Red Alert 1895

Chapter 865

Chapter 868 – Add Chaos To Americans (Part 2)

“Don’t worry, those black people can’t make it. 8“=`·Their so-called Progressive Party for Colored People naturally limits the scope of party members to the so-called colored people. Although they keep saying that they want to protect The interests of people of color do not support any form of racism. But in fact, it is not up to them. Once their party members are all black and have enough power, will they breed ambition? Once they have enough power, they will Don’t they have the idea of retaliating against white people and discriminating against white people? The origin of an organization’s members often determines the mentality of the organization. This can’t be solved by shouting slogans. If shouting slogans can solve the problem, then the United States Why do white people still discriminate against black people? That is because their government is actually composed of white people, and their major ruling classes are actually composed of white people, and they are naturally protecting the interests of white people at the expense of black people.”

“And now, once the blacks are united and have enough power, once their strength expands to a certain level, their ambition will definitely increase. Ambition will increase with the increase of strength, and it is not so easy to decline. So once The black people have enough strength to unite. They will definitely think of rejecting the white people in turn, building a black country of their own, and even trampling the white people under their feet. They say that they are safeguarding the interests of the colored people, but in fact once they Rising up, the mentality has completely changed.”

“At that time, the white people will definitely stop it vigorously, and there will be no retreat. The proportion of black Americans is about 30%, while the proportion of white people is 70%. The proportion of white people may not be able to completely suppress black people. .But blacks are more united than whites. After all, blacks have been in the United States for a long time. They don’t even know where their ancestors are from Africa, but their natural skin color is enough to bring them together. But those whites are different, Those white people will definitely have a fight like this. ﹍>>Let’s go…====”

“They keep saying that they are not racist, but once they are powerful, they will definitely be racist. So we don’t have to worry about them, they will inevitably have civil strife. Their party constitution and ideology have very serious inherent deficiencies. Their The party constitution is not lofty enough, not lofty enough, and too restrictive. So we don’t have to worry about them being able to expand quickly!”

Wang Guorui knew that although the black man’s party was tightly controlled, there were obviously problems with their party constitution. Their party constitution keeps saying that it is to safeguard the interests of people of color. That means only people of color will join them, and those white people will not join them.

It is one thing for a party to strictly control its subordinates, but the party constitution and program they use to attract talents must also be sufficiently inclusive. Their party of colored people is too inclusive. It can only accommodate those colored people to join, and other people will not join. And they are defending the interests of people of color. That must have offended those white people. Therefore, their inclusiveness is too small, and their ideals are too “short-sighted”, and they cannot have long-term goals.

And why the Chinese revolution was able to rise later, it was because they did not represent the interests of a certain nation or the people of a certain region, but their ideals and programs were very “compelling”! For the liberation of all mankind, such a high “forced standard” is definitely very inclusive. It doesn’t matter whether it’s white or yellow, whether it’s Han, Manchu, Mongolian, etc., it’s all acceptable. Regardless of whether it is a southerner, a northerner, an easterner, or a westerner, anyone can accept it.

Therefore, the “competitive style” of a party’s program often determines the future of the party, and only by being able to expand its inclusiveness as much as possible. 8>-`=-`·==-=·`- Only then can more people join your party, and then fight for your great cause. If the “compelling style” is too low, then the audience will be very poor, and it is often limited to a very small number of people.

“The blacks are obviously too low in popularity, so no matter how powerful they are, they will only be supported by blacks in the United States. And even if they go further, what can they do? They will definitely become more and more chaotic internally, and we are for this The Yankees add to the chaos. Anyway, the greater the internal conflicts among the Americans, the safer we are. Only in this way can we guarantee our interests. Only in this way can we prevent the Americans from competing with us. As long as we let the Americans Chaos, when they think about the class struggle of black and white people every day, then we are really safe. Their internal turmoil, then we are the safest. If they are not chaotic, then we have A huge competitor. Only their internal turmoil can stop their industrial development, and even the industry cannot produce stably, and then we can develop with peace of mind.”

While Wang Guorui was listening to the report, the United States was in a state of turmoil.

“Black people go back, go back to Africa!” “Defend the interests of people of color. Oppose racial discrimination!” “Black people are not worthy of being president!” “Black people are also eligible to be president. This is the power given to us by the Constitution!”…

Many streets are full of black and white parade crowds confronting each other here, and those black people usually look stupid, they don’t have much brains at all, and they can’t deal with being bullied at all. But now this group of black people is obviously organized and disciplined, and they have been instructed by “superior people”, so they know how to use the existing laws of the United States to speak for themselves. Although this law was enacted by white people, it is now possible for these black people to take advantage of it.

As long as it is beneficial to yourself, you might as well take advantage of the loopholes in the law to benefit yourself in this way! Anyway, politics is nothing more than three grades, adapt to the rules, use the rules, and trample on the rules. At present, these black people have adapted to the laws of the United States, that is, they have adapted to the rules. Now that they are organized and disciplined, coupled with the guidance of an expert, they can be considered to have reached the level of using the rules. If they become stronger and stronger in the future, maybe after they enter the White House, they will be able to “trample the rules”.

“President McKinley, the situation outside is already chaotic, everything is chaotic. Blacks dare to form their own parties, and they all form their own parties, and then claim to want to be president, these bastards!” McKinley President Kim Lay’s secretary said.

But President McKinley immediately scolded: “It’s not the guys in Congress who actually revoked the positions of those black public officials. Aren’t they desperate? Once they are desperate, can they stop desperately? You blocked it How can his elites not despair? Once a person is desperate, he can do anything, don’t you know this?”

“But, that Chinese…”

McKinley went on to scold: “What happened to the Chinese? I really doubt how they became this congressman. They are so impulsive. Can they stop working hard? Those black people are completely desperate, they don’t believe us anymore They basically think that we are the ones who oppress them. So they went to extremes, and naturally they accepted the help of the Chinese and let the Chinese help them form a party, so that they can directly come and want to run for president? So still It’s not you idiots who make them despair. The Chinese are just waiting for us to mess up ourselves, and then once we get into internal friction, then we are really doomed.”

“Didn’t the United States suffer enough in the Civil War back then? In the Civil War back then, we Americans suffered huge losses. And why can we develop safely in the United States? Isn’t it because we didn’t have too many civil wars? We started from the founding of the country. Since then, there has been only one civil war. After the Civil War, we have entered a stage of high development. And once we have another black and white war now, can we stand this civil war? We managed to appease the blacks~www. And the black elites have also been ‘bought’ by us, but now you have done such a stupid thing and revoked all black official positions, so they are already desperate. Once those black elites Class, plus those ordinary blacks, and even the Chinese who have been fanning the flames, can they get out of trouble?”

The staff in the White House didn’t say anything, because the Congress was too impulsive this time. They were simply caught in the tricks of the Chinese, because they believed that the Chinese were interfering in their internal affairs, and in addition, the Chinese had wiped out hundreds of thousands of their troops in the past, which made them very hostile to the Chinese.

They are hostile to the Chinese, but they can’t do anything to the Chinese, so they can only focus on those Chinese “doglegs”, that is, black people. They think that black people are the dog legs of the Chinese, and those congressmen naturally pointed this tone at black people.

And those congressmen are all from different states. Most of them have not really looked at issues from the perspective of national strategy, so naturally they cannot effectively see the significance of those elites who appease blacks. So now that they have made the black elite desperate, they naturally have to use other means to fight for their interests. This component party running for president is actually an extreme method. They use this extreme method to prove their existence, so that they can further seize the interests of white people. (To be continued.)

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