Red Alert 1895

Chapter 909

Chapter 912 – Scared The President To Death? (Down)

After about seven or eight hours, Wang Guorui received the report.

“Your Majesty, according to the reply from our envoy to the United States, it was said that when he went to the White House, the presidential palace of the United States, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was actually in charge of receiving him, and President McKinley of the United States did not know what was going on. Theodore Roosevelt acted. And he did not see this President McKinley, so there is no such thing as frightening or angering President McKinley to death. However, he was concerned that McKinley might be sick, and he was already sick , so coupled with the stimulation of this news, let him go one step further and die in a hurry!” Li Enfu said.

And Liu Feng, the director of the General Intelligence Agency, replied: “Your Majesty, according to the reply from our intelligence personnel who have been transferred to hide in the United States, according to the information they spent a lot of money to find out. It seems that President McKinley of the United States has just been assassinated.” , It seems that anarchists went to assassinate him. But it seems that he didn’t die on the spot, and he was rescued. But at this time, he suddenly heard the news of the declaration of war, and the result was aggravated by the panic, which made him vomit blood again Fainted, and then Zaiya couldn’t be rescued.”

Wang Guorui thought about this President McKinley, but he was not very familiar with the name of President McKinley. The only thing he remembered was that President McKinley seemed to have been assassinated to death. I don’t know anymore. However, Wang Guorui didn’t even realize that President McKinley died much earlier, and the circumstances of the assassination were also different.

Originally, President McKinley was assassinated, but he was assassinated in public, which caused a sensation throughout the country. In this space-time, President McKinley was assassinated earlier, and the assassination process was relatively secretive, and it was not known to the whole country. So after President McKinley was assassinated, he did not die, but was rescued back. However, perhaps the Americans are worried that the announcement of the president’s assassination will cause social turmoil, so in line with the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less. He chose to hide it and let Vice President Roosevelt take the place of president for a period of time.

But I never expected that China would declare war on them at this time. In this way, President McKinley was so angry that he became anxious, and then aggravated his injuries. The result is such a fart. This is really speechless, and the leaders of a generation of big countries were **** off. This is really too funny. However, there are many accidental factors in this, which resulted in such a result.

“Your Majesty, what should we do?” Liu Feng asked.

Wang Guorui replied casually: “You don’t need to ask me about that. Now I’m preparing for the New Year! The New Year will be three days away. Anyway, this war is declared but not fought. What are we afraid of?”

Wang Guorui actually knew that this war was actually declared but not fought. Although it was declared war in name, in fact the large armies of the two sides could not fight at all. It’s a brain twitch. And the Americans can’t even fight it. This war is actually nothing more than a declaration of no war, at most it is an international “war of scolding”. At most, the agents cause some trouble for the other party, and the main force of this “war” is actually the agents of both sides. Not a regular army.

So Wang Guorui is not in a hurry. This so-called “war” will not affect his status in China, nor will it affect the battle situation. The big deal is just to kill some agents, and there is no loss to the country. Therefore, the Chinese New Year will still be Chinese New Year. Anyway, there are still a few days left before the Chinese New Year. Let the people below them solve this kind of matter by themselves. If there is such a good opportunity, those secret agents will not be able to grasp it, and Wang Guorui will really doubt whether his cultivation of special agent talents over the past few years has raised a group of idiots.

However, for Americans. In this way, a large group of rumors have come out.

“Have you heard? The Chinese declared war on us, but the president was frightened to death!” an American soldier also sighed and said in a low voice.

Other American soldiers also sighed, because this kind of thing is too embarrassing. According to the U.S. Constitution, the President of the United States is the supreme commander of the U.S. Army. But such a commander-in-chief is actually such an idiot, who was scared to death by a declaration of war. How can this prevent their morale from being low?

So this made them American soldiers feel that their morale had been severely hit, so they couldn’t even raise the desire to fight now, especially now that the United States was leaking and it was raining overnight, and China had just declared war. The President of the United States was frightened to death. How can this not be unlucky?

“Dear citizens of the United States, we would like to give a special explanation for the death of our president today. It is said that our president was scared to death by the Chinese, so we must refute the rumors. Our President McKinley is an excellent president. He He is an excellent leader. It is impossible for him to be frightened to death by the news of a declaration of war, and he was assassinated to death. Some time ago, an anarchist assassinated President McKinley with a pistol, and McKinley President Kingley was also seriously injured. While President McKinley was recuperating, the Chinese suddenly declared war, which made our President McKinley have to rush to deal with official duties. As a result, he was in a hurry because the injury was not healed. Handling official duties, this is the reason why his injuries worsened and he died! Therefore, President McKinley was not scared to death by the Chinese, but he was still working hard for us in the United States before he died.”

However, these reporters are not vegetarians, they dare to say anything! These American reporters are much more powerful than Chinese reporters, and they immediately started asking questions.

“Excuse me, if according to your statement, why didn’t you announce the news of the president’s assassination and explain that the president was injured, why did you hide it from our citizens? Don’t we voters and taxpayers have the right to know the situation of our president? “Someone asked immediately.

And the US White House spokesperson cursed in his heart, this is actually a very normal thing. Because after the president was assassinated, as long as he didn’t die on the spot or couldn’t be rescued, it’s not appropriate to announce it directly. This time President McKinley was assassinated, but he did not die on the spot, and they were all rescued, and then the assassin was also caught. Since it is so perfect, why is it necessary to publish it to increase troubles? This kind of assassination is not something glorious, so they didn’t choose to announce it. And once it is announced that the president has been assassinated, it will definitely face tragedy. At that time, the people of the country will be panicked, which is also a trouble.

The assassination of any national leader will definitely cause a lot of turmoil, and the power vacuum will definitely cause suspicion among many people in the government. Moreover, if a president says that he is assassinated, he will be assassinated, and there will be no peace. It’s not surprising that the Americans did this. Many Chinese emperors were assassinated, so they would choose to keep the news temporarily and don’t say it casually. At least, get things settled first so that turmoil can be avoided. Once announced too early, it will cause many uncontrollable risks.

So if the Americans don’t announce it early, they have their own ideas. But the result was tragic. Because it was not announced, the Chinese began to declare war at this time. After President McKinley was assassinated, his body did not recover.

It turned out that this time was too coincidental, making people think that President McKinley was scared to death, which is the most troublesome. Because of so many coincidences, the anger of the Americans plummeted. So now they are all very angry, and those reporters seem to have found the news.

Because this time is too coincidental, those American reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, they are worried that there will be no news to come out! Obviously, the news this time is bigger, bigger news than China declaring war on them! Will the Chinese come to fight? Anyone with a little knowledge of geography knows that it is impossible for the Chinese to send a large force to fight. But the president of the United States was scared to death, that is definitely a news, a great These lawless American reporters, even the president dared to make fun of it, obviously the president was **** off, so Even more important than an enemy on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. Especially the president, it is very popular in the United States to criticize the president and the government. Isn’t the president just sent up by those capitalists to serve as a punching bag for the people? Well done, the president certainly has some credit, but he has some vanity and fame. But if the capitalists do something wrong, the president will take the blame for those capitalists.

“Please explain why you want to hide from us taxpayers and voters. We should know the health of our president and the condition of our president. But if you say this now, is that cheating our voters and our taxpayers? So, I have to wonder, is there some kind of conspiracy behind your back, that’s why you hid the news from us?” A reporter immediately asked.

“Is there some conspiracy?” “Yes! Is there some conspiracy? I suspect there is some conspiracy?”…

As a result, this trend has also become a so-called conspiracy theory, leaving them speechless. Therefore, the Americans are full of chicken feathers now. Such a **** thing is too coincidental, and then they can’t explain it clearly even if they are full of mouths. Those journalists want hot news, and they don’t care what the American officials think. (To be continued.)

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