Red Alert 1895

Chapter 92

Chapter 91 – Espionage War (Part 2)

“Arrest all the people on the list Mr. Wang gave me!”

In Tainan Prefecture, many people’s houses are full of chickens and dogs. But what surprised some people was the officers and soldiers who came to arrest people. They did not arrest a certain person or people of a certain class. Among these people are businessmen, middle and low-level government officials, and even landlords, beggars, and some so-called scholars. And these troops didn’t know what was going on, they seemed to be arresting people aimlessly, and they arrested them after giving them a list.

“Why are you arresting me?” “Why are you arresting me?” “You let me, a scholar, be with a beggar. It’s an insult to the gentleman!” “Yes! It’s an insult to the gentleman!” Qipin county magistrate, why are you arresting me?”

And next, Wang Guorui, the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War, will naturally come over to take a good look at these things that are eaten inside and outside.

“Lu Zishuo, I really didn’t expect that you, a seventh-rank county magistrate, would be the spy of the Japanese pirates?” Wang Guorui said.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Lu Zishuo asked.

And Wang Guorui immediately said: “We have investigated and dealt with your fornication with Japanese pirates, come with me!”

“All of you, arrest me and interrogate each of you severely!” Wang Guorui said.

Next, Wang Guorui began to say: “I will kill all those people who have liaison with Japanese pirates. Then all the wealth of those landlords and businessmen will be confiscated, so that we can get some wealth to continue to expand the army. As for the next step. Our The funds have been reduced a lot, let those landlords and businessmen take out all the silver that is buried in the cellar to be moldy and rusty, so that we can support us in the war!”

“Master Wang. Will this make people think that we arrested those people for money?” Hu Wei asked.

And Wang Guorui said: “I just hope that some people think that we are only arrested for money, and it is better to misunderstand!”

“What do you mean?” Hu Wei asked in surprise.

Within a few days, the news reached the ears of the Japanese commander Kawakami Caoroku. When he heard that all the undercover agents he had arranged had been arrested, he felt dizzy for a while. He was really afraid of something. He originally wanted to rely on those undercover agents to create chaos in southern Taiwan and cause losses to the squadron in front. But now they have pulled out all their undercover agents very directly. In this way, their undercover agents didn’t work, and they were all arrested.

In this way, the method that Kawakami Caoliu had worked so hard to think of was useless. Let his plan completely lose its effect. And Kawakami Caoliu also felt strange, how could good people be arrested, this is too strange. It stands to reason that many of them are Japanese and have stayed in Taiwan for many years. It shouldn’t be exposed! But now it was exposed, which obviously surprised him a little.

“Could it be that the list has been leaked?” Kawakami Kaoru suddenly thought.

Kawakami couldn’t help but doubt it, because these people are so coincidental, could it be that the list was leaked? But few people know this list, that is, a few people in Japan, as well as myself, and a few staff officers of the headquarters. If it can leak out like this, it will be very miserable. If the list is leaked, it means that there are enemy traitors in the headquarters. Then this is very scary.

“Commander, I don’t think this list has been leaked!” Akashi Genjiro said immediately.

“Oh? What did you say?” Kawakami Kawakami asked.

Kawakami Moroku couldn’t help thinking that this Akashi Genjiro also knew the people on this list.

“Your Excellency, Commander. According to the information sent, our people have not been wiped out, but mainly officials, landlords, and rich people. There are not many real poor people, so I suspect that the list has not been leaked this time. .It’s because our enemies are blackmailing people’s wealth. You see, these undercover agents are all rich people. And after they were caught, their wealth was quickly confiscated. Many irrelevant people also rushed to send To get rich, to avoid being caught in a catastrophe. So I suspect that these are some tricks of the Chinese army. They are short of money, so they want to extort the wealth of the people at all costs. And our agents are all caught in a catastrophe, not They were arrested by them as spies. And I think their so-called accusation of collaborating with our army is just an excuse made by the other party.” Akashi Genjiro said.

And Kawakami Caoliu continued to look at the relevant reports, especially Wang Guorui took advantage of this time to arrest many people in the name of fornicating Japanese pirates, and in other words, many people were also extorted from their wealth. This is enough to show that Wang Guorui arrested these people just to extort money. And many of his undercover agents are rich people, which made him feel as if Wang Guorui did it for money, not because he really wanted to catch spies. Kawakami Caoliu was also helpless, this time his spy was caught in a catastrophe, this is really helpless.

“Hmph, Chinese officials are greedy and extort the people without restraint. Can this kind of country not perish? Therefore, the world belongs to our Great Japanese Empire!” Kawakami Caoroku said.

Kawakami Caoliu didn’t have much doubts, because he didn’t think there were traitors in his headquarters. After all, these staff officers came back from China, so there couldn’t be any traitors. As for this Akashi Genjiro, he just made contributions to the Great Japanese Empire, so he should not be a traitor. And now Akashi Genjiro has also pointed out a “reason”, and Kawakami Moroku also thinks along this reason, so he naturally thinks it is so.

And Akashi Motojiro immediately said: “Our Great Japanese Empire has a long history of martial arts, and we will definitely be able to eliminate these lowly Chinese people and rule the world!”

And Akashi Genjiro secretly rejoiced that Kawakami Moroku didn’t doubt himself this time. Because he was considered someone who knew the list, he dodged in time. And Wang Guorui was also cooperating here, and he didn’t directly catch it, but made some cover. This made the Japanese think that Wang Guorui arrested those people because he wanted to extort money, and those people have now confiscated a lot of money, and they are waiting for Wang Guorui to take over. As for those landlords and businessmen who offered to send money, Wang Guorui also accepted it in full. In this way, not only can Akashi Genjiro be covered, but also a large amount of wealth can be obtained for the purpose of recruiting soldiers.

Wang Guorui has also been a little financially stressed recently, if he doesn’t want to find some way to get some wealth, then I’m afraid it really isn’t enough. Recently, Wang Guorui also asked those engineers to dig coal when they were not fighting. It was precisely because the engineers went to dig coal that they supported a large number of soldiers. If only relying on the silver, it would not be able to support so many troops, let alone those guns and ammunition.

On the other hand, Wang Guorui naturally doesn’t want Akashi Genjiro to be exposed, because Akashi Genjiro has great potential for future development, and if he can keep controlling him, he will definitely be very powerful in the future. If he was exposed as his undercover agent prematurely, I am afraid that the Japanese side will clear it up immediately, and then he will not be worth the candle. So in order to avoid the exposure of Akashi Genjiro, it is still necessary to make a certain cover.

“Then tell me, what should we do next?” Kawakami asked Roku.

And Akashi Genjiro immediately replied: “Your Excellency, Commander, let me go this time! I will personally reconnect those who have lost contact, so that we may be able to recover some losses.”

Kawakami Caoliu immediately said: “Okay! You go and re-establish contact with them, otherwise we are all deaf and blind in Taiwan, so how can we possibly defeat the enemy? This time we must set off a wave in the rear of the Chinese people.” Civil strife together, so that we have a chance! Judging from the current situation, it is difficult for us to make a breakthrough. The firepower of the Chinese people is not weaker than ours, or even stronger, so it is impossible for us to use some special means .As long as there is chaos within them, then we have a chance.”

And Akashi Genjiro immediately thought: “Hmph, UU Kanshu, are you still thinking about conquering Taiwan? The commander is about to launch a general offensive, so I’d better stay away at this time, so as not to be affected by the fish in the pond! Otherwise, those who The attacking comrades don’t know me, so I’m afraid I’ll be hurt by Chi Yu.”

Kawakami Caoliu didn’t know at all that Wang Guorui was about to launch a general offensive to fight the final decisive battle against the Japanese army. And Akashi Genjiro left at this time, just to avoid Wang Guorui’s attack. After all, Wang Guorui’s soldiers didn’t know that Akashi Genjiro was an undercover agent on his side. When the time comes, swords and guns will have no eyes, and the loss will be helpless. So leaving the battlefield at this time is not enough to avoid being killed by one’s own guns. But the Japanese army didn’t even know that there was a traitor inside them, and all their combat plans and various army deployment and defense plans had been sent to Wang Guorui, so that their defense line was in Wang Guorui’s eyes. There are loopholes everywhere, so naturally it is easy to decide to launch a general attack.

And Akashi Genjiro took the initiative to go to Tainan at this time, so that he could avoid appearing directly on the battlefield, and he could also get the secret protection of Wang Guorui. When Wang Guorui defeated the Japanese army, even if he did not complete the task, he would not be blamed for this responsibility, because no one thought that Wang Guorui would launch a general attack just after he left the Japanese army headquarters. At this time, even if he connects with those Japanese traitors, it will not be successful. (to be continued)

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