Red Alert 1895

Chapter 850

Chapter 853 – Island Chain Beauty (Part 1)

With the signing of this agreement on aiding North Korea, domestic gentry and celebrities are also talking about this idea. Because in everyone’s eyes, North Korea is just a vassal state of China, and it has been like this since ancient times. But now Wang Guorui took the initiative to help them become “independent”, which made many scholar-bureaucrats from the old era feel dissatisfied. Those guys from the Conservative Party lashed out even harder, obviously scolding Wang Guorui and the cabinet members badly. Even some people who didn’t know the truth had some opinions, but Wang Guorui still went his own way and would not choose to obey.

Because this vassal state is indeed a huge trouble, just like the later generations of the United States, although they can swallow Canada and Mexico, they dare not. Because with the progress of the times, the cost of annexing a country is too high. The political and economic costs that follow are not what a country is willing to bear casually. This is the shortcoming of a citizen country. Those conquered cannot be easily regarded as slaves. After all, slavery is outdated and cannot continue to exist for a long time. Even Wang Guorui only intends to keep the aborigines in Nanyang as slaves for 20 years, and if they can survive 20 years, then maybe they can also consider giving them citizenship, of course, maybe one in a thousand of them None! However, if they are directly given citizenship without paying anything, the local citizens will also be dissatisfied, and the ensuing blow to the economy and people’s hearts will be very huge.

So instead of this, it is better to give them a chance to be “independent”, but secretly control them economically and militarily, and then make them appear to have an independent government, but in fact their military and economy are controlled secretly Yes, the benefits gained in this way are even greater. Because once you become a citizen of your own country, you can’t take advantage of it casually. Not only is it not for profit. Instead, you are adding burdens to yourself.

“Qiu Baoren, I suggest that we plan to launch a landing operation on the Ryukyu Islands recently, and then occupy the Ryukyu Islands. Then we will go all the way from the Ryukyu Islands to the Pacific Ocean, and finally occupy the Hawaiian Islands.” Wang Guorui said.

And Qiu Baoren also felt very stressed when he looked at the Pacific Ocean plan that spanned so far. He is from the Navy, and he knows that doing so will definitely require an expedition. At that time, the navy’s supplies and other things will also be under great pressure. . It’s hard to say what kind of difficulties will be encountered at that time. If it is playing Ryukyu, it is understandable. After all, Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. After being occupied by Japan, it was renamed Okinawa County. It is understandable to take it back for its vassal state.

But if you want to go to Hawaii on an expedition, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this kingdom? With such a long distance, is there anything that Wang Guorui can keep an eye on? With such a long distance, he couldn’t feel that there was anything he could get. What good is there to get. In this vast Pacific Ocean, there is not much to plot. As for plotting those fishery resources? Don’t be kidding, the fishery resources have not even been developed in the coastal areas of China. Where else should we go to develop the fishery resources?

“Your Majesty, what exactly do you want to do?” Qiu Baoren asked.

Wang Guorui nodded and said, “It’s actually very simple. I just want to curb the development of the United States!”

“Contain the United States? Are they worthy?” Qiu Baoren said disdainfully.

However, Wang Guorui emphasized again: “In the future, the United States will be qualified to compete with us!”

“Your Majesty, their army is so poor, last time we…” Qiu Baoren obviously looked down on the US Army. Think the U.S. Army is vulnerable.

“Qiu Baoren, you have to remember that in the future, the individual flesh and blood of the army will no longer be able to withstand the enemy’s steel and fire. In the future, human physical training is no longer the most important factor in determining the battlefield, but the second most important factor. One of the factors. Although the current level of training of American soldiers is relatively poor, even in the future, I don’t think it will be much better. But they are different in the future. Once technology develops in the future, maybe humans don’t need to use flesh and blood. When we come to fight, almost everyone is fighting in a chariot. At that time, a person’s physical fitness doesn’t have much influence on this aspect. So, when the time comes, do you think their training level is poor, is it still a reason? ?” Wang Guorui asked.

“But, this American is not doing well at the moment? It seems that there is no news from all over the world? Besides, don’t you have a relationship with the American dancer Miss Duncan…” Qiu Baoren immediately shut up, obviously He knew that this kind of thing was not something he could discuss as a courtier.

The whole world knew that Duncan was Wang Guorui’s woman, and it was not a strange thing. However, Wang Guorui did not restrict Duncan’s freedom of performance, but sent female agents to protect her by her side, and all of them could play a certain monitoring role to avoid cuckolding Wang Guorui.

And Wang Guorui also has some industries in the United States, and has a lot of cooperation with Americans, but now he wants to plot against Americans?

“Because the United States has no international news, don’t you think it’s scary?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Is this considered scary?” Qiu Baoren obviously didn’t know the meaning of it.

Wang Guorui said: “What is news in the world is nothing more than the so-called friendly exchanges between countries. There are wars, or open and secret struggles between countries. This is ‘news’.” At present, there is not much news about him in the mainstream countries of the world. No news means that they are not involved in the open and secret struggles among the mainstream countries. And what does this mean?”

“Let me tell you another story. Why was the Qin State able to unify the world? During the Qin State period, they had the natural danger of Hulao Pass, and then they could prevent the eastern princes from attacking Qin State. After Shang Yang’s reform, Qin State also had An important advantage is that it will not be easily involved in the struggle between countries. Among the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, all countries are fighting each other, and Qin is sitting on a natural danger, and then they can go out and fight twice when necessary. You can come back when you need it, and countries can’t effectively attack him. Therefore, countries often go to war with each other for various reasons. After they go to war, they will definitely lose, and Qin can If you cultivate your health well, you will be able to gradually destroy those countries one by one in a stable manner. Moreover, the Qin State’s idea of far-distance relations and short-term attack is also a politician who is very familiar with the ideas of the Communist Party, although At that time, there was no such word as *****, but this kind of thinking was definitely adopted.”

“And why are we in China feared by Westerners? Why did they help Japan during the Qing Dynasty? Why did they support the Russians when they took the initiative to invade? In fact, they supported Japan and Russia, all because of them. I want to find an opponent for the Manchu Qing, so that the Manchu Qing can not be stable. I will not talk about our ancient affairs, but how did the British rise? They adopted a strategy called the balance of power on the mainland. The geographical advantages of hanging overseas, use various means to contain the rise of countries on the European continent. When France was strong, they fought against France with other countries, and when the Germans rose, they united with France to contain Germany. Most of them will continue to do so, they It is all about supporting those slightly weaker countries, and then attacking the most powerful country on the European continent together. In the end, they will reach a balance that will not pose a threat to the United Kingdom.”

“At that time, the time has come to the present, with the means of transportation and communication becoming more and more abundant, the Europeans started their great voyages, and finally the United States became a colony, and finally successfully established an independent country. Then they came to our ~It is equivalent to bringing the East and the West together, so that we in the East have to be involved in the struggle of the Westerners. And they know the problem of our East, that is, the East is only a powerful country in China, once we have a qualified The government and leaders, China’s population and resources will inevitably make China gradually rise. In the end, it can even threaten the status of the world leadership of the whole of Europe. Although European countries play dog brains on Europeans, but they are **** On the **** side, they will also hope that our East will not rise, and then guarantee their leadership in Europe.”

“As for the world’s three major geographical, political, economic and cultural plates, Europe, our East, and the last one is the Americas. Isn’t the status of the Americans in the Americas similar to the environment and status of our China in the East? So I plan not to Can make Americans so comfortable, I plan to use these Pacific islands to form an island chain, and then use it to curb the development of the United States in our direction, force them to develop in Europe, and finally have to conflict with Europeans. Once they and Europe happen With the conflict out of the way, we can be almost very relieved.”

“And these three island chains, I will draw like this!”

Wang Guorui drew about three dotted lines on the map. If Americans of later generations see this, they will definitely find that these are the three chains that the Americans drew for China in the South China Sea region? These are the famous three island chains, and the Americans never dreamed that Guo Rui would use their actions to restrict them in turn. Wang Guorui didn’t feel ashamed of this practice of picking people’s wisdom directly. Instead, he followed suit and let the Americans dig their own holes. To be continued.

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