Red Alert 1895

Chapter 846

Chapter 849 – Reorganization Of The Vassal System (Part 2)

Wang Guorui intends to transform the current so-called vassal state system, because this vassal state system was established in the past when there were no powerful countries around. ﹍>>Let’s…==== In the past, there were no powerful countries around in ancient times, so everything was handled by China, so naturally I would not worry about others intervening, both as athletes and referees. But although there are still no powerful countries around, the time and space have been “closed” by the powerful communication and transportation capabilities, and the method in the past may not necessarily work well.

In fact, if it was in later generations, Wang Guorui knew that among the five gangsters of the United Nations, if the five gangsters join forces, they can completely unify the world. If the United States of later generations takes action, the Americas can be unified. And if Britain, France and Russia jointly take action, Europe can be cleaned up. In Asia, China can clean up those small countries that are not mobile. As for Africa, it is a grasshopper after autumn.

But why countries didn’t choose this way is actually because the future international situation is completely different. Wang Guorui knew that the future international situation would inevitably focus on peace. After two world wars, the wars became more and more brutal. He was definitely unwilling to engage in wars, especially wars between major powers. In this case, proxy warfare is certainly an important tool.

The reason why those small countries can survive, in the final analysis, is because the meaning of their existence is to give those big countries room to play games. Those small countries with many eyesight are actually specially allowed to stay in order to leave room for games between big countries. Don’t think that those big countries are so willing to tolerate the independence of those colonies. In fact, the independence of those colonies is actually a game between big countries, leaving room for the game. If several powerful countries fight face to face, the consequences will be very cruel. ﹎>>雅>文吧﹎`·==`–In the future, wars between major powers will be devastating, and it is no longer something that a certain country can bear. So in the future, regardless of whether there are nuclear weapons or not, everyone will use means of war in close quarters.

At the same time, a new game mode emerges, which is to use proxy wars, which small countries are used by big countries to fight each other, and to do a proxy war. The scale of war between small countries is relatively small. And avoid direct conflict between major powers. A direct conflict between major powers is very scary. This is why when it came to the War to Resist the U.S. and Aid Korea, the United States and the Chinese were out of their minds, but they didn’t declare war on each other. China fights in the vest of a volunteer army. But the Americans also came to war under the guise of the United Nations. Because once the conflict between China and the United States breaks out directly, the Soviet Union will inevitably be involved, but World War III will break out.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not let the great powers directly conflict with each other, otherwise it will destroy the earth. Everyone wants benefits. But it doesn’t mean that all human beings will perish together!

“In the past this kind of vassal state system, as the suzerain, we were only able to get some ordinary tribute, but we had to pay a huge obligation. Once they faced a war, then as the suzerain, I must come forward to help them resist, and once we dispatched If the army is added, then it will be easy to drag several major powers into the water. At that time, there will definitely be very serious conflicts between the world’s major powers. At that time, we may lose both, and then let a third party rise. The story of Deli. It’s not unknown to us. Part of the reason why we can rise is that there are many conflicts among European countries. One of the reasons is that we cannot unite and suppress us. If you fight to the death, you may end up causing the rise of other third-party countries. > Bar > _﹎–=-`–····-“

Wang Guorui knows that allies and enemies between countries are relative. Before the First World War, Europe was the center of the world. Their European countries used their brains to fight for European hegemony. But later the United States took the opportunity to raise it. This is a typical example of the snipe and the clam fighting for the fisherman’s benefit. Not only let them fight on their own, but then fan the ghostly wind next to them and light the will-o’-the-wisps, so that all countries can fight and clean up the mess by themselves. Then they can also get the maximum benefit with the minimum effort.

In later generations Wang Guorui once heard that the Yankees had a plan, that is, once they fought with the Russians and started a nuclear war, they would include China as their target after the war with the Russians. That’s because they don’t want the Chinese to benefit from their rise after the war. So it’s actually intertwined. The Americans were lifted up by the fisherman’s profit, and they naturally don’t want anyone to follow their path to rise. Therefore, if a war breaks out between the Yankees and China or Russia in later generations, he will also drag the third party into the water. This will definitely ensure that the third party will not become the new world hegemon after the war.

So Wang Guorui knows that China must avoid being involved in the First World War at present, at least not to be involved in the First World War prematurely. Because the First World War was a place that cannibalize people without spitting out their bones, if you get involved prematurely. Even Wang Guorui couldn’t bear the price he paid.

“Think about it, if we are involved in this battle in Europe, no matter which side we help, then we must be under great pressure. First, how much should we send troops? One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand? Hmph, two One hundred thousand people, in this world war, is not enough to get away with it! And if we send millions of people, it will be even more incomprehensible. If millions of troops pass by, then our logistical pressure will be extremely huge. The Europeans cannot deal with it. We conduct large-scale battles because their logistics cannot supply us. But once we change our identity, if we become the attacker, then we will also face this and that problem. We will supply by sea, then we It consumes a lot of money. Since ancient times, logistics has been a test of a country’s cities. The ancients said that eating an enemy with one stone will treat me at twenty stones. This is also the reason for the transportation cost. The real transport to the front line plays a role. Five percent is not bad. And in this war, if we send millions of troops and then have to cross the entire Eurasian supply, then our country will collapse.”

“So, in this world war, we can’t afford to provoke it and hide it! We can’t get involved too early, at least we have to make them tired, so that we can be the last fisherman.”

But Zheng Hong asked: “Your Majesty, can’t we avoid it as much as possible? Can’t we not provoke them? If we don’t want to fight, can they still take the initiative to attack?”

“That’s not the case. If we continue to maintain the political ties of these vassal states, we will definitely face being dragged down by them in the end. I don’t have the advantage of the Americans, so we can’t go to the stable Diaoyutai without any scruples. At that time Well, those foreign devils will not let us go, they will definitely want to drag us into the water. They can’t provoke us in the mainland, but they can do something to our so-called vassal state. Once they do something to our vassal state, according to the current rules We are embarrassed. We must send troops. Once we send troops, it is inevitable to be involved in this war. The vassal state is actually a protectorate. Once a war is launched against the protectorate, it is tantamount to a war against the suzerain , this is the current international practice. So these vassal states are a terrible place for us. Once the vassal states are attacked, we will inevitably be involved in the war. And the people in the country will think that our vassal states are attacked, We must send troops. At that time, we faced double pressure from inside and outside, so we couldn’t stand without being involved.”

“We are not like the Americas here. The Americans have worked hard in the past to successfully exclude all the influence of the Westerners, and according to the Monroe they have managed the Americas very well. So They have no foreign enemies, so they can play as they please without worrying about interference from outsiders, just like our China in the past. But now we in Asia do not have this condition, and the influence of Europeans is intertwined, so we naturally have to be careful. A little carelessness, I am afraid we It is very likely that they will also be involved in this war that eats people and does not spit out their bones.”

“So, I might as well allow some of our so-called vassal states to be independent in name, but in fact they are controlled by us. In this way, we can advance and retreat in a certain way. If we need to open up, we can put on the so-called North Korea or some The vests of other countries, and then go to fight. If we win, we can digest them through some means and transfer them to our hands. But if we lose, then we can use the method of gecko tail docking, so that North Korea and the like The two countries are responsible for it themselves, and we don’t have to bear any compensation or loss. We can stay out of it, so we can’t lose no matter what. This is a proxy war. Anyway, they win, and we will benefit in the end. If they lose, they will take it on themselves, and we will not take it for them. Therefore, we have left room for us to play games, otherwise if they are still our vassal state, we will be dragged down instead. At present The current situation is not the situation in the past hundreds of years. The situation has changed, and we have to change accordingly, and we cannot use the past vassal state system to measure the current international situation. Otherwise, we may not only be unable to obtain from the vassal state On the contrary, because of them, they will be dragged out of this world war that cannibalize people.” (To be continued.)

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