result will be that the emperor loses his throne or power, but at least he can retain it. of life. But if a revolution breaks out, maybe all the royal family will be guillotined in the end. Even if one’s descendants of the royal family lose the power of the throne, it’s better than losing their lives! Therefore, when it is time to reform, we still need to reform, and we must not leave a loophole for future generations.

Of course, this long-term edict is not so easy to promulgate. All edicts that are more than 20 years old must be voted by the members of the entire parliament. An edict with a validity period of 20 years must be approved by more than half of the members, and an edict with a validity period of 50 years must be approved by 70% of the people. If it is permanently valid, more than 85% must agree.

Of course, Wang Guorui adhered to the principle of staying on the front line in everything, and also stipulated that even if the edict is permanently effective, it can be canceled instead of abolished if 100% of the members agree, instead of being impossible to cancel at all. (to be continued.) u

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