Red Alert 1895

Chapter 848

Chapter 851 – North Korea Support Treaty (Chinese)

The new vassal state system that Wang Guorui intends to establish in the future will allow China to control those vassal states from economic and military aspects, and they will become a symbol, a symbol of national independence. >8_>>- In the new era, it is not possible to annex any country you want to annex as in ancient times. If you want to annex, you must bear the side effects later. In ancient times, the country belonged to the ruler, and the ruler was a nobleman, and the other people were ordinary civilians, without any political rights and social welfare, their only responsibility was to support the ruler, and then let the ruler live Live a rich life, and even use your own life to protect the interests of the ruler, and finally get some meager so-called rewards.

But the era has come to this era, and the rulers of this era have gradually transitioned from the aristocracy to the citizen class. Although capitalists have great strength, they are all born in the ordinary citizen class. There is a close relationship between the citizen class and the capitalists. Citizens can become capitalists when they become rich. Although not all of them can do this, it is equivalent to having an opportunity. But once the capitalists lose money and the company goes bankrupt, they will return to the citizens. Therefore, the boundary between citizens and capitalists is not as clear as that between nobles and ordinary people in the feudal period. In ancient times, it was advocated that nobles are born with noble blood.

But this model can no longer go on. Although the world is still controlled by capitalists, common people have the opportunity to become capitalists. It is not like the model of the past generations of officials. And even if the capitalists are in the future, they don’t dare to go too far. Although the exploitation of capitalists is getting more and more serious now, the working class will rise in the next few decades and start to fight wits and courage with the capitalists. In fact, the Soviet Union came into being under such circumstances. It is not so much the so-called old horse’s thinking, as it is the desperate desperation of the working class, which just merges with the struggle of the capitalists.

In this way, after the capitalists know the strength of the workers, they will definitely start to gradually compromise, increase the benefits of the workers, and finally form a relative balance. >Well–=··-The political consciousness and various consciousnesses of citizens will rise further, and then they will gradually work hard for their own rights.

So if Wang Guorui swallowed those so-called vassal states directly. At that time, there must be a lot of chicken feathers. The cultures of the two sides have not been able to integrate well at first, will they be given civil rights by then? If they are directly given civil rights, that means a series of political rights, voting rights. Social welfare and a lot of supporting facilities. But if we don’t give them civil rights, what should we do with them? slave? or what? This doesn’t work either, although Wang Guorui still has some indigenous slaves in the Nanyang region, but Wang Guorui is actually very aware that slavery has come to collapse. Wang Guorui no longer intends to continue increasing the number of slaves. Those Nanyang native slaves are almost the last batch of slaves. Once those native slaves were exhausted. Or wait until all the causes die, and there will be no such thing as slaves. There may even be a small number of so-called slaves who have survived the past ten or twenty years. If they have not died, then maybe Wang Guorui will give them civil rights with “great mercy”.

Slavery is not long, this is an inevitable phenomenon. At that time, if those so-called vassal state colonies are directly annexed, it will inevitably bring a lot of bad things in the end. Whether political rights are given to them, whether social welfare is given, if not, it means that they do not enjoy the rights of citizens, and naturally they have no obligation to serve this country. So this is also an unstable factor.

But if they are directly given citizenship rights, how will the local citizens think in the end, will they be willing to distribute the wealth they have created to others for no reason? These benefits and various rights and interests are obtained in exchange for the labor, struggle, study, and even bloodshed of the original citizens. Let`··`-“If you leave it to your offspring, then everyone has nothing to say. But if some people have obtained these powers and benefits for no reason without paying anything to the country, can they accept it?

Many people in future generations hope to join those countries with good welfare, but those countries with good welfare are also very strict in review, if they are not talents that the country needs, or have made certain contributions to that country. That is impossible to acquire citizenship. Not to mention far away, it is not easy for people in China to migrate to those big cities and join the household registration in those places.

So annexing a territory is not so simple now. If it is the past feudal period. Of course it doesn’t matter, people don’t have much power and welfare to speak of, so naturally they don’t think that others will treat them well. But once you have power and benefits, why give them to those who can enjoy them without contributing?

“A lot of chicken feathers! I can’t swallow it, I barely swallow it, not to mention whether the economic strength can support it. And this is to encourage getting something for nothing! These days, if you want to expand the territory, you can’t solve it by force. It is fatal to have a lot of broken things behind it. Times have changed, and it will be fatal if you don’t follow the changes. In the future, you can only be responsible for economic control, but don’t integrate into it casually. Once you blend in casually, the consequences will be disastrous ” Wang Guorui thought.

“Your Majesty, is there anything else you want to say?” the butler Quan asked again.

The housekeeper Quan was also a bachelor, and he directly let Wang Guorui put forward conditions, and he almost didn’t refute any of them. Of course, there are many reasons for this. On the one hand, it is because he wants to gain the support of Wang Guorui and support their master to obtain the position of the future king of North Korea, so he plans to sell part of the future North Korea. On the other hand, it is true that he does not quite understand the meaning of these things. What is the use of China’s weapons and equipment system, as well as various economic control conditions, and even help to train the army, these are actually not experts in this field.

This North Korea is completely learning from the practices of China in the feudal period in the past. It is completely imitating, almost completely copying. They attach great importance to Confucianism and other knowledge, but they don’t understand economics, science, and even various other things. Even their ruling ideas are stuck in the thinking of the past hundreds of years. So when the butler Quan heard this condition, he didn’t think it was too much.

Regarding the provision of weapons and equipment, the Quan Butler thought that he was helping North Korea and supporting them. As for the adoption of the currency gold exchange standard system, in the eyes of North Korean bureaucrats who lack economic knowledge, they think it is nothing, and think that it was normal for them to directly circulate copper coins in China in the past. They don’t know the essence of money, and they don’t know that the essence of money is a general equivalent. So they don’t think this is too much, so they can be linked to China’s currency, which will help them ensure currency security.

They didn’t know that Wang Guorui would stab them in the back and make them suffer a lot.

“About this currency, our country’s currency has gold content, and the currency with a face value of one yuan can be exchanged with gold at a certain ratio. Of course, it can be exchanged only after accumulating a certain number, which is 100,000 yuan. But since it is the gold content, it means that it is real gold, so if we give it to you unconditionally, then some people in our country may not agree. You should also know this time, now my emperor is no more powerful than the past emperor , You can do whatever you want, and you have received a lot of restrictions. So, you all have to provide something to guarantee, what do you think?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Do you want something as a guarantee?” Quan Butler asked.

“Salt tax and customs duties, we will give you a sum of money as foreign exchange reserves, you use salt taxes and customs duties as a guarantee, and then we will send special commissioners to supervise and manage your salt taxes and customs duties. Then, according to the principle of installment payment, gradually What do you think about repaying our foreign exchange?” Wang Guorui asked.

“No problem!” Quan Butler said But Quan Butler didn’t know, this is just to start the money printing machine, and a lot of money can be printed out. Wang Guorui adopts the gold bullion standard system, which is different from the current mainstream gold coin standard system in the West. The gold coin standard is unconditional exchange, while the gold bullion standard is conditional exchange for gold. Therefore, the difficulty in the middle has increased by more than a little bit, so it also provides convenience for Wang Guorui’s currency. Not to mention Wang Guorui, currency has become the mainstream among foreign devils. Especially during the war, if there is no currency during the war, they will not be able to survive at all.

Under the gold coin standard system, the currency inflation is probably over 100%, but under Wang Guorui’s gold bullion standard system, five or six times is already normal. Of course, Wang Guorui and other officials would never say it out, they didn’t make fun of themselves.

As for those North Koreans, they are just white wolves with empty gloves. Just let the money printing machine start, and a lot of money can be produced, and the cost is basically nothing. At that time, North Korea’s currency has also become China’s pocket, and they can play with it as they want. There is no need to worry about it, and they can plunder their wealth through currency at any time. Currency wars are bloodless, and sometimes even get more than military wars. Economic warfare will be the mainstream in the future, and of course Wang Guorui has to plan ahead. (To be continued.)

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