Red Alert 1895

Chapter 882

Chapter 885 – 2 Heads To Eat (Medium)

Chapter 885 Eat at Two Ends (Part 2)

Soon, the Conservative Party was not an incompetent person, and they all soon heard that the Liberal Party had signed a secret agreement with the Chinese special envoy, and then showed that China began to support the Liberal Party in fighting. This made the president of the Conservative Party even more uncomfortable, because they had already suppressed the Liberal Party almost, but now the Liberal Party has risen again. They had planned to conduct peace talks, but now they have to face such a situation . If the original plan is followed, even if the conflict is resolved peacefully, it will still be beneficial to the Conservative Party, because the Conservative Party controls the government agencies, so they can gain a greater advantage and exclude those from the Liberal Party.

Originally, the Liberal Party could not overthrow the Conservative Party, and the Conservative Party also felt that the Liberal Party was very weak. The Liberal Party originally planned to resolve it peacefully. But now the Chinese have come to intervene, making the Liberal Party seem to see hope of victory, which makes them even more ambitious. They intend to directly use force to overthrow the government controlled by the Conservative Party, and then manage the country according to their own ideas, and then allow them to gradually transform the country into an industrialized country. With the support of the Chinese, the war between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party will continue. It may even be because the Liberal Party has the support of Chinese weapons and so on, and its combat effectiveness is stronger. This is of course very detrimental to the Conservative Party!

“Mr. Special Envoy, I would like to know why you are interfering in our internal affairs. Why did you sign a secret agreement with the Liberal Party, allowing them to use the right to develop the Panama Canal in exchange for your arms support? I want to know why you are interfering with ours. Internal affairs?” asked the Conservative president.

Wang Guorui’s special envoy shook his head and said, “Needless to say, we don’t know what you mean at all. You say we signed a secret agreement, do you have evidence? You can eat food but you must not talk nonsense. If you talk nonsense, Then I can sue you. You said we signed a secret agreement, please show evidence. The so-called black and white. Can you produce the original copy of the secret agreement? If there is no original copy, then how can you say that this thing is true? “


If the president of the Conservative Party can produce the original copy of the secret agreement, will he continue to talk nonsense here! Although they have undercover agents within the Liberal Party, it is not easy to obtain this secret contract. After weighing the pros and cons, he decided not to expose his undercover within the Liberal Party. Because this secret agreement is just a piece of paper after all. This piece of paper is nothing important. Treaties are meant to be torn up. If the implementation of the treaty is beneficial to both parties, then there is no need for this kind of paper to guarantee it, and both parties will unanimously implement it. But if one party is powerful enough, and the implementation of this treaty will not benefit them, then they will tear up the treaty without hesitation.

So the president of the Conservative Party will not be so naive, thinking that if he seizes a secret agreement, he can ask China not to continue to support the Liberal Party. Is this support for the Liberal Party just for the right to develop the Panama Canal? The Liberal Party hopes to gain power to control the government, the state machine, and then carry out reforms according to its own ideas. Therefore, both parties have common interests and common goals, as long as both parties have this point of interest. Then the two sides will have a basis for cooperation. This basis for cooperation will not disappear just because this so-called secret paper agreement is exposed. At that time, as long as the common interests and common goals of the two parties still exist, the two parties can truly implement it even if they do not use a paper agreement, and will not be mere “” “Waste paper” is restricted.

So don’t expose the undercover agent of the Conservative Party at the core of others easily. It is not worth exposing an important undercover agent for such a low-value thing.

“If you don’t have evidence, then don’t come to me!” Special Envoy Wang Guorui said.

The conservative president looked at Special Envoy Wang Guorui’s body, and almost couldn’t help but search him. Because this agreement is actually very obvious, that is, it is on the special envoy Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui’s special envoy was actually in his identity, without any cover-up. Nor was he a professional agent. He doesn’t hide things. He just put it on himself so openly, and he is not afraid of being searched by others.

“Huh, Colombia is not peaceful at the moment, so I hope you pay attention to your safety. It is best to hire some bodyguards. If there are no bodyguards, you may be in danger!” The president of the Conservative Party threatened.

However, Special Envoy Wang Guorui did not panic. Of course he knew that the president was threatening. However, as this kind of diplomat, if you are not threatened a few times, it means that you have not really entered the profession! If a diplomat is not threatened, it means you are an incompetent person. People don’t bother to pay attention to you, and they don’t bother to threaten you. Therefore, not only was he not nervous when he was threatened, but he was very calm.

“I don’t think I need a bodyguard, this is my best bodyguard!” Special Envoy Wang Guorui pointed to a small square and said.

This small square is the national flag of China, and then the face of the Conservative Party president was dark. Obviously understood the meaning of this special envoy Wang Guorui, China’s national strength is also the best bodyguard for him as a diplomat. In fact, when foreign affairs personnel go abroad, it is useless to hire as many bodyguards as possible. You are at their home court, they have the army, the police and other legal or illegal violent personnel, and they have mastered the state apparatus, so it is useless for you to hire more bodyguards. The so-called bodyguards are far more symbolic than practical for diplomats. If the country’s strength is not good enough, and people really want to attack you, then it will be useless for you to do anything. Could it be that your bodyguards can defeat hundreds of thousands of enemy troops?

Therefore, although Wang Guorui’s special envoy did not hire any bodyguards, the strength of the country behind him was enough to prevent him from being bullied by these foreigners. The strength of the motherland is the most important thing. What if the motherland has no strength even if it is rich? Those oil tycoons in the Middle East in later generations are all rich. Their money is so rich that they have no friends, and they can easily donate hundreds of billions of dollars to donate. But so what, if you have money, you can use it as a fart. Why don’t they be blown up by the big powers? If someone is “exploded”, not only will you not be able to receive “whoring money”, but you will also pay him back! This situation was not the same in China in the Manchu Qing Dynasty in the past. When someone “exploded” not only could not receive compensation, but had to post it to others.

The president of the Conservative Party knew that if he ordered to search the body of Wang Guorui’s special envoy, he would certainly be able to find the so-called secret contract, but it would be useless. The secret agreement was searched, so what can I do? Their Colombia is just a small country, much weaker than China. As for saying that the disclosure of this secret agreement gained moral support, this is completely nonsense. Morality is something that is not recognized internationally. Although they are sometimes so-called “condemned”, the condemnation is useless at all.

Could it be that the territory can be returned if it is condemned? Is it possible to make people spit out everything they eat in their stomachs after being condemned? So condemnation is useless at all. Could it be that the British, the French and those powers went to war against China for his so-called Colombia? This is simply a joke. What kind of green onion are Colombia, and how can they have the right to let a big country go to war with other people who are also big countries for your benefit? So even if he finds out this so-called secret agreement, it may be of no use at all.

Now the special envoy of Wang Guorui has nothing to fear, anyway, what can you, the President of Colombia, do? I rely on a powerful country behind me, and the strength of a powerful country is not something you can resist. Those western powers may go to war with China for the benefit of a small country like you, so it is useless even if this kind of **** is made public. Although maybe China will lose face, but that’s just As a politician, you have lost your face a long time ago. Are you still afraid of losing face? Anyway, at present, the common people in China will not think about the shame of the country. The so-called material civilization is the foundation of spiritual civilization.

Ordinary Chinese people are just barely able to make ends meet in China. Will they care about politics? In the final analysis, politics is not something that ordinary people can play casually. Only those with a certain material and economic foundation can be eligible to participate. Most of those angry youths on the Internet in later generations are probably too leisurely, because they have received sufficient education and work pressure is not high, so they are naturally free enough to care about international politics. But if you ask ordinary farmers to see if they care about this kind of international politics, who would care about it? Maybe ordinary people just care about their own lives. Only those who are too leisurely will care about international politics.

So even if they announce it, the people in China will not make a fuss with the government because of this international embarrassment for China. As for those rotten scholars, although they will make a fuss, so what if they scold them a few words? That is to say, those rotten Confucians entertain themselves, thinking that the common people will read the articles they write.

“So, Your Excellency, please remember that our China has not done enough, but it has more than enough to spoil your good deeds. So, I think the current situation of your Conservative Party is not very good, right? So I think your Conservative Party But there is exactly one opponent, so we can solve it very well? The so-called nothing is perfect in this world, and you are full of loopholes here, so what are we afraid of? So if you don’t agree to our conditions, then We will definitely make you suffer a big loss.” Special Envoy Wang Guorui said. (To be continued.) There is no pop-up window, and the update is timely!

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