Red Alert 1895

Chapter 842

Chapter 844 – Cut Off His Future (Part 2)

Even for a long time, Kitashirakawa Palace felt a burst of fear, these Chinese people are really cruel enough. ●⌒Novel, although ordinary people don’t know what it means for Wang Guorui to let those mercenaries kill those children, but Kitashirakawa Gong Nengjiu is definitely not a fool if he can get this identity. Although he belongs to the royal family, but there are many people in the royal family, you have to support yourself! If you can’t afford it, no one will let you go up, even if you are a royal family. Maybe ordinary people don’t know what this means, but Noku Kitashirakawa quickly understood Wang Guorui’s idea, which was to cut off their future in Japan.

‘” These Chinese people are too ruthless. They actually killed our children, and these children are the future of our Great Japanese Empire. If once our children are in danger, then we When we grow old, we have no successors, and at that time there was a gap in the age of our population, it would be fatal!” Kitashirakawa Nonoku said angrily.

No politician is aware of the fatal consequences of a dislocation in the demographic structure. In an industry, once there is a gap in skilled workers, the blow to this industry will be extremely huge. The same is true for many industries. Without sufficient foundation, there will naturally be no top-level industries. The same is true for a country. Once there is a population gap in a country, the consequences they will bring are extremely huge. Once there is a gap in the population, when the old people die, those young people may still be studying. Those young people don’t have older people to help them, so how can they integrate into this society?

Don’t think that it is enough to record it in books, because most of the knowledge in this world cannot be learned from books. Society is the best university, this is not for nothing. Without the guidance and guidance of these middle-aged people, those young people grew up, only to find that there are big problems in this society. They are tantamount to restarting the construction of a qualified social system for no reason, which will deal a huge blow to a country. Establishing an industrial system is enough to cause headaches, but re-establishing a population system is really painful. Maybe the metropolitan country will go back decades, and this is the greatest harm of the population gap. If not done well. Maybe the country will perish.

“These Chinese people are so vicious, they actually attacked our elementary school students, are they still inhuman?” Kitashirakawa said angrily.

at this time. The Japanese finally understood the importance of humanity. They didn’t have any words for humanity when they slaughtered, but now they very much hope that the enemy can have “humanity”. But if there is no cause, where is the effect? When they killed people, they didn’t even consider that China would rise and they would face China’s revenge. They killed innocent people. Then don’t blame the Chinese for killing their innocents now. What’s more, Wang Guorui regards the Japanese and Russians as the first targets of defense, because only the Japanese and Russians have territorial claims on China. And the Japanese should focus on attacking, because the Russians may only want territory, but the Japanese want to destroy China! Therefore, between the Japanese and the Russians, Wang Guorui wanted to hit the Japanese first, and he would never show mercy.

Inside the palace, there was a telegram sent by North Korean mercenaries.

“Your Majesty, those mercenaries have already killed those Japanese elementary and middle school students. Those elementary and middle school students have suffered heavy losses. At present, no less than 4,000 elementary and middle school students have been killed by our mercenaries, and then we also give them bonuses? “

Wang Guorui nodded and said: “Bonuses must be given. Anyway, the bonuses of these mercenaries will slip back in the end. These mercenaries, they don’t know that the more money they earn, in the end we will use various means When the inflow came back, we actually spent at least a very small part of it at that time, and then it was able to drive the economy. Of course, in order to avoid some troubles, we still have to do some financial accounting. The process may as well make more preparations to avoid future domestic Some guys from here are talking nonsense. And doing so will not be good for our reputation in the future. These mercenaries are born to take the blame. It is very normal to take the blame for us. Moreover, next we will not only do things to children, but also Hands on their women, especially the younger ones.”

“Your Majesty, will it be bad for our reputation?”

“Let those mercenaries take the blame, aren’t they just taking the blame for us?” Wang Guorui said indifferently.

These mercenaries. Isn’t it the scapegoat for Wang Guorui and other governments? In fact, the mercenaries of later generations of Yankees are often scapegoats for the US government. It is not easy for the U.S. government to mobilize regular troops, but mercenaries can be mobilized without legal authorization, avoiding many political risks. Anyway, if the mercenaries die, they don’t need pensions, and they don’t have any social impact.

And if there is any accident at that time, it can be shirked to the mercenaries. So this kind of mercenary is actually the same as the “temporary workers” in some units in later generations in China, except that they are responsible for taking the blame for the Communist Party.

Of course, Wang Guorui would not admit that he ordered it. Anyway, his reputation will be bad at that time, and his body will affect the image of the entire royal family. Don’t think that when you were in power, others dared not speak of you, but once you died, a lot of people pulled you out and flogged your corpse.

“As for the white-eyed wolves with huge ambitions and unfamiliarity with the Japanese, we must definitely attack them. Usually, when you are strong, they will be as obedient as a dog, let him go east and never go west. But Once you are weak, they will bite you without hesitation, or even eat you back. These guys have no sense of gratitude at all, and these scumbags must not let them continue to survive for a long time. I It can be regarded as having seen through the actions of these island country devils. The lessons learned from the past must be guarded against.”

No one in this world knows these island country devils better than Wang Guorui. If you are strong, they will kneel down and serve you as lackeys, allowing you to beat and scold them. Even if they are willing to treat themselves as wives and daughters for you to play with, they are even proud of it. But once you are weak, they are the first to come out to bite you, and they don’t even want face. This is worse than those Western devils. Although those Western devils are hypocritical, at least they have a bit of face. They will not be the first to make a move, but wait for others to make a move first before sharing it. But these island country devils really don’t save you face at all, they are definitely the first to come out to bite you, so this kind of guy is the most terrifying. And it’s the closest to China, Wang Guorui doesn’t want these guys to rise up again in the future to make China feel bad. Therefore, if it can be weakened as much as possible, it should be weakened as much as possible, especially cutting off their future, that is, cutting off their offspring.

“Next, we will mainly hunt and kill those children and those Japanese women, and then make their population fault and cause their population to grow negatively. And we can change our strategy. We no longer target young and strong men, but It is to change into women and children. The reproductive development ability of a country is not determined by men, but by women. A man can make many women pregnant, and then the population will increase and recover rapidly. But if there are fewer women, then I Let’s see if the Japanese can have children through genetics!” Wang Guorui said coldly.

Although there are many patriarchal patriarchs in this world, Wang Guorui is deeply aware that it is not men but women that determine the growth rate and population stability of a country’s national population. Because a man can impregnate many women at the same time, but it is almost impossible for a woman to give birth quickly. And the number of women often determines the basis of population stability Between men and men, it is impossible to have offspring through sex. Therefore, Wang Guorui planned to change his strategy and attack those Japanese women and children directly, so as to completely cut off their future. Once they have fewer women, those men will be old and there will not be enough women to give birth to offspring. Those men will eventually die when they are old. At that time, the population of the Japanese will definitely drop sharply, and it will be a sharp drop that cannot be recovered. Even the ancient nomads, although they discriminated against women, they knew very well that women must be protected, because they knew very well the most important “tool” for Ms. Fu to reproduce. If there are no women, the nation will definitely be unstable, and there may be a huge crisis.

So for every woman you kill, it may be strategically more expensive in the long run than if you kill ten Japanese men. Just killing men is not very useful, as long as there are women there, their population can recover quickly. Therefore, Wang Guorui did the opposite and directly attacked those Japanese women. This can be said to cut off the future of their nation, because the long-term future of a nation is often pinned on women’s bodies. If you want to completely attack the foundation of a nation, then killing the man of the other party is far less effective than killing the woman of the other party. Killing a man is just to stop the boiling water, but killing a woman is a drastic change! But ordinary people may not see this, but Wang Guorui, who understands physiology, understands this very well. And as an emperor, with more than 20 women, he has a deep understanding of this point! In the final analysis, it is women who really determine the stability and development potential of the population! (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Search “” on Baidu to read the latest and most complete novels!

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