Red Alert 1895

Chapter 948

Chapter 951 – 2 The Best Way (Part 2)

Please enter the text Wang Guorui knows why Wilhelmina asked herself to award this Macau to Angelina. In fact, this is also related to her daughter, so she can win benefits for her daughter. As for whether there will be loopholes in the Chinese constitution behind this, Wilhelmina is out of control, and she doesn’t necessarily understand it. Especially she may not care about China’s constitution, she just cares about her daughter. But this is actually very normal. After all, Wilhelmina is different from Wang Guorui’s other women. She has to take into account China’s national interests. She cares more about her daughter. It is not surprising that almost every mother has the idea of seeking benefits for her daughter.

Of course, maybe this is because ordinary people don’t understand the Constitution, and they don’t understand the factors in it. Although countless people in this world keep saying that they obey the law, how many people can actually memorize every law? In fact, the vast majority of people just know that they can’t beat and swear casually, let alone murder, and the common laws of murder, death and debt repayment are not bad. In fact, these so-called rules were not learned through popularization of the law, and most of them were passed down from ancient times.

So how do ordinary people know so much, how do they understand the provisions of the constitution, and they don’t care about the loopholes in the constitution. But now that Wang Guorui is in this position, he thinks far more than ordinary people. Ordinary people may think that the emperor gave the territory to his daughter as a fief. Although this is unexpected, it is also reasonable. But the future will be different. Such a future will leave something unexplainable in the law, which will inevitably lead to greater conflicts and disputes.

“If this is done, it will complicate our situation in Macau. Maybe you all see my daughter, so there will be no problem. But the marriage situation in Europe is very complicated. If I put this One was given to Angelina, but in the future, European countries will also interfere with Macau for various reasons, which complicates this matter. So I think you should understand, and I think you must pay attention to this in the future One point. You can’t just use our Chinese thinking to measure, but also pay attention to Western thinking. It’s easy to cause problems if we only have our Eastern thinking. We have reached this era, and we can’t just look at our Eastern thinking Yes, it also depends on some customs in the West. Therefore, giving this fief to Angelina, the situation of marriages between families in the West will make the consequences more complicated. Not only will our internal territorial disputes become complicated, And in the future, our Chinese royal family and the West will be involved. This means that our two royal families have married, and when the time comes, our Chinese royal family will be involved in the Western marriage network, isn’t that very troublesome?”

“Now I am only marrying Mary in my own name, not a marriage between the two countries. You should understand! If I get involved in such a complicated marriage network in the West, then our various royal affairs will also be messed up. It’s a mess, so we can’t do such stupid things!”

Wang Guorui explained to everyone the various complicated marriage relationships of many officials and royal families in Western countries, which made everyone confused. If these Macao are really used as Angelina’s fief, then the West will definitely have various excuses to intervene in the end, and the consequences will be more complicated.

“At that time, once they become Angelina’s fiefdom, they will interfere in their personal capacity. If possible, we will be more troublesome. At that time, it is equivalent to turning a state matter into a family matter. At that time, can we still solve it by force? Is it?” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui also vaguely sensed the Portuguese’s idea, which was actually to use this method to complicate matters in Macau, which would not be conducive to the next disposal. Once Wang Guorui awards this Macau to Angelina, let alone the legal risks in China in the future, it means that at that time, those western countries will come to interfere with Macau with their crooked relatives, so that when the time comes How to do? Those complicated marriage networks in Europe can easily make them use their relatives to interfere in the internal affairs of foreign countries. In the West, the status of women is not as low as in ancient China, but it will also give them the opportunity to interfere with the blood of the matrilineal side.

If it is in the East, the inheritance is carried out by the absolute patrilineal line, and the same is true for ideology and morality, but this can effectively eliminate the opportunity for matrilineal blood to interfere in the internal affairs of the country. But the West is different. In the West, they interfere with matrilineal blood, and it is also common to inherit power from foreign countries. Back then, the Spanish succession war and many other wars were based on the complicated marriage network of those Western countries, which then became an excuse to intervene. So once this Macao is given to Angelina, it is almost equivalent to giving this Macao to European countries to interfere, so it will become more complicated at that time.

More troublesome things are yet to come. Once the royal families of foreign countries intervene in their personal capacity, it will be difficult for Wang Guorui to use government force to solve it at that time. Especially in the future, they will definitely face all kinds of troublesome things, because personal relationships are not suitable to be resolved by the government’s force, and then all of them are troublesome things. The internal affairs of the royal families of various countries are often defined as family affairs. Is it still necessary for the government to solve it by force? Perhaps in ancient times it was a world of chaos, but in this era, the family and the country have to be separated instead.

So once Wang Guorui gave Angelina the Macao award, the government would definitely be forced not to interfere in this matter, and Wang Guorui would not even have the power to make the government powerless to interfere. At that time, it was a bad thing, because if the government intervenes by force in the royal family’s own affairs, it will also cause loopholes in the constitution, and then the foundation of the rule will be unstable.

“So, do you know? If this is really done, there will be endless troubles. So we can’t agree to this condition. If we agree to this condition, the consequences will be disastrous. So we have to take this factor into consideration, especially In the future, there will be more risks in places, and then we must consider these future troubles. We can’t covet the current simplicity and convenience, and then leave us with future troubles. Therefore, we plan to continue to use force to solve it, and then recover this Macau. Especially But this time we don’t need to compromise with them, so we think our army is not sharp!” Wang Guorui said.

After all, Wang Guorui’s concept of family and country is very clear. He knows when to take care of his own family, but sometimes he has to think about the whole country. He is not like the kind of feudal emperor who thinks that the royal family represents the country and the country represents the royal family, but he separates them very clearly. He knew that although Angelina was his daughter, she would not become a Chinese princess. Although she is her own daughter, her surname is not Wang, but Nassau. Therefore, Wang Guorui must consider for the country, and it is impossible to directly entrust this daughter to her.

If this will leave a lot of future troubles, it will leave a lot of future troubles for the country, of course such a stupid thing cannot be done. Especially in the future, everyone must consider the loopholes in the law, especially the general trend in the future, that is, the monarch will gradually withdraw from direct rule, but will gradually “retire from the second line”, and then indirectly influence through economic and various other means. So no matter what, the constitution must be maintained on the surface, and the stability of the constitution must be maintained on the surface, so as to ensure that there will be no domestic turmoil.

In fact, as those with vested interests, what they are most afraid of is turmoil or war. Turbulence and war mean that the forces of all parties are reshuffled. A large number of people from the bottom of the past will collectively join the ruling class, and the original ruling class has a great risk of falling into the ruled class. This is what Wang Guorui is unwilling to do. Maintaining domestic stability means safeguarding his own vested interests. So no matter what the constitution, don’t make too many problems. Once the constitution has problems, you will definitely face all kinds of troubles in the future. The social turmoil at that time was not conducive to Wang Guorui’s descendants controlling the country behind his back.

Maintaining stability is a must, so Wang Guorui can’t be so stupid as to leave such a big loophole in his constitution, and it will be easy for others to use it to cause turmoil.

“Ignore Mary’s suggestion, just let Li Yuanhong enter Macau on his own initiative. If the Portuguese dare to stop them, we will solve them directly. We don’t recognize any Portuguese rule. If they dare to interfere with our internal military deployment, then don’t Blame us for being impolite! Dispose of it directly in accordance with our domestic military laws, without worrying about any international influence. Is there a problem with enforcing our own laws within our own territory? They know that force is not our opponent. If it is solved by this method, then this is really a miscalculation.” Wang Guorui snorted coldly.

“Okay, since that’s the case, let Li Yuanhong proceed as usual, so that he doesn’t have to worry about those Portuguese. If anyone dares to stop them and deal with them according to the daily army orders, we don’t have to be polite to those Portuguese invaders!” Qiu Baoren said.

Soon, forty-eight hours had passed, and Li Yuanhong finally got the order to move into Macau, and this time he was able to recover the lost ground successfully. (To be continued.) 8

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