Red Alert 1895

Chapter 897

Chapter 900 – Broken Literati (Part 2)

dIf we say that the first impression of these shabby literati on the State Security Bureau is actually similar to that of Dongchang Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty, they were all people who served as lackeys for the emperor. But in fact, the State Security Bureau has greater power, but it is also smaller. They have more power because they are not only responsible for some special tasks assigned by Wang Guorui, but also responsible for internal defense and pulling out those traitors. Moreover, they are not only responsible for these, they are also responsible for combating some cults, some people with extreme political ideas, and those who try to use violent means, such as some terrorist means in later generations, to achieve their own political goals. The targets they attack are, for example, some so-called anarchists who are popular internationally.

Don’t think that there are no so-called terrorists in this era, it’s just that what the terrorists of this era believe in is not religion, but political thought. Many anarchists use various means to act, and they often attack innocent people, so these guys are also included in the targets of attack.

These jurisdictions are wider, and this State Security Bureau has a larger scope of authority than the management of Jinyi Weidong Factory in the past. However, they also have a smaller side. In particular, they don’t have the right to directly kill people without being responsible like Dongchang Jinyiwei in the past. They must have real evidence and be violently resisted by the other party before they can kill. And if they can be captured alive, they must try to capture them alive. . So their power over life and death is far less than that of Dongchang Jinyiwei, so they are still relatively small.

However, for these run-down literati, there is no difference at all in this regard, so they still think that the State Security Bureau is the so-called Dongchang Jinyiwei.

“Take it away!” Hu Ling said.

The national security police at the back quickly took these people away one by one, and after they came outside, those literati were of course not reconciled. They thought that if they went to Jinyiwei in Dongchang, would there be any way to survive? Naturally, they were not reconciled and wanted to shout desperately.

“The imperial court has arrested people, Jinyiwei has arrested people!” “Dongchang Jinyiwei has arrested people. They are destroying freedom of speech!” “These Jinyiwei are destroying freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the right entrusted to us by our constitution!” “Our freedom of speech, You shouldn’t be arrested!” “Everyone, the court killed people because of their words!” “The court did not respect credibility, and killed people because of their words!”…

Those run-of-the-mill literati who were arrested started shouting one by one, obviously very unwilling to be arrested just like this. They hoped to draw attention to those who were also literati, and then let them arouse their fear of Jinyiwei and Dongchang. Even the fear of those being restricted from free speech.

And these words really aroused the attention of many literati. After all, things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. This place is where the shabby literati often come. They are hypocritical and unwilling to be with those working people, so these shabby literati often gather together to meet and complain about each other, and then hug each other. keep warm.

The shouts of these guys really attracted many poor literati, and they looked here.

But Hu Ling was not polite, he took them away directly, and even used several cars for this. Specially **** these people. Cars are expensive too, and it would be great to have them use them.

In the interrogation room, Hu Ling looked at these guys coldly, and then was very rude.

“Hehe, are you going to tell the truth yourself? Or let me interrogate you slowly? If you tell the truth, it can be regarded as a confession for you, so that the sentence will be lighter when the time comes, and most likely it will not be fatal, that is, life imprisonment. As for the life sentence, if you behave like a little bit, and if you have better luck, you may be able to come out in the next fifteen years, not necessarily staying in prison for the rest of your life. However, if you stubbornly resist. Don’t blame me for interrogating them one by one. At that time, you will not have any share in confession or reduced sentence. Instead, you will lose your head!” Hu Ling said.

Those literati were also scared, and they all thought that this time things were not that simple, but in fact, no one doubted why the other party gave them extra money to support them. Let them write these swearing articles exclusively. But they also pretended not to know, because they thought that even if they got money, so what, anyway, is there freedom of speech? And they don’t curse people like this on weekdays? Anyway, they are used to swearing at others. Since they are just swearing, why not take money while swearing?

Anyway, it’s all about swearing, and you can still get money for swearing, isn’t it better? So they didn’t refuse, they didn’t know the serious nature of it. If it’s just swearing at people, then there’s nothing wrong with it. But swearing after receiving money is completely different in nature. Therefore, this group of legal idiots and political idiots have no idea what this means, so they think that crime is a two-fold thing, and there is no problem. However, they will fully understand that taking money and not taking money are completely of two natures.

They thought it was going by the way, but not everything in this world can go by the way. Although some things are the same anger under different circumstances, once some other factors are added by the way, whether it is political or legal, it changes completely. Let alone politics, there are many differences even in ordinary situations. When someone comes to beat you, and you resist and knock him out, then this is your self-defense. But if you stab him out of a revenge mentality, then you will change your nature, and everything that was reasonable will become unreasonable, and you will have to bear a life lawsuit instead. So, by the way, not everything can be by the way.

“We have freedom of speech, which is a right granted to our citizens by the constitution, so you have no right to arrest us! We have freedom of speech, so you can’t label us just because of our speech. Otherwise, you and the so-called What’s the difference between a feudal dynasty?” Someone said immediately.

However, Hu Ling was not angry, and just said: “Do you think we have no evidence? Let me tell you, your upline has been captured by us. Your upline has already been captured by us, and he is responsible for organizing your Write an article, and then contribute together. Even the person who pays you the arrears, so you should be familiar with it? Even, he has an account book that records how much each of you should get, and then records the source of the money. The money is also funded by foreigners, and then he is responsible for organizing you people to write articles, and then slander and attack our government and the emperor. And every time he gets a bounty from the top, he swallows half of it first The above. Therefore, the bounty you actually received is less than half of what you won!”

Hearing this news, those poor literati immediately cursed. They didn’t expect that half of their bonus would be deducted like this, so how could they bear it? So now they are yelling and cursing, making them all want to eat that upline alive.

I took the risk to write an article, but it was deducted by more than half, so who would be willing! Isn’t this method of plucking the wild goose’s hair a common method used by literati like them? But now someone actually used it on themselves, which made them very angry.

So they are not reconciled, obviously they want to start doing meritorious service.

“I want to do meritorious service!” “I want to confess, I want to confess!” “Yes! We all have to confess!”…

Those shabby literati said something to be honest, because since they knew that half of their wealth was looted out of thin air, they were also very angry, so they had a thought of “you are not benevolent, I am not righteous” , then sell them quickly, so that you can get a chance to confess.

“Hehe, it’s a pity that you have given you a chance just now, and you didn’t cherish it, so you have already missed this opportunity! What you know has long been worthless, and your so-called online has long been lost by us When the arrest came in, they all confessed. We didn’t torture him at all, and he also confessed. He even took the initiative to pull you out in order to get a commutation of punishment, hoping to get a commutation of sentence. But just now I asked you whether You are willing to take the initiative to confess, but you didn’t seize the If you seized the opportunity, you could still get a chance to confess and repent, but if you didn’t agree immediately, then you are dead! Keep them here and prepare to prosecute!”

“You, you, you…, you did it on purpose, you want to kill us? You decided to kill us a long time ago?”

Hu Ling nodded and said: “Yes, I know that you literati have rotten flesh and mouths. So I know that you will not agree to confess the first time, so I only ask once!”

Hu Ling was actually taking advantage of loopholes, the loopholes of the so-called interrogation law. According to the law, the interrogators must give those criminals a chance to confess their guilt and confess their guilt. This is a legal procedure. However, the implementation is actually quite flexible. Hu Ling knew that these guys were rotten, so he asked on purpose. Hu Ling knew that they would not confess so easily, so he deliberately asked once, knowing that they would not confess so easily.

Although the legal procedure must require the interrogator to give them a chance to confess their guilt and confess their guilt, there is no provision for how many times this chance should be given? Therefore, in fact, in the process of execution, one chance is the least, but there can be dozens of chances. Therefore, Hu Ling knew that they would not confess so easily, so the execution was just to give them a chance, and if they didn’t catch it in time, they would all be unlucky. (to be continued.) c

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