Red Alert 1895

Chapter 899

Chapter 902 – Don’T Take Money Indiscriminately, Don’T Talk Nonsense (Middle)

d “The emperor is here!”

When those poor literati saw the emperor Wang Guorui coming in person, they immediately became even louder. He even asked Wang Guorui to release these people who were about to be executed, but of course Wang Guorui would not let them go so easily. Because these guys are all people who have received money from foreigners to do things. This kind of person Wang Guorui knows the danger of this kind of person. Because this kind of people enjoy the power of the motherland, as a person of the motherland, they are constantly slandering the government of the motherland. Changing concepts and other means to fool. In this way, the majority of the people have also fallen into confusion of thinking, and then provoke the unity of the domestic people, plunge the country into ideological confusion and still make them hostile to each other.

Even deliberately promoting some extreme statements, which caused many people to misunderstand. For example, deliberately promoting the so-called ** or something, and then openly promoting the idea of hating the rich. It is openly said that rich people do not use normal channels to earn money and work hard, but rely on **. This is complete nonsense and a complete deliberate distortion of the facts. Although there are some people in this world who do not use normal channels to get rich, but since ancient times, people who get rich through hard work have been the mainstream, but when they come to the mouths of these shameless literati who have received wealth from foreigners, they immediately become rich one by one. None of the people are clean, deliberately inciting the mentality of hating the rich. Then distort the values and worldview of Chinese people, making them feel that their whole country is living in a world full of filth.

He even said that all officials are corrupt, as if all officials in the country are corrupt. But in fact, this is completely nonsense, they just caught a certain corrupt official and said that the officials of the whole country are corrupt officials. Isn’t this just like a joke? There is a saying in the West that Hitler was a German. Hitler was warlike, so the Germans were warlike. According to this theory, if some officials are corrupt, then all the officials in the whole country are corrupt. Some rich people get rich through illegal means. All the rich people got rich illegally.

Moreover, even if according to this theory, some Chinese are traitors, then all Chinese are traitors. These guys take money from foreigners. Just use their so-called culture to carry out false propaganda, and then use their self-proclaimed so-called “spider” status, and then carry out so-called false and misleading propaganda, and finally make many Chinese people disappointed with this country.

Of course, Wang Guorui may also have a deep understanding of how powerful these guys are, so Wang Guorui has to start from the source. Cut these guys off completely. Later generations of this group of guys failed to kill them all in time. As a result, these guys took advantage of foreigners and came to criticize China vigorously.

Now that Wang Guorui has experience, he naturally wants to kill this evil spirit.

Wang Guorui hates these guys the most. Although this group of shabby literati has not yet become the so-called “spider spiders” in later generations, this trend has already begun. Those foreigners will never stop their desire to subjugate China. They cannot use force to destroy China, so they will naturally use this kind of propaganda to disintegrate domestically. The once powerful Soviet Union continued to lose ground in terms of propaganda. As a result, the domestic society was in chaos, and the disintegration of the Soviet Union was naturally normal.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with simply killing these so-called down-and-out literati. Not Wang Guorui’s main idea. Rather, he hopes to use this method to tell those so-called literati that it is not so easy to solve. If they dare to mess around, don’t blame Wang Guorui for being cruel. For those who dare to betray the motherland, Wang Guorui will never show mercy.

“Do you think I killed people because of my words? Isn’t the verdict very clear, is it because of their treason?” Wang Guorui asked.

“Your Majesty, is it treason to scold you?” Someone said dissatisfied.

Wang Guorui replied: “Calling me is indeed not considered treason. But think about it, if you dared to scold an emperor like this in the past, let alone the era when literary prisons were prevalent in the Manchu Qing Dynasty. Even in the so-called heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Even Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who is known as the most open-minded to accept advice, is enough to make you unlucky! Do you think I will kill people because of some words that scold me? Do you think that the right to freedom of speech is too simple and too easy? I don’t appreciate it anymore?”

“Yes! The benefits that come too easily are often not cherished by anyone. So, are you just ruining what countless people have exchanged with blood and hard work? Freedom of speech is the blood and life of countless soldiers and people with lofty ideals. In exchange, did you get it too easily? So you don’t cherish it so much, as if you are holding a chicken feather as an arrow, so you just spray it so casually?”

Those literati were also afraid for a while. This is the first time Wang Guorui said so. They used to rely on the so-called freedom of speech, which means they dare to say anything. It seemed that this was the power they deserved, but now that Wang Guorui said it so bluntly, of course they were afraid. If they completely angered Wang Guorui, and then returned to the era when speech was not free, it would make them all feel scared.

Wang Guorui shook his head, these guys got the right to freedom of speech so smoothly, they seemed to really take it for granted. Things that are too easy to get are often not cherished. In the stage of compulsory education in later generations, many people do not cherish this opportunity to receive education. In fact, it is because they get it too easily. Instead, they think that this compulsory education is making them suffer. However, they have forgotten that in the past thousand years, no one had the opportunity to get this education. Only a small number of rich people and a small number of lucky people could have this opportunity.

Even many people in later generations did not cherish their own power, and those officials of later generations decayed one by one. Because they have not experienced the process of hard struggle, it is not easy for them to have this happy life, so naturally they don’t cherish it.

The same is true for this group of literati. After Wang Guorui established the country, their so-called freedom of speech power fell out of thin air, and they seemed to get this opportunity out of thin air. They naturally scolded as much as they wanted, as if they had no scruples. They don’t understand the essence of real freedom of speech at all. In their eyes, freedom of speech means saying whatever they want, as if they don’t have to worry about saying anything. They can even use this so-called freedom of speech in exchange for money. For example, if foreigners give them money, they can mention foreigners to say such nonsense and discredit the government.

Once they were found out, they held up the so-called freedom of speech, as if they were free speech, and they took the money as if they were doing something just. But they don’t know the old adage of the ancients at all, food can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can’t be said indiscriminately. What’s more, what is said cannot be taken back. They think that since they have freedom of speech, they can completely treat their speech as if they are farting, as if they don’t have to be responsible for anything. Freedom of speech does not mean that you can say whatever you want, and you can say whatever you want.

“Your Majesty, even if they say something that shouldn’t be said, they are not guilty of death!” someone shouted immediately.

Wang Guorui snorted coldly and said, “Remember, they were not executed for scolding me, but for treason! You didn’t even know their crimes, and you didn’t even have any evidence to say that I was executed for my words. Murder, can I sue you for defamation?”


How could those shabby literati know the relevant laws of this so-called new era? They didn’t have the heart to study the laws, let alone the laws of the new era, even how many of them knew the laws of the feudal era of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties? Many of those ancient Jinshi were admitted to the imperial examination, but they still have to be “returned” by those seniors to train them! One by one, these Jinshi were admitted to the imperial examination and had to enter the so-called Imperial Academy and various departments to observe politics and relearn the so-called ability to be an official. This kind of guy won’t need it after becoming an official after relying on stereotyped essays, and before they became officials, they all studied those stereotyped They don’t know anything about the law.

So, now they heard that Wang Guorui was going to “sue” them in turn, which made them all scared. Nima, this Wang Guorui is going to be the plaintiff himself, so aren’t they looking for death by themselves? When the time comes, Wang Guorui will be the plaintiff, both an athlete and a referee. It’s no wonder they didn’t lose the lawsuit!

“Okay, have you said enough? Listen to me!” Wang Guorui said seriously angrily.

“Please speak, Your Majesty!” Those guys were taken aback, and then hurriedly said.

“I’m here to tell you that there are powers and obligations in this world. You enjoy the power, but you also have obligations. You used to participate in the imperial examinations of the Qing Dynasty, but you only enjoyed the power, but you did not pay the so-called Obligation. Do you think that all the power in this world can be obtained for no reason? Let me tell you, while you enjoy the power, don’t think that you can use this power to make profits casually. Even, it is used to collect money from foreigners. Wealth is specially used to discredit your motherland. Otherwise, you will be like them today. Money should not be collected indiscriminately, and words should not be spoken indiscriminately, understand? If you collect money and talk indiscriminately, it is very serious .Especially if you take money from foreigners and talk nonsense, then you are sure to die, understand?” (To be continued.) c

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