Red Alert 1895

Chapter 884

Chapter 887 – Teikoku Oil (Top)

d In the northeast, in a place called Sartu, many workers are digging here with drills, and some people are shouting here with tweeters.

“Listen to me, the emperor took so much money to support you. You eat and drink well every day because the emperor is paying to support you! You must be worthy of the emperor, we have been busy here for half a year No, there is no result at all, can you be worthy of the emperor? If you are like this, then have you fed all the food the emperor gave you? The income of you people is already comparable to that of officials above the ninth rank of the imperial court Well, the emperor spent so much money to support you, is it just for you to waste it here? The holiday is coming soon, and in less than fifteen days, it will officially celebrate the holiday. The emperor has already said that everything that belongs to Royal property will give year-end bonuses. You have no performance these days. Are you embarrassed to ask the emperor for year-end bonuses? You are not guilty! Let me tell you, the emperor said that year-end bonuses are issued according to performance, one month One year’s salary. Hehe, if you can seize the time to make results within the last few days, there will be a lot of tickets! At that time, you must be rich, and I am afraid that the year-end salary equivalent to your one-year salary will be paid at one time. I’m afraid there are too few awards. So, everyone, work hard for me!”

In this place in Sartu, there are people drilling down here with drills everywhere, and these drill bits are all imported from foreign countries through special channels, and the price is very high! The alloy steel used for these drill bits is currently unable to be mass-produced by Wang Guorui’s industrial enterprises. And he adopted the method of importing part of it and letting the red police base produce part of it. Because this can confuse the public, and it can also avoid reducing the dependence on the Red Alert base. At present, Wang Guorui’s empire has gradually stabilized, and Wang Guorui thinks that he has to reduce his dependence on the Red Police Base.

As early as in the past, Wang Guorui also gradually stopped getting Red Police soldiers from the Red Police base. Even if a Red Police soldier died, he would not continue to recruit from the base, but recruited natural persons to train. This will certainly increase the cost, but it can avoid the dependence on the red police base in the future. If you have been relying on the Red Alert base, then of course you will save money in the end. But this country will definitely not be normal in the future.

Therefore, Wang Guorui would rather spend extra money to import some high-tech products through special channels, and then try to avoid letting the red police base produce them by themselves, so as to gradually reduce production and increase the factory’s production capacity. This is the normal way of development. Otherwise, relying on the Red Police base, the country will not be stable in the end, and sooner or later, those foreigners will take the opportunity to retaliate.

And the drill bits used for drilling were imported by foreigners, and they were not completely produced by the Red Police Base.

“Manager. We have been digging here for half a year, but we still haven’t been able to dig out the oil. Is there any oil here? If we dig like this, can we dig it out? Moreover, if we dig out the oil, there is What’s the use? It’s almost Chinese New Year now, and people from other places are going home to celebrate the New Year. We’re still running around in this icy and snowy place, it’s so cold!” someone said.

The Northeast where Chinese New Year is about to come is the coldest place, much colder than other places. Originally in accordance with the rules. It should be to let them go home to prepare for the New Year, but the manager kept them down to continue digging, hoping to dig out the oil as soon as possible. Now that the end of the year is approaching, he is also quite anxious. Because the old and new legislations are used in parallel in China, and in the eyes of most ordinary people, the New Year in the old calendar is the real New Year. As for the New Year in the Western legislation, it is only for official purposes, and the old calendar is still used by the people.

Even when the company distributes year-end bonuses, it follows the old tradition. After all, many bosses usually distribute some bacon or other things to employees at the end of the year. But this time in Wang Guorui’s royal property, it’s not that complicated. The year-end bonus will be issued directly, and there will be no extra bacon or anything. In this way, everyone feels okay, after all, having a bonus is much more practical than bacon. Compared with those bacon, these workers who are in the accumulation stage value money more than those bacon or other benefits.

However, this year-end bonus is given according to the company’s performance, and will not be given unprincipled. Companies with more performance will get more, and then divide it layer by layer, and whoever does more will naturally get more. So there are some people who have contributed a lot and made a lot of credit. It is completely possible to get a full extra year’s salary. If you don’t work hard, you only get half a month’s salary. Those who can do it will eat meat, and those who can’t do it will eat leftovers at most.

However, the engineer in charge of drilling the oil field has not done anything in the past six months. If there is no accident, the year-end bonus may be very sad. How could the manager bear it? He took the initiative to force those employees to work overtime, so as to try to see if he could get a year-end bonus at the end of the year. If it can be dug out in the last few days, then the year-end bonus will be settled this year. But if you wait until after the Chinese New Year to dig it out, you will have to wait until next year. Everyone hopes to get the money as soon as possible, instead of leaving it in the owner’s hands for a year! Even if the owner is the emperor, the reputation is good, but everyone still thinks that what they hold in their hands is their own.

“Manager, I think it’s better for the brothers to take a break! Everyone has worked hard in the past six months! Everyone is exhausted in this cold winter. If we don’t rest, we will all be finished. Besides, other people’s homes are also preparing for the New Year. We But working in a world of ice and snow, this is too…” Someone finally couldn’t help it.

And the manager saw that everyone was tired, and finally pleaded: “Everyone, everyone, for the sake of this year-end bonus, let’s fight it once! Just once? If it doesn’t come out this time, then I will let it go.” How are you all going back for the New Year?”

“Okay! For the last time, I hope the emperor will bless us!” said the workers.

Soon, everyone started working again, and then prepared to make this last “gamble”. Because they actually don’t have much hope, because they have been digging for half a year. At first, Wang Guorui pointed to a general place on the map, but they were about to dispatch all of them immediately, and then began to compete with the land here for half a year! In the past six months, they have really felt the feeling of moving their mouths above and breaking their legs while running below. Wang Guorui pointed to a random place, and they dug here day and night. But if it wasn’t for Wang Guorui’s promise that as long as the so-called oil is dug out, then they can all get a year-end bonus equivalent to the minimum annual salary. You must know that this year-end bonus, which is equivalent to one year’s salary, is really not much! Even those who contribute a lot can get a salary equivalent to two or three years, so who is not tempted.

Everyone who works for one year earns two or three years’ wages is jealous. But they are getting more and more desperate now, and there has been no sign of success at all for half a year. If the wages were not paid as usual, they might not be willing to stay any longer. This time they finally want to go home for the New Year, but they still have to compete here, it is impossible to have no resentment!

When several so-called “bricksmen” analyzed the map for a while, they found a place, and said to them: “You dig here, many possibilities have been ruled out before, and we are here today.” Drill here, drill hard, I think you should be able to drill out the oil!”

These “bricks” are also very concerned, and they are even more concerned than ordinary workers. You must know that their year-end bonuses are definitely not low! Their salary is at least ten times that of ordinary workers, which means that their year-end bonus is at least ten times that of ordinary workers, so they care more about these things than ordinary workers.

So dig it out as soon as possible, that’s the best.

“Black, black, black…”

Those oil workers began to drill hard into the ground, and then watched the drill bit get deeper and deeper, and the drill bit often penetrated thousands of meters underground! If it is an ordinary drill bit, it cannot withstand such a deep drilling. Only high-strength alloys can do this. Even if it is an ordinary steel drill bit, I am afraid that it will be blunt within a hundred meters, so if this drill bit has to dig down so deep, it is definitely not something ordinary people can they are very strenuous , and then everyone looked at this thing carefully, hoping to dig it out as soon as possible. As long as the oil is dug out, the next step is to really make a lot of money.

“Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper!” those “bricks” shouted.

When the well is getting deeper and deeper, and then it will soon go deeper, hoping to drill out the so-called oil.


Everyone suddenly seemed to hear a sound, and then a sound like a stream of water rushed up. Most people don’t know what’s going on, but suddenly a burst of black and extremely viscous liquid began to spew up, which shocked everyone.

“Oil is coming out, oil is coming out, dig out and we’ve got oil out!” someone shouted immediately.

“Long live the emperor, the oil has been dug out!” “Long live, the oil has finally been dug out!” “Half a year of hard work was not in vain, and the oil has finally been dug out!” “Hurry up and write it down, this is a self-spraying oil well, prepare well, this one But the oil well!” “Have someone send a telegram, this is our oil workers’ most important New Year’s gift to the emperor!” (To be continued.) c

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