Red Alert 1895

Chapter 921

Chapter 924 – American Revenge

“President, our Springfield arsenal has been blown up. We just sent in to protect it, but they’ve already started blowing up our arsenal.”

Theodore Roosevelt was furious immediately: “Bastards, these guys are really shameless!”

Roosevelt really felt as if he had been betrayed. They still had some tacit understanding before, thinking that they could cooperate with each other. Roosevelt originally planned to wait until the expansion of the army on the government side was completed, so that they could properly search for those Chinese agents, and then search them all out. If these agents are allowed to stay here, it will certainly not be of any benefit. So Roosevelt hopes to expand the army as soon as possible, and then these agents can be cleaned up. But now that the Springfield Arsenal has been blown up, the speed of military expansion must slow down a lot. In this era, the most important weapon for soldiers is the rifle. If there is no rifle, how can it become an army?

But now that the Springfield Armory has been destroyed, the production speed of their rifles must be reduced, and the expansion of the army must be severely restricted. This made Roosevelt very depressed. They still had a tacit understanding before, but the Chinese turned their faces when they said they would turn their faces, which made him very headache. This face-turning is faster than flipping a book, it’s simply too hateful. So of course Roosevelt had to find a way to solve these problems.

“Is there any way to retaliate against them?” Roosevelt asked.

But immediately a staff member replied helplessly: “Impossible, Your Excellency, it is impossible for our army to cross the Pacific Ocean to fight the Chinese! If they can’t fight, we can’t fight either. Especially our navy is still there. During the detour process, the Panama Canal has not been repaired, and our navy has not been able to detour. We cannot directly engage the Chinese. Then we have no way to attack the Chinese now, so we have no way to retaliate against the Chinese what!”

“Then can’t we also send agents to retaliate?” Roosevelt asked.

But the staff still shook his head and replied: “Impossible. Because the appearance of us Americans is too different, then it is impossible for us to have any way to retaliate against them. Our agents are mainly Europeans and Africans. Once they When we arrive in China, we Europeans and Americans will definitely be vigilant, and then they will definitely pay attention. But they are different when they come to our United States. Our American race is too complicated, and our social structure is too complicated. So now they can Do whatever they want in our place. So they can hide everywhere in our place. Our social relations here are too complicated, so wealth gives them a living space. But when we arrive in China, they are still very simple. Their ethnicity is It is very homogenous. The ethnicity is even more homogenous. Even if there are a small number of people who are dissatisfied with the Chinese government, they may not be willing to help us. Because no matter how dissatisfied they are with China, they will not accept the consequences of helping us. Knowing that they will never show mercy to the so-called ‘traitors’. They can be said to be very dark under the traitors. As long as they are alive, they will always be held accountable for their crimes. Therefore, those who dare to cooperate with foreigners, now they I don’t even dare anymore. Especially when China is powerful, it will vigorously pursue those former traitors. Once they are discovered, most of them will die. Even a small part will stay in prison For the rest of their lives, they will have to serve at least twenty-five years in prison. No one is willing to take risks, so it is impossible for them to be willing to help us.”

“The power of the Chinese government is too great. If it were us in the United States, it would be impossible for us to have such a situation.”

Roosevelt also smiled bitterly. If the United States established such a so-called crime of treason, it would not be so easy. Especially this kind of full-scale pursuit of treason. It is simply inconceivable that the standard of treason should be set so low. But Roosevelt was also helpless, because the situation in the United States was too complicated to be like the situation in China where the race and ethnicity were very single. Although China claims to have more than 50 ethnic groups, in fact the vast majority of ethnic groups have a very high degree of Sinicization. Even if the Manchus have passed through for so many years, there are not many of them who can still speak Manchu. Even after more than a hundred years in the original history, the so-called Manchu language has disappeared. After more than a hundred years in the original history, there are only more than fifty of the millions of Manchus who can speak Manchu, and they are all old people.

So in fact, although China claims to have more than 50 ethnic groups. But in fact, most of them have been Sinicized, and they usually speak Chinese. A pair of attire is almost the same as that of the Han nationality, almost uniform. In this case, even if they claim to be of different nationalities. But they are also full of a sense of belonging to this China. Even if there are a small number of Manchu nobles, they don’t dare to do anything now, and they are honest. They know that China is not a weak Manchu Qing, and they can bully it casually.

In fact, this is the case. The stronger the country, the less likely it is that traitors will appear. Not only is it not easy for foreigners to overthrow the country because the country is strong, but it is also useless to overthrow the government. On the other hand, it is also because the country is powerful and has the ability to retaliate against those traitors and those who betray the interests of the country. So in the Qing Dynasty, there were a lot of leading parties and many traitors. Even when Japan said that it could not punish those traitors, the Manchu Qing did not dare to punish those traitors who helped the Japanese.

But now that Wang Guorui’s China has become stronger, it has begun to pursue those traitors with zero tolerance. Even if they are not dead, they will be held accountable. So who dares to be a traitor now, this means that the country is strong, and when it is strong, it can take revenge on those traitors and traitors, but they dare not betray the country. On the contrary, the country is weak, so they naturally dare to sell it. Anyway, with the backing of their master, they will not be afraid of revenge from their homeland government.

And the Chinese government has enough power, and its influence among the people and people is also big enough, so that they have increased their authority. But it is different in the United States. The American government has adopted the smallest scope of power, and they immigrated to the United States, and the national cohesion is not strong. In addition, their government power is small, and the law is full of loopholes. Those American litigators all admit money but not the law. As long as they have money, those American litigators are very rude and can help them get away with crimes.

There is no need to say more about ordinary crimes. Anyway, such crimes of treason and treason can be dismissed and beaten, and big things can be turned into small things. So under such circumstances, they Americans are naturally very relaxed and don’t have to worry about anything.

Americans are not the world policemen of later generations, they can do whatever they want. The current United States is not so powerful. In addition, their race and ethnicity are complex, their cohesion is poor, and there are a lot of legal loopholes, and the government has little power. Under such a comprehensive situation, the possibility of Americans betraying the country is much greater.

Therefore, it is generally because the government has great power and ethnicity is single, and on the other hand there are so many loopholes, so the gap between the two sides can be easily concluded.

“It is impossible for our agents to destroy everywhere in China, but someone can! Isn’t the Japanese a deadly enemy with China? We can let the Japanese come forward, and then we can use some peripheral support, and then we can let the Japanese escape smoothly What do you think of China’s siege? I think that although the Chinese navy has blocked Japan, we all have a way to break through the Chinese siege, right? We let the Japanese deal with them, and we do some peripheral support, so there should be no problem. Question?” Roosevelt said.

“Yes, I think it should be possible. Although we can’t play in China, but if we want to help a Japanese agent, then we can do it. Both Japanese and Chinese are of yellow race~www.mtlnovel. com~ and let them be deeply influenced by China. Even they have been thinking about China for a year or two, naturally they can have many agents who can speak Chinese, as long as they wear Chinese clothes and **** China If so, then of course they can be easily mixed into China, so we can use them naturally. The Japanese and the Chinese have a deep hatred, and they are irreconcilable contradictions, so I might as well take advantage of them.”

Immediately someone said: “The president is really wise. I think the Japanese will be very interested. Will the Japanese miss this opportunity to retaliate against the Chinese? At present, the Chinese are focusing on economic development. , have no intention of fighting desperately with the Japanese. According to the calculations of the Chinese, if they want to completely destroy Japan, the cost will not be worth the cost. So they are unwilling to go to war against Japan. Once the Japanese nation becomes ruthless, it is impossible to estimate, so We might as well use them to add chaos to the Chinese. We can’t just let it go, we have to let them know how powerful we are!”

And this American didn’t even know that Lieutenant General Akashi Motojiro, who was in charge of the army’s secret service leadership in Japan, was a senior undercover agent arranged by Wang Guorui, the intelligence chief in Japan. Let Akashi Genjiro be in charge of this plan, maybe Wang Guorui can get a copy of this plan faster than Emperor Meiji and the Japanese military cabinet, etc.! Letting the Japanese spies plot against China would be like sending sheep to the tiger’s mouth. Just let Wang Guorui deal with them. Actually, it doesn’t have to be so easy to deal with these Japanese spies! (To be continued.)

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