Red Alert 1895

Chapter 902

Chapter 905 – Restoration Of Hawaii (Chinese)

Tomorrow is 515, the anniversary of the starting point, and the day with the most benefits. In addition to gift bags and school bags, you must watch the 515 red envelopes this time. There is no reason not to grab red envelopes. Set the alarm clock

After three days of preparation, the Emperor Wang Guorui of the Yanhuang Empire personally received the so-called Queen of Hawaii as the emperor under the plan of the so-called secret leadership group for the restoration of Hawaii. The Queen of Hawaii “cries” that their country was forcibly annexed by the Americans, and then lives in Hawaii very painfully. The people of Hawaii “are in dire straits”, so the Queen of Hawaii deeply feels sorry for the people. Then she took the initiative to ask China to help them send troops to restore the country, and she was willing to become a vassal state of China, and even willing to sign a series of China support treaties and so on.

Wang Guorui didn’t care how the Hawaiian queen was “persuaded” by Liu Feng. He just needs to be responsible for following the script. Everyone knows that the Queen of Hawaii is a puppet and is useless at all. Then the Queen of Hawaii was also “deeply grateful” for Wang Guorui’s help, and even with the help of China, she successfully formed the so-called government-in-exile. However, what makes people feel funny is that the so-called government-in-exile is actually nothing more than some aborigines randomly captured from Hawaii. Even the prime ministers of these so-called government-in-exiles are completely illiterate, and one of the cabinet members of the government-in-exile still stutters. But no one cared about it, it was just an excuse to meddle in Hawaii’s internal affairs, and with this excuse, the script could go on. If there is no such excuse, it means that it must be troublesome at all.

“For this kind of act of casually encroaching on other countries’ territories, or even annexing other countries, any country with principles will not sit idly by. China is a country with principles and a big country with decent strength. A country that is willing to make more contributions to national affairs, is willing and keen to participate in international affairs, and then makes efforts to safeguard the legitimate interests of all countries, of course, cannot sit idly by. So we in China will adopt all Including force and other means to support the Queen of Hawaii to seek justice, and then restore her own national territory and re-establish her own country. Regarding the behavior of the United States that arbitrarily embezzles and destroys other countries. In this way, we express our profound condemnation. If the United States refuses to agree to Hawaii If the Queen re-establishes and restores the Kingdom of Hawaii, then China will help the Queen of Hawaii restore the country by all means including force.”

Wang Guorui said these words in an interview with reporters after the meeting, and those reporters quickly sent the news to their respective newspapers, and even sent it back to Europe by telegram. This immediately made Europe almost uneasy. Because Wang Guorui’s words are full of various meanings, making people feel that these words are very strange.

“What does this Chinese person want to do? They say that as a powerful country, they want to make more contributions to international affairs, are willing and keen to participate in various international affairs, and even seek justice for weak and small countries?”

This sentence gave everyone a deep interpretation. Because the meaning behind this must be very clear. Although this is just a public so-called “diplomatic rhetoric”, this diplomatic rhetoric is indeed very interesting. We must know that the so-called international society in the past was dominated by Western whites, and the so-called international society was dominated by Western whites, and there were no Asian countries that were willing and able to participate. In the past, the Manchu Qing also had this qualification, but the Manchu Qing was afraid that the people in the country would receive new ideas and then take the initiative to rebel. This allows them to continue their policy of closing the country and restricting international exchanges. Not keen to participate in international affairs.

Even this powerful big country naturally told everyone. China has begun to rise. It is no longer the so-called Manchu and weak country, nor is it the closed country. The next so-called contribution to international affairs actually means very obvious. Because what is “contribution” in international affairs is nothing more than a polite way of saying, in fact, it is to tell everyone that when they are arguing in the future, consider what I mean by China, and don’t ignore me. Don’t treat me with that set of so-called traditional thinking. What do you want to do in the future, don’t treat me like air, which means telling everyone that Lao Tzu is also capable, and you will be unlucky if you ignore me.

As for those who are keen to participate in various international affairs, don’t they just hope to compete for power, profit, territory and resources in the world? In fact, the so-called sounds so good. It’s just a bragging thing. This “diplomatic rhetoric” is actually telling countries that China’s current strength is enough. It is impossible to just live in its own territory honestly, but to actively fight out to grab the territory and grab resources. Benefits, all the veteran empires, just wait for me, our Chinese dragon is also coming to intervene.

As for what is for the legitimate interests of the country and all countries, then this is the beginning of a new division of the world’s sphere of influence. The so-called safeguarding the legitimate interests of all countries, if the country is strong, there is no need for foreign countries to help you protect the legitimate interests, because if the country is strong, who would dare to bully you?

This meaning is very obvious. It tells everyone that China will redefine the sphere of influence, and then help some weak and small countries to protect their own interests. Then these countries will also become a kind of China between colonies and dependent countries. In fact, it is A new type of vassal state, which only maintains the independence of the country in name, and is influenced by China to a certain extent in other aspects. Of course, how much or how deep the impact will be depends on their unique circumstances. In particular, some may only be affected by economics, but if some are like North Korea, they are deeply influenced by China not only from political economy to military justice, so that different dependent countries can arrange and control according to different situations.

This means that in the whole world, there will be another person who divides the cake, and this cake divider is not bad, and he is fully qualified to come and share the cake. As for the restoration of justice for Hawaii, it was actually the first battle at the beginning. After all, the first time a gang is established in any gang, isn’t it mostly to do some big things to prove your existence, and then let the major gangs around you also recognize you? This kind of international society is actually different from ordinary gang fights, but there are many similarities.

Since you are going to share the cake, you will naturally have to make some achievements, and at least prove your strength. If you don’t have the strength, you won’t be able to get the recognition of other “big bosses”, and naturally you will face being united and cleaned up. This is also for the whole world to see that he is also qualified to be the boss of a party, and it is not the kind of trivial matter. So, I just took advantage of this incident in Hawaii to come out and wrestle with the United States, so that they can see that they are also capable.

Americans have always adhered to the Monroe Doctrine and regarded America as their territory. Now that China wants to intervene in the Americas, it must be the first move. The whole world is watching this good show!

“Order the navy to be ready at any time, and then prepare to help this Hawaii restore the country. The Americans will not give up voluntarily, so we will finally use force to solve it. Of course, this force solution must be without any danger. At this time, Panama The canal has not been repaired, and it will take about a month for the Americans to come over. At that time, we can definitely solve it. And the current warships of the Americans are definitely not good, so they probably don’t have to be afraid. Their defense strength is very poor. The American navy and army are all parallel imports, so I don’t have to be too scared. So they can be easily cleaned up now, so we can prepare well next time, and then I’m afraid the Americans won’t That’s it. So the navy must give the Americans some power, but I guess I’m afraid these Americans are here to die, but it’s just an expression of their attitude. Territorial disputes between countries are often It is impossible to fight for others if they are So they will probably exclude some people to die, and then explain to the domestic parliamentarians in this way, that’s fine.” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui knew that this kind of territorial dispute was actually a lot of tricks, especially it seemed that some countries were arguing over certain small territories, and there were great results. For example, the conflict between China and a certain island country on a certain small island in later generations may actually result in a fight, although it seems to be very noisy. But this kind of quarrel, it is impossible for anyone to really start a fight, and it is impossible for the two sides to fight even if they are arguing hard. Because both sides are very strong, and both have nuclear weapons, it is impossible to put both countries into a nuclear war for this small island, right?

As for saying that the island country does not have nuclear weapons, this is just going to the grave and burning newspapers to fool the ghosts! Even the nuclear power plant has come out, you don’t have nuclear weapons yet? This is as absurd as a mathematics professor who doesn’t know how much one plus one equals! But when it comes to territory, it is naturally impossible not to quarrel, so the two sides quarrel, but it is absolutely impossible to really fight, no one can bear it.

It is impossible for Wang Guorui to send troops to the United States for Hawaii, so Wang Guorui will urinate blood in logistics. And the Americans are not much better. Whether it is by land or sea, it is a long supply line. In addition, the strength of the army is weak. Maybe they are just arguing and have no other means. Wang Guorui was not afraid at all. They might just be arguing, and it was impossible to really start a war.

ps. 5.15 starting point is raining red envelopes! Starting at 12:00 noon, grab a round every hour, and a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go grab it, and continue to subscribe to my chapters with the starting coins you grabbed! To be continued.

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